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Anarchy and Fuck For Forest Video by TimeWaveZero TV

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 17:47
but moki i think you forgat to ask about what they are thinking about between 2 persons

i did:))), but then the third girl got [very sweetly] offended and i weas asked " which two ppl i mean " sso i had to immediately ask another question which is at the end, where she is speaking about her orgasms:).))

but no, in fact we got quite far away with weed at the end ( this conversation went for two hours and not only 44 minutes), and then there was a porn action:)) so we left it for the next time.
then i was away from berlin, and then they were away. we meet again soon.

btw be fast with watchin cause i am gonna unfortunately have to put it only with log ins. otherwise too much traffic is gone...and i am not a millionaire.
Fria Tantrumm

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 18:53
With Regards to the FFF concept, I will say that the cause is a good one, but the means of attaining the goal is absolutely bizarre and a bit disgusting.
Firstly, I am personally put off because to me sex is something private. I felt the bile rise to watch the guy talking non chalantly while fingering his comes acrtoss as extremely dirty and base as opposed to "Pure".
Secondly, there are far better ways of saving the forest, join the Peace Corps, join Green Peace, fucking seems too easy an excuse. No sacrifice involved really.
Even the Anarchist Congress had the wisdom to understand that this was mere rubbish and thus asked them to kindly leave.
What artistic expression do you talk of MOki? There was nothing artsy, creative, or even sensual about FFF. 3 dirty hippies having sex in the most vile manner is not artistic expression EXCUSE ME.
What HUman Rights to have sex are you talking off. No one is denied having sex, but to advocate saving a forest by fucking is so silly that even the Anarchists Congress felt disgusted. NOW that is an achievement. To be thrown out of the Anarchists Congress...maybe they need to review their methods and come up with a better way of saving the forest.           **************************************
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 19:15
hey, thx... very interesting topic here... i personally share fria's opinion on this, but what makes me write is a question i've had always in my mind since i first saw FFF in some festivals:

how much of whatever they get is really arriving in the forests? do they buy land themselves, do they support any organisations with that money?
AND who pays for all the travelling of a bunch of ppl (sometimes they seem to be in quite a lot of festivals)? is this paid from the donated money or do they travel on own costs and really use the donations to save the forest?
would be cool if someone could shed some light

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 19:59
Maybe he was just looking for something that fell and rolled underneath her.

(Honestly, I'm not sure how anyone expects to take their message seriously by putting something like that on the end. If I want to watch porn, I'll get a real porn, but adding something like that into their video just kind of removes all seriousness and replaces it with a mixture of laughter and disgust, covered with a healthy dosage of distraction as our attention gets diverted from what is being said and focused on what's going on in the corner of the screen.)

Overall a good video in which they thoroughly display their points of view but the last couple of minutes just kind of kill the serious message of the first forty-two.
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 21:03
``core of the scene`` lmao

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 21:20
Oh men... this is RIDICULOUS, doctor Wanker, Deep throat Jasmin and Anal Inga found ecology weeeeee!

Excuse my bluntness but the world haves waaay to much perversion already, nice cover up for a simple case of nymphomania and exhibitionism though.

Too much sickness on those heads...           -------------d(oO)b----------------
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 21:51
I think you guys are taking this FFF way to serious!!!

I was with them twice and they are nice, friendly people with their own agenda about sexuality and expression.

It´s kinda lame to bash on them for their porno activity and then say "well if want to see porn i´ll check real porn". Guess what they are REAL PORN!!!!

Their concept is sex as a way of expression and, they say, a way to save nature. Isn´t it as valid as any other form of expression? Do you have proofs that it´s actually a scam to get money? If you dont like it or believe in it dont support it...dont go to the site, dont pay!!!! If one thing fails in their "passing the message" is that lots of people dont overcome the sex thing and stop there!

I myself dont feel very attracted to their live "thing" but it doesn´t disturb could it?

