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Trance Forum » » Forum  Japan - ALL ABOUT MOBILE BUSINESS IN JAPAN (PART 1)
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Started Topics :  3
Posts :  9
Posted : Feb 27, 2006 13:59
Hi everyone --- Spy.d here / Tokyo X-Ray

for those who knows me, you probably know that in the past 6 month i have been working 24/7 on creating the new mobile download service on Japan largest 3G phone system AU KDDI.

while partying like a madman as usual, creating even a new unit with a friend of mine Daniel -- Tenzing Hornay called Q-MASTER and just debu in Osaka last week --- we managed to get a damn cool mobile download serivice for trance as a main and now spreading to wider spectrum of music.

now when the site is up for 3 weeks with our fiorst 50 debu tracks, all we do all day long in the harajuku studio is siging deals, encoding and uploading as much we can.

thats why i thought it is perfect time to go on this crazy board and get some "esh chaya" and see what people think about it --- i know we are about to change the music industry forever --- but i want to hear the good the bad, and especially --- and its so juicy here sometime - the UGLY.

so im taking off my nano-magnetic shield, get totally naked, not even underwear -- and stand in front of you all -- with my **** in my hand -- telling you all about what really going on in Japan in a blunt and down to earth way.

please feel free to express your thought as this is one of the most important issue of our time--- you might not feel it yet -- but trust me, im a profesional time traveler and part time psossible futures designer --- i know what im talking about --- a massive tidal wave, a tsunami of a kind nobody ever heard of in our industry is about to hit the shores of Europe starting April 1 --- and its not about april fool, just mark my words, and we can all see how it folds.

so here it is -- Part I -- staright from the depth of the matrix of downtown tokyo.


(one last note of appology -- japanese style--)
First I want to apologies on the fast and rushed way we try to offer you and your label to join our online service, due to pressure in time and tight schedule at the end of last year, we tried to make this project get a lift off in time, and sacrificed personal touch to our usual working style.

With that said, I would like to re-offer the information about our new mobile phone network downloadable music service we operate with Japan leading 3G carrier, KDDI AU - called in Japan "Ezweb"

Top Menu--> (3) Chaku-Uta --> (6) CLUB/INDIES --> (45)NOW.ON --> X-MODE
["Matrix -- Weapons please ----" - Morpheus - The Matrix I]

EZ web offers every AU phone user to access all data services though a text based with miniature graphic, animation and sound capabilities -- and allow every mobile phone user to use their phone as a credit card buying services as well as product directly from their 30 days credit via the phone bill.

To make it simple to understand, we can say that the user can shop anything on Ezweb by paying online with 4-8 digits password protected login/password system and get billed a few weeks later through the monthly tel bill.

This payment system did not develop much until a day back in September 2004 -almost a year and a half ago -- when the first "ringtones" concept was produced using MPG-4 technology and since then the industry grows in amazing 30% in total gross revenue, selling at the moment 10 million tracks per month and totaling over 40 million tracks in overall operations (that's about 4.5 million albums in AU system alone) - this unheard of growth number is keep surprising in its accuracy every month pass by. At the moment rate -- it sells about 200 tracks per minute at rates average on 100 yen per track, plus minus.

Lets reverse engineer it for a second to grasp the market capacity and growth at this moment in space and time.

Over 200 Tracks per minute
Over 12,000 Tracks per hour
Over 300,000 tracks per day
Over 2.5 million tracks per week.
Over 10 Million tracks per month

(and that's on KDDI network alone, there is 1 similar in size Network of NTT DOCOMO I-MODE and a much smaller of Vodafone Japan)

--- too long -- continue in next post
Trance Forum » » Forum  Japan - ALL ABOUT MOBILE BUSINESS IN JAPAN (PART 1)
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