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Trance Forum » » Forum  Switzerland - 23.06.07 - SECRET GARDEN & HIDDEN CAVE III - by FrakaSound
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23.06.07 - SECRET GARDEN & HIDDEN CAVE III - by FrakaSound


Started Topics :  57
Posts :  233
Posted : Jun 30, 2007 04:08

On 2007-06-30 02:17, Slimseth wrote:

call your friend Slim and ask him what is really happening
..... the problem in the scene... I totaly agree with you, and you were in the scene decades before me (hihihi)so you know better than me for this I guess :-) I also would like to get rid of these dealers that screw our gigs... but I still couldn't figure how...

yep... i tried to call you Slim .. on your mobil! ... before the psyber meeting.. i wanted to know from you what really happen, if (as said the newspaper) it was really a bad drug that...? ... ? ....
but no Slim....???
believe me it was fucking not easy at the meeting to cancel my birthday party... already having the police canceling the helv-tek 2 weeks ago.. driving kilometer to find a new place and then having report about the S.Garden from friends (even some working in ;o) ... and then call of other friends saying go checking the newspaper.. oups...
As the other promoters said actually in pm : that's a fucking problem for illegal party.. cause at the Fraka it's ok: this is a legal one: so no problem: youv'e got a good first rescue team .. ambulance... + ANSURANCE! ... but if it's illegal at 2000m high: No ambulance (even with it, they will take more than 1-2 hours to reach the hospital !!!) and no ensurance!!! so ... how said Vince: this is the reason why he stop some years ago to put up parties!
So yes as you say we've got a scene problem...

(Ps good for you that you've already got the autorisation for the secret garden 4 !! definitivly you really a killer to speak with the commune! )
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 3, 2007 12:48
all i can say is that i agree with my friend muestik: it was a killa party!
lots of very friendly and nice ppl, great music, nice location and a nearly perfect organisation from slim + crew.
about the drug victims i think it´s not slims fault at all.
if you don´t know, what u take, then don´t take it! it´s always a risk, when u buy stuff from people, that u don´t know. and shame on the sellers to not inform the ppl what was in there.
i really hope the ppl are better now and also learned their lesson.
but slim did the best to help these ppl and tried to take care, that there are not more victims.
to stop the party earlier was a good and courageous decision.
so in my opinion he did everything what was possible and necessary.
and regarding the scene in swiss... how can u make him responsible to look the scene bad?
he didn´t sold the stuff. and he was always there to help. so common....

for me it was a nice experience and i wanna thank slim, colin and all the other frakas for this nice and well organiced party!

all the best,

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 3, 2007 19:31

Is it even sure there was bad stuff? I mean to me it just looks like some fools who took to much whilst being too drunk... "You took too much man, you took too much..."

Great party by the way... just a shame for the break of outdoor music at 5...           «They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.»
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2007 15:35
@Mikadho: Thanx alot for these kind words, it was also our pleasure to have you at the party with us

@Anogenic: Yeah alot of people talk about bad stuff... to tell you the true about these 5 guys the quality of the stuff they had taken is not really what brought them into these problems... it is the quantity (1g of mdma in 1 go is just what I call beeing stupid)

So now these guys, on top of risking there health in this non-sense behavior, have to assume the costs of the ambulance+hospitalization (in Switzerland this is NOT cheap) and have to deal with the police charges and investigation...

I just hope next time some people want to behave in such stupid and uncontroled way they stay home to do it, and they know that they will be risking alot in health, financial and legal terms.

          "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive music!"
Kristian Wilson - former CEO Nintendo Corp.
Yab Yum

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Posts :  641
Posted : Jul 4, 2007 15:54

On 2007-07-04 15:35, Slimseth wrote:

I just hope next time some people want to behave in such stupid and uncontroled way they stay home to do it, and they know that they will be risking alot in health, financial and legal terms.

sorry but in my opinion there are some factors that cant be ignored. this is NOT a critic of the party or the organisers, just an observation

1- the name of your assoc:FRAKAsound. "fracassé" literally means shattered in french and is used when someone is really out of it on drugs or alcohol.

