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2012_is the date of what??THE BIGEST FESTIVAL WIIL HAPPEN?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2005 20:11
nice info hehe,prepare to enter the spirit world,hihi           ~~~~~~~namaskar~~~~~~~~~
After the End,a new Begining startS..

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Posted : Jan 25, 2006 04:13
we are not gonna be homo sapiens sapines anymore...

ufos will appear often and it will not be small grey creatures or gnomes or elves..probably our own future
We cant grasp what will come... probably hard times for a long time before Eden though.. but im all for a change!

this is not info, just my view, and its correct of course.

          rulla runt bland mjuka kuddar

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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 21:23
Butterfly Gathering 2012 @ Istambul
Where East meets West.


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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 02:10
LOL           extreme
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 04:52

On 2005-11-30 02:55, Psycosmo wrote:

On 2005-11-29 19:30, Surrender wrote:
to be honest, the mayans do not impress me- the egyptians were doing far superior calculations 2500 years before this time, not to mention bulit pyramids that are structurally much more complex... the mayans did not have a written language either.... something that is essential in many scientists' point of view as a classification for an advanced soceity. there are other things that are not so matching up to other cultures... but icant remember any and dont feel like looking it up.

regarding trance - i think anything that has a mystical value such as this lost ancient civilization has an appeal to our genre.... maybe thats the reason dj's find an appeal to it.

Actually the Mayans did have written language. Although the Mayans used pictoral charactars, the charactars in fact represented phonemes, so anything that could be said in the Mayan language could be written. Im not sure you are correct about the accuracy of their calender, Ill have to get back to you on that.

hahahahaha mayans dont impress you???? thats probbably the stupidiest thing i`ve ever heard lmao hahahahaha... yeah 4 sure u can do better m8 ... there is just no comparassing point between mayans and egipcians, if yoù`d read more then you would know of what the mayans did... your comment is stupid surrender.           Memento Mori
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 11:40
The Mayans was a highly civilised and advanced society. They where in fact on the brink of being very west-like Aka. capitalistic. Maybe that’s why their species/city ended. So instead of falling to your knees and praising the old Maya spirit, we should learn from their mistakes. Not that we today are sacrificing our best sport athletics ect. But we are sacrificing our very own soul to our inner ego. It needs to end if we as one should survive and evolve. - It would be nice to see a end to this world in 2012 (not going to happen). Because we have used our chance, and now that we have failed, we should clear the path to another specie.
:::All hail the Moose, our planets new ruler.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 12:49
the mayas they are the only ones that hold the real calendar ontil the spanish colony that try to destoy all
the calendar is the basesd in 13 moon counts and is perfect
info and is happening now is very easy to feel it time ios changing the truht is coming !!! i jut a pass to 5 dimension all the dreams came true!!!
space ship earth 2013
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 13:26
PS. 2012 is wrong. The right doomsday is 2018. A voice told me so.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 13:29

On 2006-10-11 13:26, psytones wrote:
PS. 2012 is wrong. The right doomsday is 2018. A voice told me so.

the voice of god,do ur prayers and prepare ur soul to face Him...
we wait for ur prophecy psytones...hehehe...           ~~~~~~~namaskar~~~~~~~~~
After the End,a new Begining startS..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2006 23:32
Global Paradigm shift..according to some belief..
I reccomend reading Daniel Pinchbeck's book on 2012..
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 01:17
I agree with Surrender. The Maya did nothing that hadn't been done before (and not like a year before but millenias before). They did sacrifice impressive number of people thou. Inventing the idea of 0 by themselves was rather cool and yeah well they invented all by themselves.. but nothing radical. Nothing that hadn't been done before.

What goes for 2012. I can't believe there are people in the modern world who believe that stuff (or rather want to believe in this case as there aren't even any predictions).

But yeah I'm up for a good party and to be honest I can't wait to look at the believers and say "told you"           "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 02:05
Actually the accuracy with which the Mayans were able to predict the movments of Venus was quite singular.

However my sources say the world will end on July 19, 2022, at 06:21AM, Eastern Standard Time. Both the Mayans and Psytones are wrong.

