Antix - "The Hoard" EP (Iboga rec. oct. 09)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 20:32:40
Artist : Antix
Ttile : The Hoard EP
Label : Iboga Records
Format Digital Download
Release date October 2009
Tracklist :
01. Antix : The Hoard
02. Antix : The Hoard (Dousk Remix)
03. Antix : The Hoard (Magik Johnson remix)
04. Antix : The Hoard ((Pieter Borgh Remix)
In the wake of the excellent “Box of birds” released digitally and on the last “Set” compilation, Iboga has made the smart editorial choice of launching a few EPs to pave the way for Antix’s up-coming fourth artist album. This latest instalment features a handful of expert remixers. As New Zealanders, Barton & Hayden Strom have always been concerned with showcasing the musical talent of Auckland’s electronic music scene. Which is indeed brimming over with it. So, once again, they astutely bring a couple of antipodeans to the fore. Magik Johnson has already received the accolades of no less than Nic Fanciuli and King Unique, who have released some of his tracks on their own imprint. Pieter Borgh, on the other hand, is a new name who has bypassed the divisions to make his first discographic appearance directly in the Champions League. Dousk needs no introduction. His talent has been hailed across the electronic spectrum the hoardand he is one of the most in-demand producers, releasing exhilarating nuggets on the biggest labels around.
The Hoard - Original
Just as in the previous chapter of what is an already captivating story, Antix’s soundscape has again broadened its focus. Audio snapshots of daily-life, such as the noise of crowds or children’s voices are clearly foregrounded in a electrifying, goose-bumping 3 mn prelude, teasing the ears from the threshold of perception. These fragments of worldly experiences open onto Antix’s trademark, crispy, poignant, minor harmonies, their melancholic and drifting pads and gentle hisses and fizzes. Subtle percussion work and the weaving of tensed leads highlight the powerful drive of the meandering bassline, which grows grittier and heavier towards the end, securing a very solid yet ingenious dance floor approach. This is a fascinating new track, evolving constantly and smoothly with lush and sensuous orchestration, traversing a vibrant array of compelling moods. State-of-the art music composition.
The Hoard (Dousk rmx)
Dousk has definitely found the key to the hoard, and clearly thrives on the stash of gold he uncovered there. His protruding bassline has more droning vibes and rolling power, backed by his own catchy percussive tricks, tasty sample flourishes and synth rolls. All of which do not undermine the eerie overtones of the original: on the contrary. The Greek maestro plays into the dreamy register and magnifies it with in one of his signature breaks, even if this one, with its ethereal arpeggio, is more sober than usual.
The Hoard (Magik Johnson rmx)
Magik takes a progressive house and clubbier perspective with a hammering and panting rhythmic combo that stresses the original’s hisses and spices the rhythms with more percussion rolls. The syncopated and wobbling bassline is a straightforward appeal to the movers and groovers, bulging in the break and keeping the energy level at a constant high. A very different approach and a sharp weapon for the dancefloor.
The Hoard (Pieter Borgh rmx)
Pieter Borgh’s rendition thickens the foggy side of Antix, immersing the listener in a blurred-edged fairy-talesque atmosphere, especially noticeable in the nice break, while at the same time fortifying the track with the best, tested and approved rhythmic weapons of the prog-house arsenal to make this number a shuffling dance floor stomper.
Bottom line:
Iboga can be proud to be releasing one of the very best EPs in the label’s history. It’s saturated through with quality; each rmx will have its moment, in different styles, even if Dousk’s production skills will, once again, be deservedly covered with laurels. Yet, what impresses above all is the level of musical accomplishment Antix has achieved since their last album; their sound is ever more unique and captivating. No doubts this new composition will go straight to the heart and hips of any true music lover. A must have! Hats off!
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 22:20
Dousk Name promises always something good.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 11:05
Well, the original sure is awesome. It seems like Antix really found their way after the kinda disappointing and style-wise transitional Wanderers album. I like the wobbly techno groove paired with a nice hook and trancey atmosphere, it definitely grows on you the more you listen to it. Sweet!
Magik Johnson and Bourgh are ok for what they are, but what I really don`t get is why everyone raves about that Dousk remix in the promo thread. That one is plain uninspired and boring, it doesn`t stand a chance next to the original. Average prog. house at best IMHO.
BTW Nathan, I just vomited all over myself when I saw your avatar. What a vicious hideous site to come across on a beautiful Friday morning.
To take my mind and that of all other unsuspecting readers off the atrocity that is your avatar let me post an image of pure joy and happiness:,pd=2,w=532,mxw=600,mxh=400,h=400.jpg
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