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A chillout psy festival

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 18:12
What about that ? I havent noticed any, then again, I dont check out that many festivals to be honest.

Sounds like an interesting concept to me though... Per definition no music over 120 bpm, and no sets being "trance all the way".

Instead, a collection of chill live acts and djs, in relaxed, sunny outdoor surroundings.

Perhaps, during the nighttime, some slow trance allowed 110-125 bpm.. but no faster than that.

I think it could be great, if the setup is good and the booked artists perform true to an efficient flow layout of the organizer (so we dont get 4 hours of the same ethnic, dubby or whatever chill in a row, but there is diversity all the way).

- Krell           Label DJ>
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 19:44
hey some friends of mine here in Reno are very into all things chill, and very interested in an all-chill party.

but, I think they just want to play mix-cds.

Last year's Symbiosis, in California, had a TON of chill, Bluetech, Aes Dana, Mahiane, Shponge DJ, OTT live!, Waterjuice, umm, I think there was more, but I forget... That was an amazing party though!           .

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 20:03
Almost opened this thread yesterday. Had it in my brain during some months, so I also agree that a chill festival would be just wonderful.

Imagine a nice decoration, all the floor plenty of coushins, carpets, and all type of psychedelic objects, ...

Every year the festival would have a different theme, as, for example, Burning Man is doing, oriental decoration, space, sub-aquatic, ... that would be nice.

Also small tables, and you can take your teas/coffees/infusions and have a relaxed talk with the other people around you about nice topics, nice travels one have made, great experiences one have lived, and all that while listening to the best psy chill one can imagine..

Just perfect, can't imagine a better way to disconnect from routine..
Allegoric - Psynce
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 20:12
nice idea !

this topic should have been posted here :

this is trance section
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Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 20:21
I even think that a psy-chill festival would recover in some way the vibe we all want..

A psychill festival would be with (under my own point of view), a festival where the music is more 'humble', but more 'intense' or 'deep' maybe than a typical high-bpm 'agressive' and 'prepotent' (not always, but many times nowadays).

A psychill festival would increase the 'relation' and 'socialization' between people, as it is less dance-floor oriented and more aid between people, take care everyone of everyone, trying that all people is enjoying the moment, not lacking of anything (material and not), pure body and sould pleasure

Don't know if I explain myself, but I try anyways...
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 20:28
Excellent idea, but I don't think any party organizer will be up for this... At least in my country...

But "only chill parties", yes, these happens in the depths of the underground scene...
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 21:22

On 2007-01-16 21:12, Ishwara wrote:
How can you have ONLY chill? Have you been taking too much acid?

What's wrong with morning full-on?

This thread is about trying something different, and not doing what has been done, over and over, again and again.

Theres so much focus on energy and "partying hard", thats all there is in focus, and apparently it seems to be the most important thing in the scene.

There is however another part of the scene, where depth is in focus, I think that part of that part of the experience is worth exploring on its own on a larger scale - Let it stand on its own legs, instead of having it lie in the shadow of the trance dance floors.

I suspect that many people will realize, that depth of sound and music has an intensity of its own, you just need to tune into it. Realizing that might open up their eyes to a whole new world, full of joy and beautiful collective musical experiences.

- Krell
          Label DJ>

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 21:48
Well, imo chill doesn't stand in the shadow of trance, they're standing next to eachother holding hands

A good festival has both a trancescene and a chillarea, but you can just make more out of the bookings on the chillside than on the trancepart, if you want people to come primarily for the chill.

I don't think I would go to an all chillfestival, primarily because my mood during a festival changes. Sometimes it's nice to lie in the chillout, other times you want to jump around and be blasted into bits and pieces on a big trancefloor.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 21:56
ahhh,,, an alternate/side floor 4 da full power crowd ???           <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 22:13
i like that idea very well, i'd attend

something i always thought interesting was some sort of "psycultural meeting", with art exhibitions, performances, theatralic acts, even readings, whatever interesting. that could be combined very nicely with th psychillfestival concept           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 22:18
And to all the people that think Shpongle is less fun to dance than full-on - allow me to retort: Simon Posford's classic set at the chillout stage @ Samothraki 2002, one of the greatest moments of one of the greatest festivals. Amazing vibe there - seeing the people coming to rest from Logic Bomb (who were HUGE at that time) and ending up dancing even harder... Not just the classic dancefloor stomping but moving with every bit of their bodies and responding to the slightest nuances. Still smile when thinking of it now.

As to the topic.... YES, PLEASE. I want a festival with a lot of chillout, IDM, acidjazz, whatever. I'd pay top dollar for that.

Started Topics :  108
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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 22:31

On 2007-01-16 22:18, kaz wrote:
As to the topic.... YES, PLEASE. I want a festival with a lot of chillout, IDM, acidjazz, whatever. I'd pay top dollar for that.

meee tooo !!!

dancing / floating to chillout is awesomo...i enjoy the chillouts more these days anyway...           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 17, 2007 00:04

On 2007-01-16 19:44, mudpeople wrote:
hey some friends of mine here in Reno are very into all things chill, and very interested in an all-chill party.

but, I think they just want to play mix-cds.

Last year's Symbiosis, in California, had a TON of chill, Bluetech, Aes Dana, Mahiane, Shponge DJ, OTT live!, Waterjuice, umm, I think there was more, but I forget... That was an amazing party though!

symbiosis did have a very nice chill out section......2 of them.

The forest stage played a nice variety of Chill music. My favorite from this stage was HEAVY WEIGHT DUB CHAMPIONS. What a show!! Those guyz were jammin.

For me this was the first time that i enjoyed the chill out area almost as much as the main stage. It seemed and felt as if this event was "evolutionary" in the way they incorporated the more "chill" music and made it a very large part of the festival; and it worked beautifuly.

I do think that a "psychill" event could be good if done properly. Maybe adding in some similar to 'Shpongle' style music as well.

           "On the path of spirituality, one ventures to vanquish one’s own faults rather than to judge others"
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  42
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Posted : Jan 17, 2007 01:43
In a mossy forest so you can lay down on the moss and chill out. I dont like dancing to chillout but I love chilling to it. A festival of pure chilling to chillout sounds great!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 06:09

On 2007-01-16 18:12, Krell wrote:
What about that ? I havent noticed any, then again, I dont check out that many festivals to be honest.

Sounds like an interesting concept to me though... Per definition no music over 120 bpm, and no sets being "trance all the way".

Instead, a collection of chill live acts and djs, in relaxed, sunny outdoor surroundings.

Perhaps, during the nighttime, some slow trance allowed 110-125 bpm.. but no faster than that.

I think it could be great, if the setup is good and the booked artists perform true to an efficient flow layout of the organizer (so we dont get 4 hours of the same ethnic, dubby or whatever chill in a row, but there is diversity all the way).

- Krell

I like this idea.Think it would be really great
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