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Trance Forum » » Forum  UK - 6th oct KANYINI feat ManMadeMan in Wolverhampton
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6th oct KANYINI feat ManMadeMan in Wolverhampton

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  234
Posted : Aug 30, 2012 13:02:11

Lots of info to be added to this so stay tuned but basically we have a great new warehouse venue that has doors that open hopefully giving the place a festival tent kind of feel. the smoking area is close to the dancefloor.

mainroom Psy trance

featuring live


(Spacehopper, return to the source released tracks on every worthwhile psy trance label going, west midland Psy legends)

and Dj's

BEZ23 (peak records, Kulu)
CosmoNaughty ( Kanyini)
Awen (www.psyberdelica)

Alternative room : Electronica, Dub & Spacious grooves

Astrodruid (live set)
Ginko Biloba
Malien Shalien

£10 on the door or £7 advance tickets from http://​​tickets/​kanyini-feat-manmademan/​10021161

we start at 21:00 and go on through until 04:00
Directions. It's probally worth giving some directions to this venue as it's not an easy place to find because it's not on a street, it's down a small town centre alleyway (Townwell Fold) that runs between Darlington street and Skinner Street , if you are coming along to this I sugest you have a look on a map before you set out (I've lived in Wolverhampton most my life and it took me 2 weeks to find the place) from the Skinner street side it looks as if it's just a service entrance to beaties the department store, just carry on up there. From the Darlington street side it's just a non descript snicket. the venue is a kind of non descript warehouse door about two thirds along from the Darlington street side.

Parking. Because the venue is in a inner city alleyway there is no parking outside the venue but there is free parking after 17:30 @ Fold street carpark, (you come of the cities ring road @ Salop street, then take first left into Fold street) this carpark is just around the corner from Fixxion warehouse project venue. parking is also free on Sundays.
Fold street car park does have a height bar. If you're coming if a van or living vehicle contact me beforehand and I'll sugest some free places.

There is a multi story carpark ( Beaties department store) next door to the venue but they will charge.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  234
Posted : Aug 30, 2012 13:04
on ManmadeMan's new website you can download paul and sonyas 5 albums for free
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  234
Posted : Sep 7, 2012 12:55
If you are travelling to Wolverhampton for this by Public transport on the sunday morning you can get National Express coaches

Towards Birmingham - Coventry - London leave the road at the side of Wolves bus station at 03:55 and 06:25
To Manchester leave " " " at 03:45 and 05:00
To Derby leave at 06:35

LOcal service buses 126 to Birmingham starts running 6:25
79 to West BRom starts running 6:55

with it being a sunday the first Wolverhampton to Birmingham tram doesn't start running until 08:00

Travelling by train to Wolverhampton It's worth knowing that after 18:30 a return from anywhere within the west Midlands costs just £2. which means it's £2 return from as far away as Coventry
Trance Forum » » Forum  UK - 6th oct KANYINI feat ManMadeMan in Wolverhampton
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