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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - 7/14 - Los Angeles, CA - Bring That Beach Back (oldschool goa)
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7/14 - Los Angeles, CA - Bring That Beach Back (oldschool goa)

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Jun 26, 2012 12:15:19
Bring That Beach Back
Saturday, July 14th, 7PM-2AM
Downtown L.A. area

Earwall Productions and friends are proud to present a special night of retrodelica!

Goa trance has a wild and wooly history, stretching over multiple decades and incorporating many different substyles. For one evening, our DJs will take you on a whirlwind tour of its past; hearkening back to a more psychedelic time, we invoke the tribal rhythms, colorful melodies and tripped out sounds of yesteryear. Come make some new memories with us.


7-8 PM: Groove coalescence; downtempo and ambient trance

8-10 PM
Earwall (Earwall Productions)
80s Goa, Proto-Trance, Acid

A goa fan since the mid-nineties, Earwall has spent the last year digging ever deeper into the roots of the scene, back to the days of the analog cassette tape and the re-purposing of electronic pop for early trance dance. Now, he shares his interpretation of the old school Goa vibe, 1984-89.

Steve Eagle (Heavy Industries)
Trance Techno, Psytrance, Goa

First exposed to trance in 1994, Steve Eagle has since lent his touch to many different styles of dance music, from progressive psytrance to industrial techno. Whatever the music genre, his smooth, yet aggressive and powerful style always comes through. Expect a blend of goa and classic trance, from a master weaver.

Barakuda (Psytribe)
Psytrance, Goa

As the founder of L.A.'s longest running psytrance collective, Barakuda needs little introduction. For this event, he's digging through the crates in order to bring us a history lesson in 90s goa. We are honored to present a full power midnight mix from this psychedelic veteran; get old-schooled!

Beach Snax: fruit, chips, bottled water, homemade cookies

The Obscure Bazaar: snag some Goa CDs and records at our booth!

No illegal substances
No loud stereos/outdoor noise (for our neighbors
Please keep the space clean

Located in a private studio about 1 mile from the city center. Please send me an email at, or send a Facebook message, on the week of the event for directions.

This is a free event with no cover charge; however, donations to help offset the cost of the rented space are very much appreciated. Look for the tip thermos

Also, we can always use additional decor. So, if you have something visual that you'd like to bring to the party, you are more than welcome to.


Art by Syonix:
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  51
Posts :  427
Posted : Jun 27, 2012 22:11
Big ups... Will try hard to be there. Also you should create facebook page for promotions. Many people can be exposed to it. Post it here when you do have it...

A+ for the initiative.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Jun 27, 2012 22:51

On 2012-06-27 22:11, psyman wrote:
Also you should create facebook page for promotions. Many people can be exposed to it. Post it here when you do have it...

Knew I forgot something


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  81
Posted : Jun 28, 2012 07:01
this is great! thanks for throwing this party. looking forward to attending!

If you're in need of goa trance djs for your next party, hit me up!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  99
Posts :  786
Posted : Jun 30, 2012 00:50
And I thought I was getting one weekend off.

I'll try to be there. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  242
Posted : Jul 10, 2012 00:00
So I should be there!!!!!! glad to see this come together. sucks that it's on the same night as another party, i'm sure there are some of that crowd that would also enjoy this.

An important note to note.......
This weekend I was asking people if they were going to this and not 1 person I asked even knew it was happening so you may wanna consider that. and more facebooking
the people in which I am speaking of are regulars and important dance floor energy of the SoCal scene. there are many of you that weren't there that I didn't ask I wonder if they too also have no idea about this?

well at least some more know and should be there, I'm sending them the info now. I'm looking forward to meeting some new faces that are also down for this shit!

and hearing some Retrodelica lol
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Jul 10, 2012 00:24
Chemistry, are you referring to this?

Thanks for getting the word out!
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Jul 10, 2012 02:32
ETA: Nevermind, I see which party you were talking about:

My advice is to hit both
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  911
Posted : Jul 10, 2012 04:47
oh isratrance it feels like its been forever. sucks that facebook is the major promotion source now, i miss this place! think i will make it point to come back here every so often as I almost missed out learning about this party!. i probably would not have heard about if chemistry didnt tell me this weekend, thanks buddy this party is a brilliant idea! i will most definitely be there and will do my part to spread the word. keep it goaN, bOM!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Jul 17, 2012 04:40
Thanks to everyone who came out! I had an absolute blast with this.

For those who couldn't make it, most of the night was recorded and will be online soon. Due to technical difficulties, we ended up going from 9pm-3am, but everyone got to play their full sets. In my experience, psytrancers don't show up until at least nine anyway.

I received some interesting comments about the music early on... apparently it was way too dark/twisted for a lot of people. While for others, it could never get twisted enough What I can say is that I programmed my set as a journey from light into darkness and back to light again. Those who arrived in the middle, lacking that context, may have been ambushed by that dark section; not really anyone's fault, but next time I'll consider holding off on the heavy mental music until more of a vibe has been built.

This was the 1st event for E.P.; we'll have to do this again sometime!

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  81
Posted : Jul 20, 2012 08:18
damn i wish i could have made it. did you record your set by any chance?
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Jul 20, 2012 19:44

On 2012-07-20 08:18, camundongo wrote:
damn i wish i could have made it. did you record your set by any chance?

Just uploaded it last night:

Steve Eagle's should be up by next week.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Jul 21, 2012 04:09
Correction: his set is up now!

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  84
Posted : Aug 7, 2012 07:30
How'd it go?? Like your set earwall.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  12
Posts :  25
Posted : Aug 8, 2012 04:19
Thanks! It actually felt a lot like the first psytrance parties I attended, just from the other side of the booth this time. Glad you enjoyed my 'back to the roots' set too.

Hopefully we can get you out for a set next time we do this :3 I'm thinking late fall, maybe winter?
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - 7/14 - Los Angeles, CA - Bring That Beach Back (oldschool goa)
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