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Anarchy and Fuck For Forest Video by TimeWaveZero TV


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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 01:03

On 2009-10-07 21:20, ZenMind wrote:
Oh men... this is RIDICULOUS, doctor Wanker, Deep throat Jasmin and Anal Inga found ecology weeeeee!

Excuse my bluntness but the world haves waaay to much perversion already, nice cover up for a simple case of nymphomania and exhibitionism though.

Too much sickness on those heads...


keep music evil!!
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 01:29
i dont have children, but if i had...
keeeping my children out of festivals???
because of that discusting hippies, why would i keep kids from not watching that, if they make something spiritual and good for the humanity as they say.
This trance scene is becoming some kind of new money making machine, and hey how about aids and other deseases?
helloo we are not in the 60's anymore, people are dying from your sick orgy, desease spreading, money making machine.

This people are sick, you can see this from the video, parties should be save place for everyone, even for our kids, not a junky orgy, with people without sense od values in their life...           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 02:07
Thanks for the video, Moki.

Their fundamental presupposition seems to be that people are very uptight about sex yet largely unperturbed by environmental desecration. Well, isn't that true? I'd say they're on to something interesting here... and of course it is meant, in part, to be provocative--this is a time-honoured method of shocking people into reconsidering their preconceptions.

Still, I am not at all surprised by the reaction here. Psytrance culture is this weird hodge-podge of alternative ideologies and deeply-rooted social conservatism. All you have to do is root through many old threads on Isratrance and find blatant examples of homophobia and prejudice to see evidence of this!

I am not at all swayed by this reactionary "please think of the children" nonsense. Like you guys aren't doing drugs at festivals? Here we have a culture supposedly based on freedom of expression but it only goes so far--until someone is expressing something you aren't comfortable with.

Anyway, this interview provides some interesting food for thought for me. What they do--whether you like it or not--requires courage. Breaking social norms in such an extreme way is not easy for most people; particularly when the countercultural forces you align yourself with reject your radical spin on their collective ideology--anarchy, in this case. So, good luck to them.
Fria Tantrumm

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 03:03
"Please think of the children" simply means, by all means fuck your brains out, just do it on your time in your own space. SIMPLE.....
I am not against sex, just public displays of the same, unless it takes place in a public area designated especially for sex. I never said I was open minded and who said the Psytrance culture needed to be as well. I am here for the music only and hence I reserve my right to go to a "music" festival with my family and not have to deal with nymphos on display...
Freedom of expression, freedom of speech none of these ideals include the right to public penetrations...there is a reason why porn is censored and meant for an ADULT audience ONLY.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 03:50
That's fine, but what is the reason? Doesn't it have a lot to do with oppressive Christian/patriarchal attitudes toward sex? We are culturally conditioned to confine sexual activity to private quarters; it is not an innate property of the universe.

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 03:59
Im reading here some really interesting views of what psychedelic culture should be, so for some of you, correct me if im wrong, our culture should be the perfect mad house, not a free thinking tribe, just a all goes, swing your dick around, take a dump on society coz its cool MAD HOUSE!

Free thinking and freedom of expression must have strong basis on the respect for our condition of Human Beings, meaning respect your body, your mind (keep it clean) and so on, and your so called freedom ends at the moment your affecting the freedom of others. Why should i have to bear the sights of three BUT UGLY persons having sex or going around naked in a festival? This shit is psychedelic? Nooop its just disruptive behaviour.

The most amazing thing is that theres some of you that really believe that these idiots represent WHATSOEVER of our culture, intelligence, vision, spirituality, creative power and equilibrium these are the true qualities of our culture. Society is sick bcoz of what they stand for, and no its not ecology they stand for, its for pure depraved animal instinct ways.

P.s Moki i liked your work, just dont agree with the subjects           -------------d(oO)b----------------
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 04:17

On 2009-10-08 03:50, Basilisk wrote:
That's fine, but what is the reason?

so they dont start to have sex at 6 years old , getting std's for not being safe , getting pregnant at 12 years old , etc. not to mention sexual assaults at age 8. as if all that doesnt happen enough allready
in the same sentence i should mention that parents should control what their kids see , and there is defintly way too much violence in those cartoons and movies (tho i watched those and turn musician not violent at all)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 04:25

On 2009-10-08 04:17, Elad wrote:
so they dont start to have sex at 6 years old , getting std's for not being safe , getting pregnant at 12 years old , etc. not to mention sexual assaults at age 8. as if all that doesnt happen enough allready
in the same sentence i should mention that parents should control what their kids see , and there is defintly way too much violence in those cartoons and movies (tho i watched those and turn musician not violent at all)

Yeah, uh, I'm not advocating sex around children--just responding to this idea that festivals might have children at them therefore any public display of sexuality is completely wrong. Obviously there are festivals where such activity is more or less appropriate.

