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Acts who refuse to play because of not enough people...


Started Topics :  110
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Posted : Jul 16, 2009 10:51
alex has allready pointed out that he only heared it from somewhere else and has not been there for himself. its all based on gossip and offcourse if the story is directly from the organizer you can be sure that the organizer wants to keep the shine on himself as much as he can and probably not telling the whole story.
probably reasons may be (thats what experience is telling us):
- organizer couldnt pay the artist
- organizer wasnt able to setup the artists-specifical technical condiditions (channelmixers for liveacts for example)

it is very supposable that the artists didnt expect to get paid correctly because there havent been enough people to cover organizers costs.

IF the artists was getting paid in advance - the artists would have paid the advance back to the organizer (making him happy, because he obviously made negative income with an international headliner and less than 100 people). if advance is not payed back the artist would have broken contract and this topic would have another title for sure.

sure the organizer/promoter wants to keep his face to the local people as much as he can not uncovering the true story maybe.
good to see the OP smart enough to not post the artists name, ruining his reputition on isra because of some bla bla.
its a little bit sad that people directly ask for the artists name without asking deeper about the backgrounds.
sorry but thats my honest opinion. i also cannot imagine an artist traveling a long run, for do not taking the money at the end because of some less people dancing.

dropped my opinion, i am out.

Horrordelic Records

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Posts :  1247
Posted : Jul 16, 2009 17:40
Well if it was big act, we will know sooner or later.            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2009 11:51
actually i think it is wise not to play because:

1. if you definitely realize that the invited acts are too much for the expected guests - then it will definitely be a flop. so what's the point to fly and not to get your flight paid even....what is the point to pay your flights yourself. it might have been a point some years ago but nowadays it looks like you are paying in order to be allowed to work.

2. and even if it for friends. we have a worldwide financial crisis so it is essential what you do with your life in order to survive. so actually even 5 hours are too much loss of time. especially for good unique acts. you have to calculate about them, that they are a point of interest for many many people so if you divide one month to 500 parts you have appr. the time budget that a good unique act can invest for 1 person , if this act is thinking rationally . so it is stupid to spend 5 hours with five fens - it is irrational and it is a loss of time for this talent. a talent is born in order to connect to as many minds as possible.

3. but it is all about the quality of organizing festivals. if i know very well that a festival will be a flop, a financial flop, then it is not the artist, who is responsible and guilty for deciding not to come.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2009 12:05
I think it's actually very simple: if the act promises to act for a said amount of money, and there is no other agreement there, then they should give the money back. If they are promised a big party (which is a verbal agreement), then that may have been a factor without which they may have never agreed to come, then it is the organizer who is breaking the contract.

Unfortunately in our scene, a low number of people coming usually starts with the organizer saying to the artist "listen man, we haven't made enough money, so how about you play for XXX dollars instead", being less than half of what was agreed on prior. And there were a few cases where the organizers got violent when the artist refused. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 20, 2009 22:45
yes, exactly. some of them get verbal violent which is also enough...

but anyway, rationally seen:
you take 20 hours of possible playing in a month, or lets say 25 hours, if it is also during the week. divide to 500 trancers. 5 percent of the hour per trancer. 3 minutes. play 3 hours - you need at least 60 people. whatever, this was just an assumption, boom from me
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  546
Posted : Jul 27, 2009 11:21
some of the best fun i've ever had was playing to 30 people.

you can get an amazing intimate vibe when you can see everyone's face. you can really read the crowd and interact with people.

it's not the same as playing to 1000, but i enjoy the feeling just as much. oh, and you can guarantee all 30 people can hear the set really well

if my costs are covered i will play. it doesn't matter how many people are there. as someone pointed out, it's the music i love. if there's no-one there then it's a chance to hear your latest tunes on a big system, and to experiment and try shit you wouldn't otherwise try.

but then again i am not a big international artist


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Posted : Jul 27, 2009 19:34

but then again i am not a big international artist

Exactly. No offense whatsoever Aeon but i never heard about your project so you might be keen to play on any party anytime with any circumstances even without money BUT when you are going to be after your 300th gig and playing on parties will be your job you'll most likely see these things otherwise
I totally understand and would never call any artist greedy or think that he is making it "only for the money and not for the love of music" if he doesnt play without what was promised to him. In fact its more serious like this in my books. Also, Im with Moki.Time.Wave.Zero about the time schedule, very interesting approach
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Jul 27, 2009 21:47
I have seen so many of the "big" artists play for really small crowds!! I think it totally depends on the guys performing and mood ofcourse, some are really diehard psyfreaks and they play anyway, they simply love it...            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2009 21:30

On 2009-07-13 13:01, kriz wrote:
WHy not write the name ?? Last year it was this discussion about Astrix not wanting to play at Tshitraka because of not enough people.. He decided to stay in his hotel , LOL !!


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Posts :  157
Posted : Jul 28, 2009 21:58

On 2009-07-27 21:47, kriz wrote:
I have seen so many of the "big" artists play for really small crowds!! I think it totally depends on the guys performing and mood ofcourse, some are really diehard psyfreaks and they play anyway, they simply love it...

For sure man, you can always find artist do it that way and it's really cool but others just don't and that's cool aswell. It just shouldn't be an expectation I think.

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  63
Posted : Jul 28, 2009 22:07
After reading through this thread and considering it thoroughly, I have concocted a way to be an innovator. I will refuse to play when there are too many people instead of too few. So if you are in the Texas area and do not want the Nivlem to play, make sure to be there for my next gig.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Jul 28, 2009 22:27
^^ lol

never heard the things that way round haha .Nice one 
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Jul 29, 2009 02:57

On 2009-07-28 22:07, Nivlem wrote:
After reading through this thread and considering it thoroughly, I have concocted a way to be an innovator. I will refuse to play when there are too many people instead of too few. So if you are in the Texas area and do not want the Nivlem to play, make sure to be there for my next gig.

Cool man, I'll make sure I stay away next time so I get to hear you play.

wait... what?           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  83
Posted : Jul 29, 2009 04:45

On 2009-07-29 02:57, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2009-07-28 22:07, Nivlem wrote:
After reading through this thread and considering it thoroughly, I have concocted a way to be an innovator. I will refuse to play when there are too many people instead of too few. So if you are in the Texas area and do not want the Nivlem to play, make sure to be there for my next gig.

Cool man, I'll make sure I stay away next time so I get to hear you play.

wait... what?


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  63
Posted : Jul 29, 2009 20:44
Ha ha, good to see people have a sense of humor here.

I think if you are contracted to play and know you're going to get the money, and especially if you have already received the money and had travel expenses covered by the promoter, you should play. If it's a matter of getting paid according to head count, I could see how some who are in this for a living would not want to play if they don't feel the crowd is thick enough.
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