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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - apartment in tel aviv
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apartment in tel aviv


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  8
Posted : Nov 4, 2008 17:56:04
hi, me and a friend want to move to center / south area in tel aviv,
we currently without any budget,
but we searching for a job now in the center area (we want to start working and then move to tel aviv immediately if possible)

also we want to bring a drum set and a bass guitar with a big amp (and maybe also an electric guitar or two with their amps, if there will be space at all for those

where in your opinion we can play with a lot and with big volume without that the neighbors would kill us? )

in that case i wanted to ask U guys who produce music with big volume, what your tips and suggestions

10x alot!!


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  778
Posted : Nov 4, 2008 21:55
Million $$$ question that spells the doom of many many aspiring Rock bands around the world! I hope Tel Aviv is more Loud music friendly than any place here in fukken India!           ********************************************
Guardian of the Eastern Dark.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  529
Posted : Nov 5, 2008 19:55
i suggest south florentin (abulafia st.), very artistic like and good people + low rent.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  130
Posts :  516
Posted : Nov 6, 2008 00:41

On 2008-11-05 19:55, XwhiteRabbitX wrote:
i suggest south florentin (abulafia st.), very artistic like and good people + low rent.


I even got to know they have those artistic buildings there which are made for artists alone - and function as a semi "Komuna"... 

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  8
Posted : Nov 7, 2008 20:04
what do u mean? is there something special in the 'from what the building made of' ? is the acustic better in that area?

or u mean its an area that only artists living there, so its ok to play loud? ..

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  167
Posted : Nov 9, 2008 14:45

On 2008-11-06 00:41, "42" wrote:

On 2008-11-05 19:55, XwhiteRabbitX wrote:
i suggest south florentin (abulafia st.), very artistic like and good people + low rent.


I even got to know they have those artistic buildings there which are made for artists alone - and function as a semi "Komuna"...

There was an active squat on Ben Atar st' but it got evicted by goons that were hired by the owner of the mikve few years ago.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - apartment in tel aviv
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