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Anybody going to Eclipse festival in Canada?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  601
Posted : Apr 28, 2012 01:28:49

Is anybody going to this or has been in the past? Just found out about this and consider going, but I've never heard of it before and would like to hear some reviews. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1191
Posted : Apr 28, 2012 18:46
i went 4 years in a row from 2004-2007.... '05 and '06 kicked ass and were at the same location where it will take place this year. its a very magical place on the earth, IMO; you can feel it as soon as you arrive. the only time I (or my friends at the time) have ever seen a UFO was during a psychedelic experience at eclipse 06. also, I believe the river has special healing should really go swimming at least once!

the sound system was always top notch, and the local dj's are all good; mostly str8 psychedelic, hardly any cheese or dark/trauma stuff. chill area is always really good too.

i really like the trance family in QC... very warm, open, genuine, funny, interesting. despite them living in their own little world, they are very receptive to visitors.

i recommend you go! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  202
Posted : Apr 29, 2012 19:28
I went in 2010. yes solid, well produced festival. good size crowd as well ,not too many not too little.

hope you can go
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  601
Posted : May 3, 2012 07:21
sounds good. thanks, guys. 
julien seyer

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  15
Posted : May 17, 2012 16:03
YEP!!indeed Eclipse is one of a kind, id say without a doubt that is the best trance festival on the east coast if not in north america, and ive seen plenty. If your not in europe.... you definatly should go.Big sound, big line up,big deco instalation,top notch organisation,everything usully run super smothly, and I guess that yes Quebec people are kinda funny and peculiar.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  601
Posted : Jun 5, 2012 23:51
got our tickets a few weeks back. going to turn it into a two-week road trip and see a bit of Canada while we're there. should be awesome.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  601
Posted : Aug 5, 2012 21:28
everything you guys said was spot on. absolutely amazing festival. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1191
Posted : Aug 6, 2012 01:55
yay! glad you had a good time. wish i could have been there.

how was the rest of your road trip through Canada? 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  601
Posted : Aug 17, 2012 20:20
Quebec City (the old town) was really nice. Even though it's a total tourist trap, it was still very pretty and we spent 2 days walking around. Montreal had this cool sophisticated urban vibe and i totally dug that. We randomly stumbled onto a Comedy Festival, where they had a couple of streets around the venue blocked off with tons of food, drinks, people doing various performances (beatboxing, breakdancing, funk bands, stand up of course, etc). So that was really fun. Spent a few hours in downtown Ottawa (Parliament Hill) and thought it was pretty cool architecturally/visually. Then we stopped by Toronto after the fest and I didn't really like it. Mainly because the traffic was just ridiculous and drivers were dicks. The highlight was just meeting up with some people we met at the fest. But I didn't really get a good vibe from the city itself. And then Niagara Falls is another total tourist trap, but I thought it was still worth to walk around and do the typical touristy things that people do there (particularly, Cave of the Winds).

Overall, we had a really good time. But Eclipse was definitely the highlight of the whole thing. Too bad it doesn't look like it's happening again next year (from the rumors I've heard). 
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Anybody going to Eclipse festival in Canada?
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