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Acts who refuse to play because of not enough people...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 02:17

On 2009-07-14 13:02, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2009-07-14 12:19, RenderingRebel wrote:
Whats the fun in dancing behind your laptop if there are no people to encourage you hahahaha
Then it looks even more stupid

Simple, you double drop put on a CD with a long mix of your favourite tunes, get down on the dancefloor for the most intimate private party ever and dance all alone in front of a P.A. like there's no tomorrow.

Exactly you are already there and it is the music you supposedly love right? Why not just have fun?           assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 08:26
cmon man , pm me the name , justforkix
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 10:19
actually Nina is Dali's long lost twin sister....Nina came with Dali during a post-military trip to India back in 1999...dali was annoying and everyone from the group wanted to leave her behind...but they accidentally left Nina as they were confused...then one day Surrender and Shahar made a visit and found Nina eating food from the trash...they took her back and then said "we will make sure she becomes a big celebrity" thats how Nina the lost sister of Dali became a major compeTITor to Dali is with Hommega and Nina is on the loose eventually from what I hear Phonokol and Astral Projection crew are likely to take her over           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 11:02
creampies ??
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 11:54

On 2009-07-15 10:19, Xolvexs wrote:
actually Nina is Dali's long lost twin sister....Nina came with Dali during a post-military trip to India back in 1999...dali was annoying and everyone from the group wanted to leave her behind...but they accidentally left Nina as they were confused...then one day Surrender and Shahar made a visit and found Nina eating food from the trash...they took her back and then said "we will make sure she becomes a big celebrity" thats how Nina the lost sister of Dali became a major compeTITor to Dali is with Hommega and Nina is on the loose eventually from what I hear Phonokol and Astral Projection crew are likely to take her over

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 13:33
i know 1 thing with this kind of situations
you got promised that there will be many people and you will get paid good
then no people come
you dont get paid
you think "wtf im on the other side of the planet from my home for this???"
you get angry with promoter over the money and lousy gig
people come to isratrance and say you are idiot

and no it wasnt me , but i can fully say it happened to me , and i did played for 20 people but it wasnt as much fun when you know its for free and you wouldnt plan this on your own...

this why advance payment exist , and why i would play anywhere i got to...

Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 14:55
Whats the difference ? You neeed 2000 people to feel good ?            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 15:48
No, you need your money for your job, to feel good while doing it...
Its really about the artist fee and if the artist gets it or not, not about size of the crowd. But very often when the crowd is too small promotors dont pay the Artist at all. I would never blame an Artist if he doesnt play without his promised fee I dont work for free neither. ANd i got this feeling about organizers getting greedy thinking "oh i pay his flight so he'll be here already so he wouldn't refuse to play even without money because he is already here and because of the people..." Not nice at all.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 15:56

the topic started not for "not paid artist" but artist that didnt played because of few people
different things
its about their image to so-psy-ety

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 16:00
Yeah maybe it has something to do with "image" or fear of lousy Youtube videos showing an empty dancefloor, for sure not good for promotion. Still, it has a strong connection with the unpaid fee I think...

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 20:47
hey the important questions is...was it a live set?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 20:51
such things will always happen,when you dont get this what was promised.
It is a privilege to having a wide scene and forums like this could warn or recommend - for reasons.Other than in other underground scenes which are by far not that big.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 21:32

On 2009-07-14 23:01, AumShantiAum wrote:

yes it is kinda of like an inside joke. only not a joke but the truth that most isratrance users know of but PsyNina's true fans have no idea. ill sum up the thread for you: psynina has a cock.

yes i am aware thats the only proof she has to prove that she is actually dali's twin
from what i heard she confused germany for israel and migrated there and started a label of her (his in germany) own. the germans really accepted this change and ensured the she, now he had a success full carrier to carry the past baggage of sagging tits along with the new penis they created by using the stem cells of michael jackson and david bowie. now Psynina wants to deny all this past and has been making claims everywhere that he is Thomas of Psytropic Records...but thats an all out lie and denial of past...the truth is that Psynina was actually absconding because she now he, (things we can do with science can blow ur mind and the world too) was involved in a big Nuclear related whistleblowing case...Nina was the one who leaked the compilation Nu-Clear Visions of Israel vol 1 a year and half before it was conceptualized. Things are never easy when you mess with Astrix and now you know how deep the rabbit hole goes...but did u know 50 rabbits dug the hole and there are 2500 ways of getting at the bottom of hole.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 23:42
Elad if you dont get pay'd that totally a different thing.
But in this situation Axis wrote that the artist wouldnt play only because there are not enough people (or at least thats what he heard).
Now i think that in this case you play no matter what. And sometimes this small acts can be even better than big acts
and full with good vibes.
Axis-mundi why dont you verify the story with a good source (someone who was there) and than
give the names of the artist? cause i think its important to know who they were.
But until you dont verify the facts i'm with u, u shouldnt give
any names based on second hand stories.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 16, 2009 03:40

On 2009-07-15 13:33, Elad wrote:
i know 1 thing with this kind of situations
you got promised that there will be many people and you will get paid good
then no people come
you dont get paid
you think "wtf im on the other side of the planet from my home for this???"
you get angry with promoter over the money and lousy gig
people come to isratrance and say you are idiot

and no it wasnt me , but i can fully say it happened to me , and i did played for 20 people but it wasnt as much fun when you know its for free and you wouldnt plan this on your own...

this why advance payment exist , and why i would play anywhere i got to...

I see your point, but if you are already there and you have 20 people there that are eager for you to play...These same 20 people will love you forever for playing...That word spreads and now you become this cool dude that played, even though you are an international artist, for 20 people......

The promoter can be an idiot, but that is not the fans' fault...I agree if you don't get paid, you shouldn't play...but if you get paid, who cares how many people are there?

As a business person, I can see where you don't play if you don't get paid...You have to draw that line somewhere so you don't get taken advantage of...
          assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Acts who refuse to play because of not enough people...
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