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 03:13

On 2006-10-13 01:17, traveller wrote:
I agree with Surrender. The Maya did nothing that hadn't been done before (and not like a year before but millenias before).

just 4 the record:

mayas already had astronauts (pakal) centuries and centuries before the rounded conception of earth....

their civilization were based on observing the sky... while "modern" society is still fighting for a handful of earth or a few drops of oil.. u name it

radical indeed...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 08:18

The Maya did nothing that hadn't been done before (and not like a year before but millenias before.

Yeah and obviously you are the judge of truth and knowledge.

Or by what standards are you measuring everything? Because what do we even know about what civilization really means or about what being an advanced species really means? Maybe nothing. Yeah we build rockets and fly to the moon communicating with super computers. However maybe the true frontier of civilization lies within, not in material things we collect and make. And hey, hehe, you never know perhaps the funky shaman in the jungle flies without the need of rockets into even more distant dimensions and while we communicate through computers he might do it telepathically.

Yeah we build cities, highways, skyscrapers, jets, robots and we think it all consititutes civilization. Thus whichever societies invented all these things first were obviously ahead and whomever didn't sad to say were behind. In your face nigga !! And I bet obviously the Mayas were not up there ahead in the timeline with lets say, the Greeks? hmmm. And you know who really is in deep shit, the bushmen of the serengetti.. yeah they weren't even informed there was a fucking race going on !!!!! They are up to this day still living the tribal ways with their bare feet touching mother Gaia when they walk. Bunch of clueless primitives !!!

The Mayas had plenty of interesting stuff, and many unique traits just like each and every culture in the world man. Like they built most of their cities and temples with some sort of astronomical alignment. The Chichen Itza pyramid for example is not just a pyramid but a very sophisticated calendar, and when you count all the steps including the top base of the crowning temple you get 365 days. The coolest thing is that to mark the equinox a shadow of a serpent is projected going down the north face staircase. And the Mayas were so behind like you say that it is a complete mysteri why they had a calendar that is more accurate than the one we still use today, lol. They calculated the movement of the sun in some cases with greater accuracy than the Greeks. And yes they came up with everytyhing independently because remember other ereas of the world like Europe had access to many influences from completely different cultures because they were connceted by land (plus they had horses to travel greater distances). So you could have areas where it was possible to have a bit of Chinese, Egyptian, Indian and European ideas all bouncing against eachother and feeding from eachother at the same time. Not in America.

So to say that the Mayas did not come up with anything new, well perhaps you are simply wrong. And also it all depends on how deep you look at things because if you said that about ANY culture in the world, no matter how primitive they may look through modern conventional views, my personal guess is that you would also be wrong. I would say you were most likely talking straight from your ass. But regardless of that it aint cool to diss any culture man, and there are different levels of dissing.. some more subtle. That's just my opinion though.

I imagine myself living up to say the same things I normally say but while I am tripping in ayahuasca. Could you tell the shaman in the Amazon that his culture did not come up with anything new while tripping? I could not without feeling like a total fool, hehehe when ever I think of that I humble down, and I have never tryed ayahuasca.

I think the deeper you connect and search for the truth the more we find that we are more like the ant that walks small in a vast and infinite universe. So to point your finger and put any culture or any living being down just doesn't sound right. I say there are subtle levels of doing this, some more obvious than others. IMO

On the other hand I think you are right not to want to suck any other cultures ass as if they were the choosen ones. Be it the Mayans or whomever. Fuck that, I think we are all equally unique. And yeah be free !!

Anyways, here we all go as a civilized wannabe bunch into the future, with machines and pollution and bombs and shit like that. And though all our microchips makes us feel so advanced you can't help thinking that maybe when we reach the top we'll find out we are actually in the bottom.

Back to bangging drums around the moon fire I guess.


They did sacrifice impressive number of people thou.

Though the Mayas did perform some grim rituals there ins't any evidence that human sacrifice was a widespread practice among them, on the contrary. You must be thinking of the Aztecs who did on certain eras perform massive sacrifice as well as some ritual cannibalism. But the numbers have been exagerated and the whole thing over sensationalized.

And come on, the truth is all cultures had their share of barbarities, their share of mad inhumane behavior by todays standards. Hey how about the inquisition or the burning of the witches? Didn't that center around tourture, around keeping innocent women and children alive just to inflict unimaginable PAIN on them all because of their religious belief? Yeah but the Aztecs were the savages.

Trust me we have heard this shit before a thousand fucking times.

Peace Bro

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 13:12
I think you're thinking of the Incas, not the Mayas..           "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven
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