2- your flyers in general pictures magic mushrooms. this is clearly sending out a message to punters. and quite a blatant one at that.

now, taking this into consideration how do you expect people to come to your party and not take drugs. come one! who are you kidding?
also Slim, check your signature on this forum. it seems funny to me that you d be lecturing people on their consumer habits with this at the bottom of the page.

what are the responsibilities of organisers in this country or beyond? where are the limits of this responsibility?
there is some serious debating to be had i think.

          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  198
Posted : Jul 4, 2007 22:11

1- the name of your assoc:FRAKAsound.

2- your flyers in general pictures magic mushrooms.

also Slim, check your signature on this forum. it seems funny to me that you d be lecturing people on their consumer habits with this at the bottom of the page.

1) well then I would like to know what happends in the Chemical Mafia parties...

2) Sure... so lets not add any mushrooms to flyers... and lets stop also the psy-flyers cause they might encourage ppl to take drugs...

The same with my signature... I am sure it encourage peoples to take drugs... Yeah right!!... Gaspard... this kind of thinking is good for the matin bleu journalists... not for you, please.

But please also note that I am not at all lecturing anyone on how he should and should not behave... I am not also saying all people taking some kind of drugs are stupid people or so... All I am saying is it is a mater of knowing what you do and how you do it... life is a mater of balance, and in these specific cases the guys had no balance at all and behaved like idiots.

And please know, just like I am not lecturing people on there does and don't, the limits of a oganizer is to provide good conditions to party... not to get fucked up... and this is what we did... and 500 people had fun in the party (and you know what... some were also on drugs I guess... but knew how to deal with this)... then for the ones that have a fucked up behavior this is not our responsability... we did all we could when we called the ambulance and sent them to get medical assistance...

People need to be responsible for themselfs... sure we help them out when they are not, because this is a professional legal party... but what would have happended with this same guys in any of the other (illegal) gigs up in the montain?

Now this is not a topic about legal/illegal gigs or a topic on FrakaSound... it is a serious question I have... what would have happened (for the people, and the organizer...who ever it was)if the UNCONTROLED behavior of such people had brought the same need for assistance... in a 2000m high party????

          "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive music!"
Kristian Wilson - former CEO Nintendo Corp.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 5, 2007 01:35

On 2007-07-04 22:11, Slimseth wrote:
what would have happened (for the people, and the organizer...who ever it was)if the UNCONTROLED behavior of such people had brought the same need for assistance... in a 2000m high party????

Well... I'd rather not having to ask me the question ever, especially not now :-/
I HOPE that having to go up in the mountains means you are deply connected to the scene and by definition know how to behave consciously... I can only guess...           V/A Floating Mirror - OUT NOW - with Celles, Midimal, Electrypnose, Melodix, Troll Scientists, Yab Yum, Gaspard, Ajja, Cradle of Beats! Info on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 5, 2007 03:19
REGA elicopter

and just some 1000.- or more to pay....

The problems is how to do partys without people that doesn't know how to manage themselves....

A Goa Party should be a occasion to better understand yourself while having fun and having social connection and a whole psychedelic experience, not a place where you go to smash up your brain and think to have fun while you are just dipendent from substances....

This is something important, but is hard to realize, what is bad is to have a commercial structure applied to a totally underground concept, then you can have real mass drug consumation and systematic abuse... because people feel the vibe you give them....

And with this I would not critic frakasound, but just give a hint to this discussion by my point of view.




Started Topics :  57
Posts :  233
Posted : Jul 5, 2007 16:17
To stregone:
unfortunatly: REGA helicopter don't land in any kind of situation. .. and most of time they don't land at night time if they think it's not safe enough for them !!! ..(cause clouds and forest cable, ... !!!)
So helicopter CAN be a "emmergencie solution", but if i take a look in the past: in 80% of my illegal past parties, they didnt land (if they had to) cause too unsafe for the helicopter driver!!!

