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Trance Forum » » Forum  Switzerland - 31.07 - 3.8.08 - Summer's End Festival 3 - Rona GR
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31.07 - 3.8.08 - Summer's End Festival 3 - Rona GR

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  948
Posted : Sep 3, 2008 23:06
uh lala

it seems that it's a (summer) neverending story with artist bookings and money revenue made at the festival.

first of all, i'm neutral, not accusing or defending anyone, just wanna get some some points straight .

yes, the organizers are very good friends of mine and i have access to "insider" infos... u wanna know what's happening behind the scenes? here we go:

@ stregone: very sorry to hear that you didn't play on the festival. not sure with whom you were in contact from SNE comite, but i was present at that very day (approx. 3 weeks before festival) when the lineup and timetable was completed. umm, you're name was already noted for thursday-friday night... nevertheless i find it very unprofessional if no one has contacted you with the correct playing time.

the festival had 4800 paying entries... ( saturday @ 50 chf) but many people got in for free by crossing the natural protected area. yes, in terms of party people, it's the biggest swiss festival todate. but ... the costs were immense as well... just alone human resources for constructing, working and taking down the infrastructures.... the rent of land (!) ... and and and... plus they had to construct a wooden bridge for 10000 chf for the commune of rona... if you add up all these small sums you quickly reach a high number of costs.

there was exactly ONE BAR & ONE FOOD STAND, but at least 5 clothing stands. i'm not kidding you... a festival of this size with such louzy food&beverage choice. i worked 8 hours(fri-sat) behind the bar and from my observations it ran very very well. however, the foodstand was operated by a local butcher (nothing to do with SNE) who was selling pizza and schnitzelbread, i assume he only paid a small fee for rent of stand. this shitty thing is that he ran out of pizzas on friday and i know from some people who ate only porc meat in bread during 4 days lol...

concering artists fee: to make it clear... there's absolutely NO REASON for artists to complain because of receiving minimal compensation for their performance. NEXT TIME it's better that you find an agreement BEFORE the festival on how much money you get for playing... instead of saying yes going there and hoping the organizer will pay what you assume to get paid. artists who do it this way are simply stupid to believe so, especially in the trance scene.

you want to know how much i got paid? 100 chf for playing 1.5 hour dj set and 8hrs of bar shift. but i agreed to these conditions.. for my own reasons

anything else?? wanna discuss the greatest chillout lineup of all times which unfortunately never happened=??

fraka is a state of mind
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  948
Posted : Sep 3, 2008 23:16
double post

fraka is a state of mind

Started Topics :  -1
Posts :  29
Posted : Sep 11, 2008 15:20
for me as a guest it was a realy nice festival ! i enjoyed it a lot
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Sep 29, 2008 13:27

On 2008-08-24 06:00, MARGHERITA wrote:
this fest, is a mess,,,
easy to announce a big & nice lineup,
and after, cancel every one...
good girls/boys, you did the best for be in the black list,
and now you are,,

They didn't cancel us. The only way we found out we weren't playing was by seeing the lineup ON THIS THREAD and seeing that our name wasn't there. No-one contacted us about anything to do with the festival once we'd been booked; our contact with the festival simply disappeared and no-one replied to any emails I sent. What happened to Colin/Sam Smiler?

Communication is essential; in this case, it was non-existent. This is a real shame because Switzerland has always been very good to us, and we love playing there. This would have been our first ever international live chillout set... too bad.

Still... we are open for bookings to promote our new album Fourthought Package deals available with Voice of Cod too - new album out later this year
[/spam]           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  200
Posted : Oct 2, 2008 22:59
I guess the organizers got a little too big for their boots.

No matter how much the expenses were, I still think some people made a lot of money from this, and sadly it wasn't the artists.

I had a great party nonetheless, but could have used some more choice in food & some nice chillout music.

Oh yeah, and a big fuck you to the guy who stole my sleeping bag!           «They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.»
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  75
Posted : Jul 22, 2009 15:01
its easy to say something before you know all details

its really funny to read this thread
just big blabla of jealous people

people who know us they trust us and they know how well we organize

one of best organized swiss parties

not like save the freaks party in Ticino
ismaele (psysmael)
you don't even pay the DJ's

no agression or violence on our party

@ anogenic: you sound like somebody who never organized a party

@ margherita: are you so sad cause i told you that you're not on the lineup???

big words here to bring bad vibes...haha
but if they need something they're all a...lickers
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Jul 22, 2009 20:29
swiss section moving ...... o my god.-.----


On 2009-07-22 15:01, Terranostra wrote:
@ margherita: are you so sad cause i told you that you're not on the lineup???

all most 1 year after our posts, never to late for answer us baby boy....


i'm sad to see people like you making festivals......

i'm sad to see my friends musicians, who was in the lineup last year, canceled last minute....
i'm sad to see this year lineup ,
swiss scene well represented, with the bigers acts

thanks for the fillers and the "open mind" in styles of music...

actualy, is just usual balagan,

psychedelic circus never end

should be the name of your event......

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1252
Posted : Jul 24, 2009 10:08

On 2009-07-22 15:01, Terranostra wrote:

not like save the freaks party in Ticino
ismaele (psysmael)
you don't even pay the DJ's

Giorgio it seems you like to lie.... YOU were not payed because when I asked you you told me that you wouldn't pay me at summer never end and so I would have not payed you at save the freaks... all the artists who asked for a book at save the freaks were payed, all!!

And you after the festival you camed asking 150.- for the fuel still even if we didn't decided we would pay that before from your words.... but I gave you that money, isn't it? Without a word we gave you that.

Don't tell bullshit already you disrispected so many people, starting from me, now also telling lies... pffff... really shame you so false....

You never apologised and still pretending to be in the right....
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  11
Posts :  37
Posted : Aug 21, 2009 00:59
hello, nice line up

if you need some international live act you can contact:

for demo tracks:

hugs from portugal
Trance Forum » » Forum  Switzerland - 31.07 - 3.8.08 - Summer's End Festival 3 - Rona GR
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