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 21:58
I wasn't talking about them personally. I've met them also recently and had a bit of a conversation with them, and I agree, Ellon, they are very nice people. I also don't have a problem with what they are doing. I wasn't bashing on them for doing porn (I've seen real porn and I've seen their real porn also). I was mainly talking about the interview tape itself. If I wanted people to take my message seriously, I wouldn't have included that in there, is all I'm saying. I think it was poor editing at the end that detracts from their actual message. I'm not blaming them "per se" for anything, but you can see from the reactions in this thread alone what such a small difference in editing can have towards the overall impact of their larger statement. If it were me on either end of the camera, I'd say to not include that bit at the end, because to go through all that time and effort, I'd want it to be taken seriously, especially if I felt serious about my cause... but it's not me, it's their video, the people involved can do what they want and it will sink or swim based on that merit.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 23:07
To play devils advocate, don't you think the bit at the end helps to exemplify what they do and what they're saying about sexual freedom?

I was actually expecting him to doggy the girl in the end while driving his point home.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 23:11
hello fria, nice to see you around:)

What artistic expression do you talk of MOki? There was nothing artsy, creative, or even sensual about FFF

well, as you certainly know, art is not there to be universal and to touch the mind of everyone. different people - different art preferences. i personally see a lot of creative artistic expression in this picture:
i truely love the picture. a truely idealistic goal can make even the most dirty means of achieving it look noble.

Secondly, there are far better ways of saving the forest, join the Peace Corps, join Green Peace, fucking seems too easy an excuse.

well, not if they really have a way to get far more attention and to earn money faster the way they do,
so they can buy the forest and save it from the hands of other people in our society. at the end of the day, you dont fight the destruction of the forests if you are nobody with no chance to change anything cause you are then a poor idealistic hippie who is only dreaming but will never change anything. why should this be an escuse -at the end of the day i guess most of us in this thread, never had the money to buy a whole forest), so who saved the forest at the end - fuck for forest or the participant in green peace actions?

as far as as the last two minutes are concerned - they are done with a purpose. cause i dont like to give distorted view of reality which is hiding the true aspects of psy culture. i am not here to idealize but to show aspects of reality as they are.

btw i am not into this kind of behaviour either. to me sex is private too, even far too private. i am far more monogamic than i would look like. but i still believe their goal is noble. well it is more noble than the goal of those who are critisising them. imo. especially this anarchistic congress issue. why does noone here say anything about anarchy....

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 23:19
how much of whatever they get is really arriving in the forests? do they buy land themselves, do they support any organisations with that money?

here are two examples:
forest in costa rica

25.10.06..... FFF buy 1 area of forest...... 67 700 NOK about 13234$ or 8499€
25.10.06.....................2 part......................67 700 NOK about 13234$ or 8499€
07.11.06.....................3 part......................56 600 NOK about 11073$ or 7107€

example two:

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Oct 7, 2009 23:58
I'll say something about anarchy.

Anarchy does not necessarily equal tolerance. Anarchy is not a license for people to do whatever they want, and everyone else has to accept it.

Imagine how screwed up the world would be if that were so.

In an anarchic society, if one or two people are behaving in an unacceptable way to the greater group, they are still entitled to do something about it. However one or two people inversely have very little power to stop the greater group from behaving in a certain way. Sure, they can try, but the group will regulate eventually. All anarchy does is replace the one ruling body of government with competing organizations who fulfill the needs and whims of the participants.

Just to use a completely unrelated, off-the-wall example...

I can't just walk into the anarchy convention and take a dump in the middle of the floor, in front of everybody. Yes, it's a natural thing to take a dump, and I can even be artistic and expressive about it and paint a picture or make a little turd-man out of it, but there are consequences. I imagine I'd get my ass kicked trying something like that, for starters.

FFF doesn't need anarchy to do what they do. There's nothing in society stopping them from doing what they do beyond an individual's own decisions.

Look at the reactions in this thread as a microcosm for a FFF presence at an anarchy convention. What's going on in the corner of the last two minutes of a 45-minute video have drawn more attention from Isratrance readers than the previous 43. Expanding this to the bigger picture, how would greater society (generally more conservative than the psy crowd) react to it? How does that conform to the greater ideals of the greater anarchistic group? There is more to anarchy than the freedom to have sex with whomever we want to... we have that already. It's not really THAT intertwined.

who saved the forest at the end - fuck for forest or the participant in green peace actions?

