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Another take over on the trance festival scene

el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Jun 18, 2015 13:14:02
2005 - Boom Festival -Portugal
2010 - Ozora Festival - Hungary
2015 - S.U.N Festival/ Solar United Nation - Hungary
2020 - ?????

Text from Omri Hay - one of the co-founders of SUN Festival


We are truly sorry for our long silence, we have tried to keep our inner conflicts from you and from the world and did try to solve it our self for a long time.
Over the past years a very small group of friendly people from different countries have joined to make a dream come true to make S.U.N. Festival, a place were each one of us can manifest a vision he have and making one big picture complete.
This small group of people have worked days and night, week after week, month after month since 3 years and have wished to make this dream come true. we have been all trying hard and patiently to bridge the cultural differences of the team located in so many different places of the world.

It is no longer a secret that both editions of S.U.N. Festival 2013 & 2014 were a financial lost (the event was sponsored from our pockets and from the public with no other commercial group) which led us to other crisis rather then just the cultural differences. more obstacles came on our way from people with hmmm... how to say not the best intentions.

We have tried to get solutions from all of the partners, some solutions were even ready to go but at the end we couldn't get to a mutual understanding and for that we could only blame our self.

S.U.N. Festival was created & run by a joined group of 20-25 people and loads more of our friends who's not working together at the moment and for that reason the festival could not even be called S.U.N. Festival or Solar United Natives anymore! BUT some of the partners have decided they OWN it and without an agreement with no one just toke over the festival by cheating others, by stepping on other people's hard job and with usage of power!

Part of the Hungarian team have decided to go on with the festival and we wish them to succeed and make a dream come true but without using the name of S.U.N. Festival or Solar United Natives as the original team isn't working together anymore, and to be honest i can tell you the majority of this beautiful team have left and no spirit of S.U.N left there!

We hope now you can see the whole picture and understand why the NEW team isn't behaving professionally and why there are so many questions marks along the way!

Kind Regards,
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  768
Posted : Jun 18, 2015 21:00
Squabbles & fall outs amongst festival/party organisers are nothing new. For those involved it is incredibly important. For everyone else - its not really a big deal and people are only really interested if lots of gossip comes out of it. C'est la vie.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 20, 2015 04:15
Yes, fall outs amongst organisers, or whatever the form of collectives, hurt extremely.

Personally , i believe that people do care what happens but for objective observers there is not much to do - taking sides is not possible because of lack of details and involvement in the drama. and even if you are involved - it is very possible that both sides are right at the same time...

after few years people even realize that they lost an extraordinary festival or a concept... or a vision.

such fall outs have been observed almost everywhere few years ago, and still go on. I guess the scene has now finally arrived to the conclusion that some really good festival concepts died in the last years and there seems to be nothing to do to keep them alive...May be this is a breaking point to remind us to stand up and change direction.

But to be honest, the only direction i see right now, is quite different from keepeng to past structures of reality. Also, I wonder why there have never been any regulations of intellectual property in the trance scene. everyone in real life knows that the human factor has never consisted only of plur-individuals. humans can be predators and really naughty. but in real life people take legal issues and contracts into consideration and protect themselves. in the trance scene - no. because trust means a lot. the more you trust, the more it hurts at the end. seems like the wrong direction. better wake up and explore "real life". put an end. let it go. over is over, something else has been born.
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