IsraTrance Analyst Member
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Posted : May 4, 2009 02:59:35
A Jihad for Love (2007) is the world's first documentary film on the coexistence of Islam and homosexuality.The film is directed by Parvez Sharma, and produced by Sharma and Trembling Before G-d director Sandi DuBowski.
Fourteen centuries after the revelation of the holy Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islam today is the world's second largest and fastest growing religion. Muslim gay filmmaker Parvez Sharma travels the many worlds of this dynamic faith discovering the stories of its most unlikely storytellers: lesbian and gay Muslims.
Filmed over 5 1/2 years, in 12 countries and 9 languages, "A Jihad for Love" comes from the heart of Islam. Looking beyond a hostile and war-torn present, this film seeks to reclaim the Islamic concept of a greater Jihad, which can mean 'an inner struggle' or 'to strive in the path of God'. In doing so the film and its remarkable subjects move beyond the narrow concept of 'Jihad' as holy war.
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 28, 2009 21:08
afhanistan has big gay community many of the pashton men indulge in homosexuality....Kite Runner has some reference to it...also the Hijra (transsexuals) community is huge in the islamic world.
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