Analog EQ
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 15, 2014 10:53:36
I guess its pointless to ask this- but is there any way to even reach the boundaries of an Analog Equalizer with a plugin.
It is based on actual hardware, so... o nevermind, its like trying to achieve the quality of a Marshall Amp using a Virtual amplifier.
Howeverrrrrrr, have to say that the SSL G EQ has very good quality- imo - even better than Fabfilter Q.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 15, 2014 17:05
I used to use an old mic and a stereo with ancient speakers. As well as a plugin to shape the sound. Then sample the fuck our of it or record a whole track this way.
you'll find that other analoge type plugins wont even get near to what you can achieve
mixing real sounds with analog and digital will give your mixes a greater spectrum of tone and make mixing a lot easier instead of trying to carve chunks out the mix to make stuff fit
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 16, 2014 10:24
You actually gave me an idea. With hardware, its all about putting the signal through the hardware and back, yes, to achieve a better quality.
I've got an analog amplifier (with low+high EQ) and also guitar amp. If I would throw my signal through either of them, maybe both, then I may be a step closer to this solution.
Thanks for the inspiration
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 16, 2014 12:58
Simon posford does it I think
Just use yer fav eq plugin to shape the sound before re amping
Also will give natural compressio as well,
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 16, 2014 15:18
I tried it half n hour ago. Problem is the background noise. Also the signal sounds a bit distorted. even though everything is as low as can be before being inaudible. So I tried using my laptop. It inputs the signal through the amp, and into my fast track which goes to my main PC.
Have to find the source of that ringing background noise, cause if you output from laptop to guitar amp, background noise is gone, now-- to get that clean signal to my PC using fast track which eliminates background noise even more , it could work.
but have to wait till 5 o clock.. dammit
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2014 11:11
It did not work. :-(
Have to say putting the signal through the amp does add an organic sound to the mix but still cannot get rid of that background hummmmmmmm
Did try noise removal with Audacity, Edition and Izotope RX - but it alters the main signal making it worse.
So next up would be to buy a USB mixer board and analog EQ - sigh there goes my savings..
  " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. " |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2014 11:20
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2014 14:34
Thnx Babaluma, but i've been at it for 12 years so pretty much fed up with quality quality quality why doesn't it sound right.
Read books, web info about almost everything from EQ's to transient shapers, mixing and mastering. I know my tools but still. ..
After years my ears also became accustomed to fine detail.
Going to the farm this evening where I can really pump the volume on my new Psy track i am working on. Kind of a perfectionist when it comes to sound quality so i am doubtful about happy results.
We'll see
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2014 19:18
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2014 15:47
On 2014-07-18 19:18, Babaluma wrote:
If the background hum is coming from the amp itself then you'll need to have a tech look at it. Get the source right, then good mic technique, you should be able to get the sound you want. You might wanna use a reamp device between a line level output and guitar level input though.
You were right man. Finally got it working.. got that organic sound and also crystal clear quality without background noise. I produce alternative rock and also psytrance. Have to say the quality of the rock beats the psy samples, probably cause analog always beats digital- except with speed, lol 500bpm
Anyway it was so obvious. I read it so many times on the web but never tried it - too stubborn. Took my mic + stand and positioned it at the sweet spot of the guitar.
Mic inputs in M-Audio fast track, which goes via USB to PC. Fast track removes unwanted background noise so you've got a very nice clear signal. The air-pocket between the guitar and mic does wonders to the quality. As if you create a virtual room within the speakers giving it depth.
Did a test recording, added some vocals for fun together with the guitar recording and Wow.. Both came out beautifully. Each within its own space - not clashing at all- clear as day. Perfect for a demo cd. I kid u not, very close to studio quality- semi-pro not pro yet- but acceptable.
Still i want to do each recording individually to have more control on each instrument.
With the psytrance I output the sound to my guitar amp - tune the amp to get a clear enough sound. And record it back to PC, also using my Mic and Fast track. Problem was the DI on the output of the amp created the background noise,, using the Mic = Amazing
I am X-STATIC , :-D
Thanks guys
  " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. " |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2014 20:40
Glad you got it working buddy,
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 24, 2014 10:37
On 2014-07-23 20:40, woodster77 wrote:
Glad you got it working buddy,
Cheers dude, appreciated you're input aswell.
Final thing I want to add...
Last night me and a buddy recorded some music - went on for 3 hours until the sound driver malfunctioned, hehe, no I dont think it was our persistence. His HDD is corrupt.
I realized that by messing around, jamming, recording, etc- you learn a sh*t load of new stuff. , . It was then I got a new idea. You can actually create a nice virtual space with mic placement.
Say you play the samples through an Amp- The kick you record with mic in the center, with the bass you lower the mic, with the leads you raise the mic. The vibrations of each sound would hit the diaphragm of the mic differently - giving it an unique sound + reverberation off the walls and objects will also add something extra.
But yes I know its way more complicated around each turn.
Enjoy yourselves
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