9.30-10.2.11 - X Marks the Overmind - Snowflake, AZ
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 15, 2011 03:04:00
Come help us cram ten years of fun into one incredible weekend
Audio Navigation by:
Nick Synergy (Sonic Dragon Records / Overmind Works, AZ)
Xyla (Mistress Of Evil / Shaman Films)
Jay Eric (Overmind Works, AZ)
Moksha Mind (Overmind Works, AZ)
Psyrrano (Overmind Works / Stimulate Productions, CO)
Spyder (Cosmic Sea Productions / Warsaw Pact Entertainment, AZ)
Norman Van Ness (Warsaw Pact Entertainment, AZ)
Pyro (Warsaw Pact Entertainment, AZ)
Autopsy Report (Cat In Cog, AZ)
PsyOn - (Sculpted Sound / OtherWorldRecords, CO)
Dino (Secret Vision Nogales Sonora/ Space Music Hermosillo)
Shiango Kali (Secret Vision Nogales Sonora / Space Music Hermosillo)
Emily Skyrocker (Digital Nature Records, AZ)
Throw3r (AZ)
William F*cking Reed (Sticky Fingers, Strobes AZ)
Pac D (AZ)
Omniphonix (AZ)
eNdo (Stimulate Productions, CO)
Ravyn (AZ)
Tim C (CO)
Deco and Visuals by:
Stimulate Productions
Sculpted Sounds
Overmind Works
Psyonic Arts
and many other friends!
We'll be camping out for the weekend, so make sure you're prepared (bring food, water, camping gear, toiletries,
TRASH BAGS, clothing for warm and cold weather, etc.). We have secured a beautiful desert location just outside
Snowflake, AZ. Be prepared for warm, sunny days and cold nights (possibly very cold). This is a LEAVE NO TRACE event,
which means pack out what you bring in. Seriously, we want to do more future events at this location, which means
zero trash left over from this and every other event we do... EVER!
NO Dogs
NO Fireworks
NO Weapons
NO Illegal Substances
NO Drama/Negativity
There are a lot of expenses involved in making sure this event happens. We are requesting minimum donations of $10 per person,
which can be made via our the Paypal button at the link below.
We're also working on some cool prizes to raffle away to those who choose to donate online (*hint - think/thank Astral Hoops).
Free water will be available courtesy of our hosts. Bring your own containers!
We are working on bringing a bigger PA than usual for this special anniversary. You deserve it.
  "Every generation needs a new revolution." ~Thomas Jefferson
Join ours: http://www.campaignforliberty.com
Overmind Works - bringing quality psytrance to the Arizona scene.
http://www.overmindworks.org |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 17, 2011 04:15
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 19, 2011 07:48
Car pooling is highly encouraged!
Phoenix to Snowflake - 175 miles
Tucson to Snowflake - 210 miles
Denver to Snowflake - 700 miles
Albuquerque to Snowflake - 260 miles
Flagstaff to Snowflake - 120 miles
Las Vegas to Snowflake - 370 miles
Directions will NOT be posted online!
To RSVP send an email to x@overmindworks.org and include your name and how many people and vehicles will be in your group. Directions will be emailed the morning of September 30. If you'd also like to receive directions by text go ahead and include your phone number too. Anyone who donates ahead of time will automatically be sent directions.
We are 8 donations away from meeting this week's goal. Please donate today and help us cover our infrastructure expenses.
  "Every generation needs a new revolution." ~Thomas Jefferson
Join ours: http://www.campaignforliberty.com
Overmind Works - bringing quality psytrance to the Arizona scene.
http://www.overmindworks.org |
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Posted : Sep 21, 2011 22:27
Nice to see the return of Xyla... Hope she rips it up.
  An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. |
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Posted : Sep 22, 2011 17:53
whoa xyla?!
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2011 21:01
Astral Hoops ( http://www.astralhoops.com ) has graciously provided a hoop to be given away at the event. Lovingly crafted by Jay Eric, this hoops is truly a one-of-a-kind. Any donation towards this event of $10 or more puts you in the running to take it home with you!
If you prefer to donate at the door, send an RSVP to x@overmindworks.org with your first and last name (and the names of anyone coming with you). Directions will be sent on Friday morning, September 30th, for everyone who RSVPs/donates. Include your phone number if you'd like to receive a text message with directions.
  "Every generation needs a new revolution." ~Thomas Jefferson
Join ours: http://www.campaignforliberty.com
Overmind Works - bringing quality psytrance to the Arizona scene.
http://www.overmindworks.org |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2011 21:11
Oh, and bacon cook-off Sunday morning! Bring your bacon, and we'll keep cooking it until it's all gone or everyone's full!
and, yes, we'll have a separate pan for vegan bacon!  "Every generation needs a new revolution." ~Thomas Jefferson
Join ours: http://www.campaignforliberty.com
Overmind Works - bringing quality psytrance to the Arizona scene.
http://www.overmindworks.org |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2011 19:51
forecast is calling for clear skies, 80-ish in the day, 50-ish at night. No moonlight, so bring your own lights. Don't be a darkwad!
  "Every generation needs a new revolution." ~Thomas Jefferson
Join ours: http://www.campaignforliberty.com
Overmind Works - bringing quality psytrance to the Arizona scene.
http://www.overmindworks.org |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 30, 2011 01:50
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 8, 2011 20:20
I'm sunburned, worn-out, and very much feeling the afterglow effects of a wonderful weekend outdoors with my psy-familia. What a great weekend! Driving up Friday night, I'm greeted with a sky full of stars, gentle mountain slopes off in the distance, and a small but growing crowd of friends and family ready to get things started. Around 10 pm the first beats flow from the speakers, and it's on! Yeah, we were a bit late, but it wouldn't be an OMW outdoor if we actually started on time
The first night I didn't sleep a wink, I was too excited and mesmerised by the music, the environment, the music, the people, the stars, the music, the lights and deco and conversation (did I mention the music?). Saturday I bounced around, soaking in the great beats, and staving off sleep until it's way too hot in my tent to even think about it. Finally, around sundown, it starts to cool off, and I lie down for some much needed rest. Suddenly, disaster! A gust of incoming thunderstorm blows our DJ booth over, nearly taking Pyro Dave with it. After some very quick re-building on the part of Yardz and a dozen or so others, the structure is once again standing and the music is back on (although, unfortunately, the sound system was a little trimmed back due to technical difficulties), and I lie down again for some rest. But sleep won't come, as the music pours out over the dance floor and floats up to my camp, my mind just won't let go. I lie there all night listening to the most awesome soundtrack I've heard in years. Some time in the night it starts raining, and as dawn breaks (or, rather whimpers) into day, the rain gets harder and the sky gets darker. I rise and zombie my way around the party (40+ hours with no real sleep) as my clothes get wetter and the ground gets sloppier. It starts to dawn on me that if this rain doesn't let up, then the 7 mile dirt road we drove in on won't be passable when we're ready to go home in a few hours. About the same time, I start to notice a break in the clouds on the horizon. The rain fades away, and the sun finally breaks out into the most beautiful afternoon I've seen in Arizona in a long time, accompanied by some of the best psytrance I've heard in Arizona in a long time (courtesy of James Thrower, Emily Skyrocker, and Nick Synergy). An amazing afternoon spent frolicking in the wilderness with my closest friends made the best way to end this event.
Much love goes out to everyone who has enjoyed these events with us over the years. We're all looking forward to many more to come.
  "Every generation needs a new revolution." ~Thomas Jefferson
Join ours: http://www.campaignforliberty.com
Overmind Works - bringing quality psytrance to the Arizona scene.
http://www.overmindworks.org |