I think that filtering the acces (only to family party people) is the most safe solution for organiser

Gaspard wrote:
....the name of your assoc:FRAKAsound. "fracassé" ....

i think you are right Gaspard! Like i say you at the phone Slim: with a moto: "Fraka is a state of mind": expect to have Fraka people during the party ;o)

To Mercury fall:
Goooooood luck for saturday night !!!! and all my best wish for the Moonloop release !
You keep your party secret, (like ours last week end) so normally you will have only RESPONSIBLE Beens !!! so must be no problem (if like said Slim it was not a problem of bad drugs but a problem of sutpid 2 leegs bee with eyes musch bigger than their stomac and leave ;o( !!

Slim wrote:
it is a serious question I have... what would have happened (for the people, and the organizer...who ever it was) if the UNCONTROLED behavior of such people had brought the same need for assistance... in a 2000m high party???? .............

I will say: 5 dead punters and looooooooooooot of problem for the promoter for rest of his life !!! (cause the problem is : illegal party: no ensurance possible! .. and no ensurance mean the organiser will have to assume !!!! )

Started Topics :  57
Posts :  233
Posted : Jul 5, 2007 16:47
To be honnest we had 2 times at the end of the 90th such risk, up in the mountains (the worth one: happen in Derborance for those that remember this magic Kaos party ;o) ...
the little story:
at quite the opening of the party: Nils catch a teknival girl selling bad pills at the opening of the party,... we eject this bitch,

2 hours after a guy fall down like a dead in middle of dance floor (it was the guy buying when Nils catch the dealer),

we evacuate the sick guy in car down to the hospital and

30 minutes later a part of the mountains fall down (excess of rain)
=> the road was close during the next 8 hours
=> no ambulance possible,
=> no car to evacuate, no telephone connection
=> carrying the guy on feet?: about 10hours under rain, for sure cold (wet) meat at the hospital doors ;o)...
N.B.: impossible to land for Helicopter, cause fullllll on raining ...

i can say you that all the team were around the dance floor during the next 3 hours :praying that this bitch didn't had time to sell more of her shit!!!!!!

with luck Nils were fast enough ..
and nobody fall down and rest of the party were brillant (Gaspard: it was one of your best dj set ever ;o) ....

so what i learn there:
if the coma guy was crashing 30 minutes later he will be dead
If Nils didn't catch the dealer and her bad quality drug: we had loot of sick &/or dead people to load directly in the Trax coming up to open the road at morning time, (and i will not live anymore in sweetzerland ;o) ...
After it we did much much more prevension,.. hunt dealers (sorry a party is not a drug store!!! this is the worth place to buy your shit!!! ... 1 you've got the risk to buy bullshit (if you buy to a home dealer: no problem : i will never sell you shit otherwise he nknow you will come back.. ....
2 you put problem to the promoter, the scene, ... and give a reason for the police to come!!

that's it


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Posted : Jul 5, 2007 19:16
Greetings to all !

Mountains are the last places of liberty in Europe (not in north America), when you come up you know the nature is the chief, and like every alpinist you know you can die there for a reason or an other. So every one have to be responsible for them self and assume their actions. So for me organizers had never to be prosecuted for things that releave of individual responsibility.

Super Sound to All !!           Pumping Up The Volume
Yab Yum

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  641
Posted : Jul 6, 2007 14:50

On 2007-07-04 22:11, Slimseth wrote:

1- the name of your assoc:FRAKAsound.

2- your flyers in general pictures magic mushrooms.

also Slim, check your signature on this forum. it seems funny to me that you d be lecturing people on their consumer habits with this at the bottom of the page.

1) well then I would like to know what happends in the Chemical Mafia parties...

2) Sure... so lets not add any mushrooms to flyers... and lets stop also the psy-flyers cause they might encourage ppl to take drugs...

The same with my signature... I am sure it encourage peoples to take drugs... Yeah right!!... Gaspard... this kind of thinking is good for the matin bleu journalists... not for you, please.

But please also note that I am not at all lecturing anyone on how he should and should not behave... I am not also saying all people taking some kind of drugs are stupid people or so... All I am saying is it is a mater of knowing what you do and how you do it... life is a mater of balance, and in these specific cases the guys had no balance at all and behaved like idiots.

