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Anakoluth - Dwelling In the Void EP (Ektoplazm Records)


Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Oct 13, 2008 06:38:47
Anakoluth - Dwelling In The Void EP (Ektoplasm 08)

01 :: In A Nutshell (9:20)
02 :: Achilles’ Heel (9:04)
03 :: Feinter Les Paupières (9:01)
04 :: Delphic Haze (9:33)

To the seasoned users of this fine forum the name Anakoluth should be pretty familiar and if you are not than this fine EP should be a nice presentation of his creation.
This EP brings us in 4 parts what in my opinion is unfortunately very rare in the scene at the moment and that is a proper nighttime music. It seems that today's definition of night music usually goes too often hand in hand with Dark Psy which is a shame cause a few years ago there were many diverse acts that delivered slower but not less intense music (names like Hux Flux and Kox Box pop in my mind).
All the 4 tracks bring brilliantly evolving Psychedelic Minimal Trance tracks that draw influence from both Ol' school Goa and more modern Zenon records style.
Don't really see the point in going track by track on this release cause all the tracks deliver a very coherent journey from start to end.
The EP was mastered by Sensient so if that doesn't guarantee a top notch material I don't know what will.
And the bonus is that this release is free for download here:
Final Grade: 4/5           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Oct 13, 2008 12:04
nice EP..
IsraTrance Team

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Posts :  7826
Posted : Oct 13, 2008 18:25
i will defenetly do a download at home

review later           ...
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Oct 14, 2008 18:02

01 – In A Nutshell - 9:20 (132 BPM)
02 – Achilles Heel – 9:05 (130 BPM)
03 – Feinter Les Paupières - 9:02 (137 BPM)
04 – Delphic Haze – 9:34 (133 BPM)

Dweeling In The Void is the first EP released by Anakoluth. The man behind this project is Roman Hunziker. I already had the chance of speaking with him several times through msn, and I recall one conversation we had, where Roman stated he liked very much of preserving old values and ideas on the music, and this EP reflects those same ideas: progressive sometimes tecnish music with a touch of Goa Trance elements.

Let us hear what “Dweeling In The Void” means:

The first track In A Nutshell (T1) is an excellent opener. The track is rather smooth and calm, with some great leads, showing enormous maturity on the chosen sounds. It has a space atmosphere with long leads resembling to intergalactic sounds; most of the times this is accompanied with sounds that in a way create a spooky, invoking fear atmosphere. More to the end of the track it gets more dynamic and it ends perfectly the uplifting vibe that had been coming from the first minutes of the music. Favourite.

Achilles Hell (T2) is the lady that follows. Once more we are transported into the trademark of Roman. The first 5 minutes of the track it is very minimalist and some leads appear from nowhere and quickly go to nowhere. Very few sounds are used, and after these 5 minutes the track presents us with a melodic, somewhat hypnotic lead that revolves around Goa trance sounds.

Feinter Les Paupières (T3) stars with a slightly more dynamic energy, it is the faster track of the EP and it has the addition of interesting percussive elements. At about 4 minutes the tune enters in an uplifting spiral of sounds slowly morphing from minimalist type of tune into, and it surely reminds me that, a pure Goa Trance track! I like very much the vibe this tune transmits. Favourite.

And in an instance we arrive into the last track of the EP: Delphic Haze (T4). The EP ends in a good way, with the music slowing down a lit bit from the predecessor, but keeping the space atmosphere we find on the whole EP. Some leads on this track remind me alien speaking, and I love the combination of the sounds that seem to grow slowly, have a peak and quickly vanish. Hypnotic stuff is on the moisture also. And not to miss, some Goa trance elements to add to the main dish. Favourite.

The mastering of the CD was once more made by Sensient.

The artwork was made by Alexander Synaptic. Basically it revolves space landscapes – it is well connected with the music of the EP. I especially like the artwork of the inside CD – simply brilliant.

So to conclude my review, I just want to say that I give my congrats to Ektoplazm label for supporting the scene with free releases of high quality, and to Roman who showed great maturity in his music, delivering music for the night time, different from the regular stuff is coming out these days, and it seems to me he has bright future ahead of him. A good point also, is that the tracks are far beyond the 7 minutes template, which seems to be very common these days; Roman tracks are longer than this, but there aren’t parts of simple sound fillers – they are very well conceived.           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2008 19:50
wow...very intelligent warm n simple sound. 
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 15, 2008 18:15
Link in Isratrance WebSite:

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2008 00:12
very good release...each track is its own world...last 2 tracks
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2008 01:35
Thanks for the support everyone! We're very glad it is being received so well

A few minor corrections: it is "Dwelling" not "Dweeling" and Ektoplazm (no "s" in there) is the label. You can download this release here:
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  1362
Posted : Oct 17, 2008 15:06
I must agree with pavel here, a rare proper night time release..exactly my kind of night time bom bom

More of those please...           Always agressive never progressive.

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  2395
Posted : Oct 17, 2008 19:12
I maybe shouldn't partake in discussions revolving around my releases, however...I just wanted to let you know how much I love you all I really appreciate these feedbacks, they keep me going on with what I love doing the most Thanks!

And, shhh, more coming soon           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2008 11:20
im not such a great fan of this kind of music... but this is a really good ep... for those nighttime moments to prep you up for a fine digging session what i really like about this release is the progression it presents throughout the EP - last track being a "set closer" and also my favorite great work!
Minimal Monster
Minimal Monster

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  951
Posted : Oct 21, 2008 02:48
yeah i also agree, very good music, i like tunes 2 & 4, the atmosphere is night time which is my fav and the rythems are massive and bouncy! also i like the goatrance geeling on the tunes, takes you back to the 90's and its very nostalgic
all the best

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  42
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Posted : Oct 21, 2008 15:24
Have only been able to listen a couple times but just wanted to say I am lovin it. Just what I needed. Amazin atmosphere and blastin grooves. Will definetly be on the lookout for stuff by you Anakoluth.
bows to Ektoplazm. keep em comin!           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Oct 27, 2008 10:18
it comes in strong and holds attention with great sound quality, very clean. definitely well described in the promo, techy goa is true enough.
all 4 are solid in thier own way, very delicate and yet powerful feelings.
moments in each track bring me back several years to a certain kind of sound environment where i remember....

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Oct 28, 2008 21:29
Anakoluth delivers night stuff with personality, bringing up some memories from the good'n'old times, while simultaneously being meticulous in his music tricks. Of course there is still place for improvement, but it is pretty safe to say that this release stands out easily if compared with the stuff released today.

Ektoplazm did it again, it is awesome to know we can have some high quality free releases every now and then.

Totally recommended, download it for FREE in high quality FLAC or WAV @ Ektoplazm:

...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Anakoluth - Dwelling In the Void EP (Ektoplazm Records)

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