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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Alladin Project Presents: TOTAL ECLIPS, EXAILE, ELNADIV, SINPATEX & URIEL. FRI MARCH 31st in NYC
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Started Topics :  4
Posts :  179
Posted : Apr 2, 2006 05:23
Nice event!

I was a little bored for the first couple of hours, but the party picked up around 1:30 or so...

As much as I like Exaile's work though, he did not compare to Total Eclipse.

As soon as Exaile came on, people went nuts, screaming, and whistling and shouting. It was like a Tiesto concert with giddy teens. I couldn't enjoy it with people shouting throughout most of the set. He also started out a little slow at first with a LOT of annoying stoppage but picked it up and finished strongly towards the end. He's such a nice and cool guy too.

But the hightlight was Total Eclipse. I was so tired by the time he started, but somehow I found the energy to dance to his music. The crowd thinned out by that time too, which was a big plus. More room to dance and no more whistling and screaming. T.E. was absolutely amazing. Anybody who missed his short, but sweet set missed out!

The deco was fantastic too. I liked the cube to the left of the stage and I LOVED the pinball machine painting with the dude with 5 arms to the right. The colors of that painting were gorgeous!! Oh how I wish I could have taken it down and brought it home with me. It was beautiful and mesmerizing.

And this time almost zero smoke in the air and minimal BO. That bright projector has got to go though. I saw several people complaining to the owner but he was shrugging it off. Oh well.

I got pissed off though when the bartender gave me a bottle of water AND took the liberty of charging me tip along the way. Next time, no mister nice guy.

I'll be looking forward to the next one. Thank you.           If you ever find yourself being ripped apart by a pack of wolves, try not to scream. Everbody knows wolves can smell fear.
good carma
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  121
Posts :  254
Posted : Apr 3, 2006 07:13

BIG thanks for all of the people that were involved and made this party happen. You did an excellent job.
The music and the energy was killer!!! Alot of smiling faces just the way we like it!
For our next party we have a killer line-up in store with ETNICA LIVE/DJ 4 hours set and EDOARDO!!!

See U ALL again very soon
Alladin Project Crew

          Peace & Love 'n Trance
"Everyone dies but not everyone lives"

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  36
Posted : Apr 4, 2006 05:10
Nice party, i had a good time,gonna wait for the next one.
thanks to Alladin crew.           no time to talk...just dance.
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Alladin Project Presents: TOTAL ECLIPS, EXAILE, ELNADIV, SINPATEX & URIEL. FRI MARCH 31st in NYC
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