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Androcell "Atmos-spheres" Video

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Posted : Mar 14, 2006 19:21

On 2006-03-10 21:00, Bluetech wrote:
Oh, and the video _and_ the track are stunning by the way.

Really nice Quasga...

Thank you so much, Evan.
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Posts :  498
Posted : Mar 14, 2006 19:33

On 2006-03-11 07:23, Trip- wrote:
I couldn't see the movie smoothly, got to as down as 0fps at times... it's my slow machine here ;/

get that Windows file ready - it might run better than the .mov I suspect.

Not trying to turn this into a debate, but Jason and I have concluded, that the size to quality ratio of .avi and .mpg format is not worth making available. QuickTime .mov format
is by far superior and we strive to maintain an uncompromised level of quality. If your hardware is old and/or you can't run the latest version QuickTime 7 on your PC, desperate users can can go here:
and download the RAD Video Tools (1.2mb) for doing any kind of conversion you would need on the Win/PC side of things.

As for running smooth on a PC, I have a 2.7ghz P4 with a gig of ram, running WinXP and QuickTime 7, and it's as smooth as it comes.

psionic nomad
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2006 20:56
never saw anything liek this before,EVER !
great video incorporated with great sound's...
the music n the clip's are in beautiful sync.....enjoyed watching it more over the time.
Something i reckon to be played every morning(atleast)to kick-start ya day
appreciate much for sharing it with us Quasga.
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Posted : Mar 24, 2006 09:35

On 2006-03-16 20:56, psionic nomad wrote:
never saw anything liek this before,EVER !
great video incorporated with great sound's...
the music n the clip's are in beautiful sync.....enjoyed watching it more over the time.
Something i reckon to be played every morning(atleast)to kick-start ya day
appreciate much for sharing it with us Quasga.

Jason and I are discussing another video....
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Posted : Aug 16, 2006 19:13

On 2006-03-08 10:26, Quasga wrote:
QuickTime movie formats available for download
under the "loads" section @


Modified the site and so the video is now under the "VIDEO" section of the website in case anyone interested might have missed out on this thread.

Also, I'll send one item from my "buy" section @ to the first person who can respond to this post and *correctly* tell me where I took this sample from AND who said it (character or actor name will suffice), which is used in the 'Atmos-spheres' track.

SAMPLE >> "You truly belong with us here among the clouds"

Let the game begin...


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  28
Posted : Aug 16, 2006 20:02
Lando Calrissian in Star Wars talking to Leia...

Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 16, 2006 20:12
Wow, a winner already? That was too easy I guess.... haha!

Anyways, pick your prize and PM your address and I will send it out with some Androcell - Efflorescence promo stickers ASAP.

Thanks for helping me make this look like more than just shameless promotion.

Peace and dub,

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 17, 2006 14:58

On 2006-08-16 20:02, nCo wrote:
Lando Calrissian in Star Wars talking to Leia...

Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

I knew that sample was familiar !           Row row row your boats gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.
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Posted : Feb 14, 2007 21:35
Hello all,

Just wanted all of you who enjoy the video to know that new versions are available for download with additional sound design for the title and credit sequences and in STEREO. After major oversights with the encoding, I've finally got the stereo versions online. I feel silly for having not caught the sound being in mono myself for so long, I guess we were too focused on the video encode quality, but it is kinda strange to me that no one ever called me out on it. Is anybody really listening? iPod version has been converted for video iPods but I actually don't have this style of iPod, so feedback would be appreciated if it's working smoothly. Enjoy!

I urge anyone who has an old file to delete it and grab a latest version. They are much better all the way around the board.

Keep it chilly.


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  110
Posted : Feb 15, 2007 18:58
Well done, Tyler! I so love the way sped-up clouds look - excellent subject matter. And of course the music is superb and goes so well with the editing!

I too hope you & Jason will endeavour to make another video. A fine way to showcase your talents!
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Posted : Feb 15, 2007 23:21
Hey Maggie,

Thanks for the wonderful feedback.

Jason has been working hard on the video for 'Equidistant', a new track from my project

I'm really looking foward to sharing it with everyone when Jason thinks his work is complete.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  165
Posted : Feb 16, 2007 20:38
top notch stuff here! one of our friends from michigan was amazed at the beautiful arizona cloud formations after a recent trip here.

wait till she sees this collection, with proper backing musical soundtrack of course

nice work guys! can't wait for the next one.           "The sparrow is sorry for the peacock for the burden of its tail" -Rabindranath Tagore
Inactive User

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Posts :  498
Posted : Feb 21, 2007 07:26

On 2007-02-16 20:38, moksha_mind wrote:
top notch stuff here! one of our friends from michigan was amazed at the beautiful arizona cloud formations after a recent trip here.

wait till she sees this collection, with proper backing musical soundtrack of course

nice work guys! can't wait for the next one.

Thanks, Rob. I appreciate your very kind words.

The video is now streaming here:

but I highly recommend the stereo download here:

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