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Adding a subwoofer


Started Topics :  8
Posts :  40
Posted : Jan 22, 2013 20:22:17
Ok so I typed my entire post and forgot to add a subject line so now I have to type it all again :


My current monitoring setup is as follows :

A pair of EAW SMS5's ( driven by a Carver PXm900 (

Now, I noticed, and confirmed upon inspection via a RTA, that the EAW's are pretty much useless below 60hz.. which is still quite impressive as its only a 5" driver in a plastic box, however this is still an issue.. Many will say that there is not much below 60hz and that one can often get away with it, except that I mostly produce and listen to psychedelic trance which happens to have A LOT below 60hz..

I would get my mix sounding OK on my system, and then I would go reference it on a top-end rig, and there would be so much low end that you could actually not even hear anything else.. so.. haha!

The only option I see as a fix, is to acquire another amplifier and a subwoofer, and run the entire system through a DSP.. this will give me all the freedom I want but then I'm looking at nothing under R10k..

Anyone have any tips regarding adding a subwoofer to your monitoring system without breaking your bank, but still maintaining good phase correlation?

Actually just thinking out loud with this post*
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Jan 22, 2013 20:39
you ahve to integrate it perfeclty, it should be invisible.. i mean just sound like your monitor are full range..after it may depend taste..sometimes i like to push mine for that club style sound..

to integrate it well the best is have to be sure the main and the sub are in phase and check the freq response too. thought if you set it up to sound good and know well the material your listening it can maybe be done by ears too.

depend a lot of the room too, in the one i m currently i rarely turn on the sub for example, it s not even pluged since 1 or 2 months tbh.. but if the sub is good and integrate well iit will give you very clean,tight and flat low end
its made specially for this, to handle the low end the cleanest possible ,not nearfield monitors,
decent sub handle the dynamic effortless, sound very clean.. and fast...sound great but best solution is to get well designed full range speakers when money is not issue imo

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  40
Posted : Jan 22, 2013 21:00
Indeed PoM.. and the only way I am going to achieve this is with a DSP.. no point I add a sub and it plays 6dbs louder and a millisecond later haha would drive me crazy

Nah I hate hate hate that 'smiley face' EQ nonsense haha must sound as natural as possible

I agree, however I don't I have a room issue in the lower registers.. the only problem I have is 108hz to be exact, but I've kinda learnt (forced to) work around it.. but this is another thing that could be corrected, to an extent, with a DSP.

Again, agreed, but unfortunately, money is always an issue haha!

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Posts :  418
Posted : Jan 30, 2013 21:17
adding a sub will give you a slight - yet very important for dance music - spectrum widening. there is a lot of energy down there and the more you tame that energy, the more profound, natural or maybe energetic your mixes become.
small exact square room would not handle a sub but if your room is like 10 sft or something in rectangular square there should be no problem adding a sub after you treat at least the corners properly. i have the focal solo 6 and by the time their sub was added i realised how important that is, i don't say you couldn't work at all without, but the difference is not small to my ears.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Jan 30, 2013 21:45
Lucidity im not sure to understand what you mean with dsp, but with a measurment mic and some free soft you can measure all this.

wihtout measurment if you put the sub and monitors at same distance to your ears it will be in phase .

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  40
Posted : Feb 1, 2013 10:48
@Fruitopia : Spot on there man.. I'm kinda past the point of 'nah it will do' haha

@PoM :

Yes indeed I would require a measurement mic to measure it, but then I need something to control the factors I want to change

No this is unfortunately not true.. everything from x-over points, type of filters to the delay through the different types of amps will affect the arrival time.. with speakers in such close proximity to each as it will be with a monitor setup.. you could look at delay times up to 10-15ms or more
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Feb 2, 2013 19:41
if the sub and the monitors are made to work toghther it should be less isssue i guess, mine work ok aproximatevely at same distance from the measurment i made.the sub was just a bit infront wihtout adjusting the phase.

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  40
Posted : Jul 6, 2013 19:26
An update :

I managed to get hold of an old Community Processor, the discontinued DSC52. It is a 2in - 4out device with 5 bands of full parametric EQ on each input and output. I dropped the 108hz room resonance and roughly ever 54hz up and down the spectrum by a couple of db's..

Now although doing so did not replace the need for a subwoofer.. I did however increase my low-end tremendously, to the point where I probably do not even need a sub anymore
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