But at the same time, these things you speak of--you think they are the product of open and healthy attitudes toward human sexuality? I think quite the opposite. The reason we have so much abuse and disease has to do with the attitude of repression, this idea that we should suppress this vital human quality for reasons of false modesty and moralism. I mean, all you have to do is look at any serious study of abstinence-only education to see that this approach does not work.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Oct 8, 2009 05:53

On 2009-10-07 23:07, rich wrote:
To play devils advocate, don't you think the bit at the end helps to exemplify what they do and what they're saying about sexual freedom?

AS you can see by the responses in this thread, this culture in general is extremely closed sexually. Its like this culture has adopted most of the stuff from the hippy culture, with the exception of the most fun part..
"but what about the children????"
give me a break with that old line...As if a festival centered around weird loud music and drugs is somehow in bad taste for children if you include people fucking...Personally, I think bringing children to a festival is already in bad taste because of drugs.
Really just a cop out probly to say "im married and my partner wouldn't let me play with the single people if this thing took hold"..

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Oct 8, 2009 06:12

On 2009-10-08 03:59, ZenMind wrote:
Im reading here some really interesting views of what psychedelic culture should be, so for some of you, correct me if im wrong, our culture should be the perfect mad house, not a free thinking tribe,

As if somehow open sexuality is less free thinking than being repressed?
I soppose the deeper arguement here is if you buy into the "spiritual" ideas that have been adopted by the culture in general or not. Considering a large part of the traditional ideas that have been adopted have a celebit aspect to them, I can see how you can compare open sexuality to a mad/nut house...because then it would be a distraction from the goal...
Problem with that line of thought though, if you are truely trying to develope a "zen mind"...then sex would be obviously quite distracting, just slightly less distracting though is extremely loud music and drugs.
Its just very hard for me to understand how anyone can knock one and obviouslly fully support the other "distraction".
thats probly all nonsense though.

The real problem with this is psytrance has always had a kind of "geek" element to it culture wise...lets go read a book or play on the computer all night because im not going to get laid tonight.
Why rationalize and beat around the bush. The idea of open sexuality is scary and alien to most people in this scene.

None of this is ever going to happen anyway, but this is an interesting discussion and this topic will fill pages because deep down we are all kind of nerds.
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 06:45
and just how is this any different from someone who becomes a hooker and donates to a good cause ? its just some smelly hippies doing what they do .. take the easy way out , and who said it takes courage ..basilisk ? no it doesn't , not when u are an exhibitionist . this is the most stupid thing ever , and no i dont goto church / temple , yes i like porn and yes im all for saving the forest but this is tacky
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 06:58
and not that itd change my views , but do anal inga ,doctor wanker and crew also sustain themselves doing this or do 100% of the proceeds go to the cause ?
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 10:18

On 2009-10-08 02:07, Basilisk wrote:

I am not at all swayed by this reactionary "please think of the children" nonsense. Like you guys aren't doing drugs at festivals?

big point, i would say please don't bring your kids to festivals...           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 10:21
yea, don't bring children at festivals, but don't use protection & make children at festivals!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 10:33

On 2009-10-08 01:02, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
I can't just walk into the anarchy convention and take a dump in the middle of the floor, in front of everybody. Yes, it's a natural thing to take a dump, and I can even be artistic and expressive about it and paint a picture or make a little turd-man out of it, but there are consequences. I imagine I'd get my ass kicked trying something like that, for starters.

may be this is probably because you simply have nothing anarchistic in your soul. you are just supportiung whatever the group says. and if now the ppl from the anarchistic congress come, and say, oh yes, it was wrong to do so, then you will certainly be the first to say, oh yes, how can you get their ass kicked like that. whatever.
a big hug to all truely anarchistic souls around, if there are any.

You're right, I'm not an anarchist, I'm a rather staunch socialist, with a small streak of libertarianism. I'd hate the idea of living in the house of horrors called an anarchistic society, where anyone has free reign to exploit and abuse each other and their world, because that's what would happen. People as a whole can't be trusted to make certain decisions on their own because selfishness will always prevail eventually. If you thought your vagina hurts now, imagine how it would feel in an anarchistic society where there is nothing to stop them from doing whatever they wanted to you.

P.S. Even though I'm crying into a pillow right now because of not being included in the group hug between you and the reflection in your monitor, I thought it was really cute the way you posted and then made a special post just for me <3 <3 <3 It makes me feel so special that you are so attentive!
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