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Anarchy and Fuck For Forest Video by TimeWaveZero TV

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2009 17:46
For example, when I called you an epic idiot, is because I thought your (individual) ideas are epically idiotic. Me being a man and you being a woman had no more to do with it than if I were white and you were black. If you were male and you said word for word the exact same things you have said all along, I still would have called you an epic idiot and your gender has zero influence on it whatsoever.

and again, i beg a moderator to ask you to stay on topic. the thread is big enough.
you called me an epic idiot because i said that russia saved jews. this is first of all not my idea but a historica fact and second i even gave you a link in wikipedia to prove this obvious fact. calling someone an idiot for stating a fact is something that only the biggest losers can do. especially if you do this to a woman because it is an obvious fact that women are statistically quite bad informed about history, physics and whatever it is, so you should respect those who are.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 25, 2009 18:35
First, you do not equal "all women". Saying something about you does not equal saying something about all women. (Besides, aren't you the one who said one can make statistics say anything one wanted them to say?)

Second, there was plenty of other reference material regarding years of Russia's mistreatment of Jews quoted directly from wikipedia and other sources such as "Pravda" which refuted your claim that you ignored because it debunked your argument there.

Third, I don't think you are very well informed about history at all. (Don't confuse that with me saying that women are not well informed about history at all, which I never said... that's something that came from you, not me.) Or maybe you are actually well informed and just make outlandish conclusions and assumptions based on what you know to support whatever you are trying to discuss.

But that is all I'll talk about that because it's off-topic even though you brought that discussion up in the first place. This is this topic, and you keep throwing around the word "sexism" as a weapon and misusing it according to its actual definition. Which is wrong. Please stop doing it and use the word and other words as well correctly.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2009 18:48
off topic. next please.

i said enough in the topic here

whoever wants to check how reliable yor statement was, can go here. here it is another topic. anyway, everything i do shows me only that i should really move to my own forum and web 2.0 community and drive the 10101 clicks there instead of dealing with arguments like you are an epic idiot. considering that i can program it for less than an hour, i am really an idiot for not having done it till now and losing my time with fascists mods ( in other places) and with offendings levels under my dignity.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2009 21:02
one hint here:

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 15:01
hmmm. No long posts for a day now. is this the end of the FFF thread...?           -.-. .... --- --- ... . / .-.. --- ...- .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 16:28
They maybe start not giving a fuck anymore, which is good (for them) and bad (for us)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 16:30
i dont give a           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 22:13

lol they are on this macedonian page
i think they are pretty famous now           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 22:31
they have been famous for quite long time now.
this macedonian page tells us that they collect 130000 euro in a year and have 1400 people who were active in the cause....
pretty big figures i would say.

whatever. i have problems with opening the page till the end. my windows is full of viruses. high time to move to a mac.

not sure that this is true about the 130000. honestly, if i had read this whole thread earlier i would have had much more questions to ask them....

i somehow notice continuously that every time i publish a video people somehow state that i support every idea of everyone who has been behind my cameras. this is completely untrue.

as a matter of fact the most sexually attractive thing for me is a male who is shy. i am so much different from what i took with the camera. i need to find a way to transport this.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  209
Posted : Oct 27, 2009 02:32
Moki, Yes you do keep saying this but somehow you keep wanting to argue to defend them. It is a shame a FFF representative was not available.

Any way by my calculation you winning due to making this somewhat entertaining thread.
I am definitely feeling more aware about pro's and con's of public sex now for sure.
Also thought about the forests a bit too.

Just imagine 100 year form now if FFF movement really take off. People shagging on the streets like dogs or more like in the jungle like Tarzan baby.



i somehow notice continuously that every time i publish a video people somehow state that i support every idea of everyone who has been behind my cameras. this is completely untrue.

as a matter of fact the most sexually attractive thing for me is a male who is shy. i am so much different from what i took with the camera. i need to find a way to transport this.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Oct 27, 2009 12:08
yes, i am now also much more aware of the pro's and contra's of public sex ...

what i argue to defend , is just the freedom of expression , the freedom of belief and mostly the freedom of artistic belief.
also i defend the idea that for our ancestors sex was sacred and it was often performed as a sacred thing.

if it comes across like i would defend everything about fff, then it is just because i argue against opinions which piss on the facts above and these arguments come exactly from people who are against fuck for forest. so it comes across as if i would defend public sex.

as i said, this is an issue that a organizer or an owner of a place should decide together with fff. in my place i would not allow public sex. but i would allow nudity if it has a value of political activism or philosophical statement. in my vj work i used to put nudity from time to time too at trance events on the basis of a philosophical statement in the right place of the story.

i dont defend fff in all they do and could do. i guess some of them would even be pissed with my way of life in solibacy that they would never understand.

i dont think that a representative would come here and explain anything. actually i yesterday ha a talk with a friend, who told me that i am always carrying the karma of these people that i film through these forums - goa gil, hans cousto, fff. it is a wrong tactic. i should stay away from forums and just post the videos with some background info.
Lucid Picnic

Started Topics :  132
Posts :  855
Posted : Oct 27, 2009 13:31
what an ingenious idea to fuck for forest..

i wouldn't care if they would be fucking around but i think its such a shitty idea.
but still.. 43 pages for discussion of this? maybe they reached their goal
just my 2.

+ ''will fuck for coke'' sounds a lot better and more coherent in itself when you think.

          Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Oct 27, 2009 15:20
the most coherent would be:
steal a sample, turn the automatic software on and put a blue account in isratrance FOR THE WORLD PEACE MOVEMENT and for the cause of the PLUR that never existed.
( or for coke, as you wish. both are coherent enough).

whatever, a fairy told me that this topic should be closed on page45.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Oct 27, 2009 15:44
Except if this thread would be closed... you would just make another, and another... and another. Already you are talking about another "cosmic octave reloaded" and "goa gil reloaded" thread topic which everyone knows as long as you are posting in it, it will just turn into another drama/laugh fest.

Let's face it, you can't stay away from forums. You're addicted to them, constantly hanging out in your own threads hitting "refresh" and logging in only to post and then quickly logging out again as if you're some kind of cyber-ninja. Topics like these are perfect examples of how unprofessionally you represent the subject matter because you can't just post the information and let it be. You can't accept anyone's opinion but your own and make it a point to put down every opinion that isn't kissing your topic's rear end as well as every person who states it, and then play the victim whenever people start not tolerating your attitude.

I know how rude that sounds even though I'm not trying to be, it's just the reason why all of these threads just continue downhill into oblivion and why you've been kicked off of as many forums as you have before this one.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Oct 27, 2009 16:10
wrong. i left the forums myself.

and yes, you are the most unwanted person in this whole thread. you dont even deserve an answer, that is why i dont comment your boring posts either. you see, i dont even read them. this is notunprofessional, this is just a problem of time.
if you are happy with the statement that i am an idiot, then be happy, this is not myproblem - only the problem of your fucked up addicted mind.

if i wan to post a video, it is because i have been asked tens and tens of times to do this. you get it? understand? no?

may be it is high time to realize that oyu are simply unwanted in my threads. i would tell you that you are idiot too but it is under my dignity to even talk with someone like you. my advice for everyone who wants to see me at an event is never t put your name on the flyer. simple.
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