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Trance Forum » » Forum  Japan - ALL ABOUT MOBILE BUSINESS IN JAPAN (PART 2)
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Started Topics :  3
Posts :  9
Posted : Feb 27, 2006 14:00
We deal with track by track sale, different from CD industry which sell music packed into 9 tracks packaged as "compilation" and averaged $25 per unit. That means that a track costs in the shop almost 3 dollars.

This massive industry in japan is based on a simple idea then. Reduction of product cost by over 50% to the customer. Reduction of costs to almost zero in packaging, distribution, and sales of the product by the merchants --- and creating a 24 hours a day open shop in a secure broadband wireless environment both to the customer and their payment system, as well as for the musician and their rights of ownership and its related royalties payment.

Due to the change of times, and due to the fact that we are in Japan where this change is not any more a possible future, all this fact above are already history as we speak and the new data of February sales will arrive to us tomorrow-- we are bound to make the shift and lead the way into this new frontier of electronic music distribution and its almost original, natural and unavoidable format -- pure data -- all the way from the electronic music producer to the listening audience device, all in a transparent and simple system of online shopping cart, monthly sales reports and global quarterly bank wire system deposits of funds.

The system we build will soon be as automatic as any "File Delivery" service. In about 6 month from now -- we believe, you will have a ready to use WWW page where you will upload by yourself the files to our server, sign a digitally signed delivery PDF form --- which will activate a check on our end of the file quality and the delivery form authentic source regarding the product rights of ownership --- and you will receive an invoice that will let you know your product serial number, release date, and its price per unit.That system will aggregate data of sales monthly, and will translate into cash in your account quarterly.

If you do understand what we are working on right now, we hope you can also understand our mad race against the atomic nano second watch here in Tokyo to match KDDI deadlines, while learning a technology as foreign as a borg machine code language on a star trek movie. Yet we managed it to become reality and now we are officially one of the 51 companies that offer on AU.

the first person who actually experience it, i can say for the history books, is mr Guy the Beat Hacker. we stood outside Roppongi Velfarre club, hazuuiim legamrei -- watching the rain, while madness of end of the party around us, fan girls, yakuza tuff boys, and buzzing promoters -- whil we both tripping our ass -- i showed him how to access our siite on the main menue, how you enter the door, and the first WOW came out of his mouth wwhen Ronen Perplex ITS A FINE DAY unreleased ringtone hit our over sensitive ears out of my brand new AU 3d soround sound phone. i noticed everyone around us were watching us do what we do.... the japanese people are so into it right now, and seeing the artists going to the site that they download from, is as good as any show ---

we couldnt really hang out too much, but Ronen will come to my studio with his promoter tomorrow and I will show him the whole thing in hope he will start sending the message on to everyone. this is the real deal, people --- we finally "in control" of our music, visuals, sales price, and release dates! --- if my plot will not be tackled by a massive godzila in the middle of harajuku --- we can all enjoy this service just like you use hotmail or more like how you could use I-Tune if it was totally automated, and eventually it will reach outside Japan network.

back to the details -- they are as important. --
Our Trance on Ezweb music is under a category called CLUB/INDIES. We started placed 51, and in one month in operation closing soon, by traffic count, we jumped to place 45. Not bad for a kick start without any special promotion as we are still building the system and uploading materials.

back then in Christmass, In no time, actually less then 2 weeks, we licensed almost 2000 tracks and realized we can only update up to 500 tracks max per month, since we are on a test program for 3 month to make sure there is no angry customers or any other problem of service or server side malfunction. We had to shift gears and develop a good receive and encode system that is now finally in place and operational.

Now when the system is up --- we are going back to open our communication lines with all labels and artists who we believe should be using our service in hope of creating the future portal into Japan epic market of music data download. In the first month of February we create the Psy-Trance section of the service and is now in full on development process, sub-dividing itself into labels, artists and all sort of groups and networks working in the scene to produce music.

Parallel to that we kick start in March phase two, opening the ELECTRO top level section, the Techno top level section (both expected to subdivide itself as we go along the licensing agreements with different artists and labels) -- and a special X-tra section to each top level called BACK TO THE FUTURE in which we hope to revive the sound of vinyl and even tapes, digitize it if it is not already been digitized, and offer today electronic music generation a leap into time where music was raw, done with hardware and a lot of hand work - using both sides of the brain - and took forever to develop, produce, packaged, and sold outside your immediate close range market - trying to reach world wide distribution desperately, mostly dying on the way, or at best, kept somehow -- in some back stock room or master safe. And I take on myself the job of time traveling --- to times we all remember -- but didn't actually heard for quite some time.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Japan - ALL ABOUT MOBILE BUSINESS IN JAPAN (PART 2)
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