No disrespect at all towards FFF, but comparing them to Greenpeace? I mean, really? Truly? Seriously? That's a long step. FFF's buying of forest land is certainly commendable. However, here is a short list of what participants in Greenpeace have also been able to accomplish:

Greenpeace would not have been able to accomplish any of these things were it not for the efforts of its participants. Those people go so far as to put their lives and freedom on the line for their ideals. Their accomplishments are more profound and encompassing. FFF could have the same potential, if it had the numbers... but one of the small reasons why organizations like Greenpeace and the Peace Corps are so successful is because they aren't fingering each other while standing in front of the governments and the courts and in their promotional videos. Thus, people are inclined to take their message more seriously, in cultures throughout the world. The same goes for the Peace Corps, to use another example.

you don't fight the destruction of the forests if you are nobody with no chance to change anything

That's just not true. Everyone has the power to do something to evoke change, in one way or another, whether you do it through Greenpeace or through FFF or however. Nobodies with no chance to change anything simply do no exist. Nobody exists outside of the laws of reality, and everything we do affects everything around us.

There is a hugely wide range of organizations with an equally wide range of agendas and ideals, and it's easy for a person to decide for themselves what's best for them and where they think they'll do the most good. Almost all of these organizations are easy to get into and always welcome helping hands.

It's also true that some of these organizations are more selfishly motivated than others, for whatever reason. Personally, I think building clean water and energy infrastructure in drought-plagues/impoverished lands or blockading forest-destroying bulldozers is less selfish than having sex and selling the tapes and buying plots of land with the money... which is in itself certainly a positive outcome, and certainly less selfish than doing the same just to keep the money for oneself.

cause i dont like to give distorted view of reality which is hiding the true aspects of psy culture.

The FFF group are certainly strong and loyal supporters to the psy scene where they live, but I am willing to bet after reading some of these responses that a lot of people in the psy scene would object to being portrayed in this sort of context.
Fria Tantrumm

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Posts :  368
Posted : Oct 8, 2009 00:22
Axis Mundi basically summed it up most eloquently.
I have nothing against the FFF tribe. They are probably very plesant people....HOWEVER I would not react in the positive to people having sex in the middle of a festival in plain view of all, whether or not the act is for a cause. I would definitely bitch and moan, and if I had children in tow I would react like a mad woman.           **************************************
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 00:57
about the children: i am actually not so excited about the idea of children at festivals any more. btw i am quite happy that isratrance does not allow children of psy families writing ( as far as i know), cause other forums do allow and encourage this.
i am not so fascinated about this idea. i think children belong to children family areas but not to where the floors, the hedonism etc are. and i dont think that if i had children, i would be keen on the idea to explain them what is fuckforforest.

fortunately my time has not come yet, if it comes at all.

greenpeace issue:

okey, i have been in greenpeace too, and what i was saying is that if you compare these victories and generally the money that were done with and dived this amount of money into all people involved and helping greenpeace,
then you will see that the average contribution of a greenpeace supporter for the planet is less than the average contribution of a fuckforforest person.

about the anarchy issue: well i still dont support the idea that fuckforforest are thrown away from an anarchistic congress. i still find it weak. really weak. it goes really totally the opposite way of what anarchy is.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Oct 8, 2009 01:02
I can't just walk into the anarchy convention and take a dump in the middle of the floor, in front of everybody. Yes, it's a natural thing to take a dump, and I can even be artistic and expressive about it and paint a picture or make a little turd-man out of it, but there are consequences. I imagine I'd get my ass kicked trying something like that, for starters.

may be this is probably because you simply have nothing anarchistic in your soul. you are just supportiung whatever the group says. and if now the ppl from the anarchistic congress come, and say, oh yes, it was wrong to do so, then you will certainly be the first to say, oh yes, how can you get their ass kicked like that. whatever.
a big hug to all truely anarchistic souls around, if there are any.
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