And please know, just like I am not lecturing people on there does and don't, the limits of a oganizer is to provide good conditions to party... not to get fucked up... and this is what we did... and 500 people had fun in the party (and you know what... some were also on drugs I guess... but knew how to deal with this)... then for the ones that have a fucked up behavior this is not our responsability... we did all we could when we called the ambulance and sent them to get medical assistance...

People need to be responsible for themselfs... sure we help them out when they are not, because this is a professional legal party... but what would have happended with this same guys in any of the other (illegal) gigs up in the montain?

Now this is not a topic about legal/illegal gigs or a topic on FrakaSound... it is a serious question I have... what would have happened (for the people, and the organizer...who ever it was)if the UNCONTROLED behavior of such people had brought the same need for assistance... in a 2000m high party????

ok whatever mate! its all just a strange coincidence that in psyberpunk parties (to take this example) which had a clear anti drug policy and image, only one person taken to hospital in 12-13 years.

          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett

Started Topics :  57
Posts :  233
Posted : Jul 6, 2007 15:05

On 2007-07-06 14:50, gaspard wrote:
ok whatever mate! its all just a strange coincidence that in psyberpunk parties (to take this example) which had a clear anti drug policy and image, only one person taken to hospital in 12-13 years.

Rectification Gaspouille:
a clear anti (CHEMICAL) drug policy
(cause at same time, I was only signing contract in clubs, IF the club was not putting problems to smokers for exemple!!!! You can smoke 10 kilos in a night: you will not need a anbulance ;o))

Hospital problem:
2 time (not 1) for about 400 parties !!! :
1 in Derborance (already explain in this topic +
1 the last Naturalp: where a wanker put some liquid in the glass of a girl (it was much less serious than has Derbo. But the Samaritans preferred not to take risks and to send her in the ambulance to the hospital for a check up, because she was unable to speak) ....

To all promoters:

So sure. a clear anti CHEMICAL drug policy, will take you away a part of your public (we think about it before to put this psyber-politics on every advertising!! .. ) and my conclusion were: Ok i will loose people, but i will loose ONLY people that don't really care about music!! and i don't care a shit about these kind of people!
i quite never see someone "lost" at the end of our parties!
people speak much much more between themself!!!!! (maybe cause the talking become less virtual... ?!)
it take a bit longer to do boiling the dance floor! ... but if you've got serious right music, don't worry the "reactor" will switch on!!! and then to stop it: woaw woaw woaw ;o)) !!! forget it ;o)
if the police come : people feel much more Strong to say tehm: go away.. we've got the right to dance and have fun (different when you can no more open your mouth cause "clacage de machoires accéléré ;o)" ....

So Definitivly: at the end a clear no Chemical position were a good choice for us!!

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  485
Posted : Jul 9, 2007 11:11
Hello everybody. I just finish to read this topic and the consequences.
I think that this problem clearly depends on the responsability of the persons. I mean to take or not to take drugs. As Psyberpunk said, this music culture linked to the drugs kill the scene. Also it's much more interesting for a news papers to talk about the last Psytrance party and they were lots of drugs inside, beceause much more exotic than to talk about the guy who took a bad pills at a night club in Geneva.
It's that the role of newpapers is to inform people but these sort of newpapers give distorded informations too. And if we have really to inform people about this negative aspect link to parties in general. Hmmm I would like to know exactly how many people made a bad trip this week end at the lake parade in Geneva. Is there any review about that.
And about the name of the association, I could say Frakasound, means killa sounds and not people completely fucked up...(just another point of view)
In conclusion you don't need drugs if the music is cool, beceause that's the best drugs. It's just an artifice. But since the antiquity the human beings has this weakness with the drugs. If it's not a pills, it could be a guy who is completely drunk or something else. Sometimes humans are really SM and want to destroy themselves instead of just taking good times.
I don't know if there is any solutions to that...
To be responsible and not buying drugs if you don't what is inside. Anyway all the drugs are dangerous for health.           Nia KOR
DJ Milosz
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 12, 2007 01:38
United we stand - divided we fall!

We are one
Trance Forum » » Forum  Switzerland - 23.06.07 - SECRET GARDEN & HIDDEN CAVE III - by FrakaSound
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