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Acid drenched Advantures....


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  76
Posted : Apr 6, 2011 14:29:58
I would like to share a story wich happend to me in 2002.

I took a frien whom i've introduced to psy culture to a open air party. We went in his car couse i didn't have a car back then. And also he wanted to "drop out" so i've spent most of the night looking for acid for us and some friends back home who asked me to bring some blotters for them. After asking some people where can i get some i stombled upon a guy with some powerful double layerd blotters and got 20 from him. He wornd me about the stuff but i've figuerd i'll do fine. I gave my friend his portion (mind you it was his first time after some X and some fake or weak ass LSD). I took 2 blotters and start to wonder around and dance and such. The acid switch gears on me and it was powerfull. I started trippin balls, I saw castles in a stack of hay and knights fighting dragons and wizards. in some point my friend came to me and sad that's he's goin home(he lived near by) for whatever reason and that he would return for me. I've mumbled somthing back and away he went. Well in the morning i had a blast but then started to worry will he be back for me. I called him but with no luck. Then after a several calls i managet to catch him but he mumbled some gibrish and hang up. I was furios and called his home in the middle of a dance flour while "NINJA" played a massive set. His mom picked up and sad that he is asleep, Iwve yelld some profanatis at her and hang up. The people start leaving the party and no matter how hard i've tried i couldnt get a ride and i finished all my calls on a pre paid phone. I managed to send a messege to my roommate about my whereabouts and realized i'm alone in the middle of a field hallucunating and with about 15 blotters of acid stashed in my underware. So with nothing much to do i went towords a civilization at some point i started to break up and thought about making a little hole in a dirt and covering my self in mud. At that breaking point i saw an blue racing car wich morphed into a tractor wich turn out to be my roommates friend's pickup truck and he came for me and rescued me with aircon and a cold coke(It was 12 a.m in a scorching hot summer). After i got home i showerd and put a M.O.S - Meter (bangin album at that time) and then went with my dog for a walk while plaing the tracks in my head.When i returned it was the same track in the same time wich is in my head.
The wicked stuff happend later with the acid while i'm stupidly continued hittin all through the weekend and well into the week.
But i wont bore you with details. All and all it was a great weekend

You may share yours Acid drenched stories,I'm sure you got some wicked one's.
BoOm on you'seses.

I've wrote a short story about this but it got lost in translation.
          Just Flyin' By....:)
Cosmic Tandav

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1026
Posted : Apr 6, 2011 15:35
pls use search .
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 15:53
Cool story bro.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
Posts :  2562
Posted : Apr 6, 2011 17:28
u owe me 2 minutes .
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Apr 6, 2011 17:57
Nice story!            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 18:29

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  147
Posted : Apr 6, 2011 19:42
acid is dance here. thnx.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  1120
Posted : Apr 7, 2011 12:59
are you Jacynth?           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 7, 2011 16:45

On 2011-04-07 12:59, day_tripper wrote:
are you Jacynth?

Hi Day_trypern. You can call somebodey to abandon forum when you dont see contrybution to community. This is law. Please look forward. THnx.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  76
Posted : Apr 7, 2011 19:00

On 2011-04-07 16:45, Jacynth wrote:

On 2011-04-07 12:59, day_tripper wrote:
are you Jacynth?

Hi Day_trypern. You can call somebodey to abandon forum when you dont see contrybution to community. This is law. Please look forward. THnx.

You are welcome me existance.
thnx.           Just Flyin' By....:)

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  76
Posted : Apr 7, 2011 19:01

On 2011-04-07 12:59, day_tripper wrote:
are you Jacynth?

You must be presizen or abandon this forum.
please use search.
Thnx.           Just Flyin' By....:)

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  147
Posted : Apr 7, 2011 22:29
this story is probably wicked and you must strafe to avoid enimies.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  2497
Posted : Apr 7, 2011 22:56

On 2011-04-06 14:29:58, hertz33 wrote:
I would like to share a story wich happend to me in 2002.

I took a frien whom i've introduced to psy culture to a open air party. We went in his car couse i didn't have a car back then. And also he wanted to "drop out" so i've spent most of the night looking for acid for us and some friends back home who asked me to bring some blotters for them. After asking some people where can i get some i stombled upon a guy with some powerful double layerd blotters and got 20 from him. He wornd me about the stuff but i've figuerd i'll do fine. I gave my friend his portion (mind you it was his first time after some X and some fake or weak ass LSD). I took 2 blotters and start to wonder around and dance and such. The acid switch gears on me and it was powerfull. I started trippin balls, I saw castles in a stack of hay and knights fighting dragons and wizards. in some point my friend came to me and sad that's he's goin home(he lived near by) for whatever reason and that he would return for me. I've mumbled somthing back and away he went. Well in the morning i had a blast but then started to worry will he be back for me. I called him but with no luck. Then after a several calls i managet to catch him but he mumbled some gibrish and hang up. I was furios and called his home in the middle of a dance flour while "NINJA" played a massive set. His mom picked up and sad that he is asleep, Iwve yelld some profanatis at her and hang up. The people start leaving the party and no matter how hard i've tried i couldnt get a ride and i finished all my calls on a pre paid phone. I managed to send a messege to my roommate about my whereabouts and realized i'm alone in the middle of a field hallucunating and with about 15 blotters of acid stashed in my underware. So with nothing much to do i went towords a civilization at some point i started to break up and thought about making a little hole in a dirt and covering my self in mud. At that breaking point i saw an blue racing car wich morphed into a tractor wich turn out to be my roommates friend's pickup truck and he came for me and rescued me with aircon and a cold coke(It was 12 a.m in a scorching hot summer). After i got home i showerd and put a M.O.S - Meter (bangin album at that time) and then went with my dog for a walk while plaing the tracks in my head.When i returned it was the same track in the same time wich is in my head.
The wicked stuff happend later with the acid while i'm stupidly continued hittin all through the weekend and well into the week.
But i wont bore you with details. All and all it was a great weekend

You may share yours Acid drenched stories,I'm sure you got some wicked one's.
BoOm on you'seses.

I've wrote a short story about this but it got lost in translation.

Dude great story. However if i may ask since your friend did some potent acid for the 1st time when you met him later how did he manage to pull the night off did he inform you about it.           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  76
Posted : Apr 7, 2011 23:39
Yeah i was very pissed off about being left in a forest without a ride home. I called him later that afternoon and he answerd mumbling some nonsence. To wich i responded screaming that i'm gonna burn all his stuff(speakers, cd's etc') wich he left at my place, mind you i was very high at the time. He was fine though, I guess he had some hallish trip and went to sleep induced in hallucinogenic dream or shit like tat. I didn't talk to him for a week and later things went back to normal. He's producing music now(Dark ironicly) and i figure droped more acid then me. I'm off the drugs now but what a great time that was. I've had a time of my life in the golden era of psy culture (2000 - 2005). Don't remember most of it though.
          Just Flyin' By....:)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Apr 8, 2011 00:59
Lots of aggression on your trip, hehe
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