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2012_is the date of what??THE BIGEST FESTIVAL WIIL HAPPEN?


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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 10:53
I think they were one of the first cultures with a written language. They were not that dumb as you may think but they sacrificed people to their 'gods' what is not that cool.            Signature
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 12:48

Nothing is certain, since; the future isn't set, yet.
However, it’s not only the Mayan calendar that ends right about now; it’s actually dozens of calendars from so-called “primitive people” or indigenous-people. Independently of each-other they all seem to end at about now, 1998-2015 (I think), and remember folks the year 2012 doesn’t matter, because all these native people use DIFFERENT calendars then our own Gregorian-calendar! So it’s one HELL of a coincidence that they all end at about now.

The I-ching sequence is also very intriguing; the novelty theory (based upon the I-ching) is one of my favorite theories and by “coincidence”, it also reaches its peak at about the end of December 2012. If you are interested, download the software that I gave a link to previously.
          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 13:28

On 2005-11-30 10:53, EYB wrote:
I think they were one of the first cultures with a written language.

I know you're wrong           "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 13:57
I think he meant: "I think they are one of the"...
          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 15:33

On 2005-11-30 13:28, traveller wrote:

On 2005-11-30 10:53, EYB wrote:
I think they were one of the first cultures with a written language.

I know you're wrong

No, they were as far as i know. Together with China and Egypt.            Signature
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 16:30

On 2005-11-30 15:33, EYB wrote:

On 2005-11-30 13:28, traveller wrote:

On 2005-11-30 10:53, EYB wrote:
I think they were one of the first cultures with a written language.

I know you're wrong

No, they were as far as i know. Together with China and Egypt.

no, not even close timeline wise EYB. please look here for more:
i was incorrect myself about them not having a written language, what i meant is they didnt have an alphabet and i got the 2 confused.

ok guys, no more of this though - only trance related stuff to this topic, ok?           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 16:37
No, they werent one of the first people with written language. The whole timetable in the New World is shifted forward as the New World became inhabited only relatively recently (the earliest evidence of humans in the New World is from about 20,000-30,000 years ago). Urbanization and written language did not develop until much later. The "Olmecs", one of the first known civilizations in the New World got going around 1500 BC, according to archaeologists. The Maya "Classic" period, the peak of that civilization was between about 0-1000 AD. China, Egypt, Sumer, Greece, Israel, Phonecia were writing long before this.

As to human sacrifice, it has been practiced all over the world at some time or another, and almost certainly occured in Europe. There is even some suggestion that the Britons may have practiced cannibalism!! In any case it makes no sense to judge ancient peoples by todays moral standards. Human Sacrifice was part of life in the ancient world and there is stuff we do today that is just as fucked up.

BTW my info about the Maya comes from "The Legacy of Mesoamerica" by Robert M Carmack, Janine Gasco and Gary H Gossen, Prentice Hall, 1996.

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 17:00

On 2005-11-30 16:30, Surrender wrote:

On 2005-11-30 15:33, EYB wrote:

On 2005-11-30 13:28, traveller wrote:

On 2005-11-30 10:53, EYB wrote:
I think they were one of the first cultures with a written language.

I know you're wrong

No, they were as far as i know. Together with China and Egypt.

no, not even close timeline wise EYB. please look here for more:
i was incorrect myself about them not having a written language, what i meant is they didnt have an alphabet and i got the 2 confused.

ok guys, no more of this though - only trance related stuff to this topic, ok?

Ok only trance related stuff, but one thing. U r right i was wrong, but they invented their written language independent from earlier written languages.



The invention of the first writing systems is roughly contemporary with the beginning of the Bronze Age in the late Neolithic of the late 4th millennium BC. The first writing system is generally believed to have been the Sumerian script, which developed into cuneiform. However, Egyptian hieroglyphs and the undeciphered Proto-Elamite script also date to this era. Other early writing systems likely influenced by these innovations include the undeciphered Indus valley script; though its status as a writing system is unclear.

The Chinese script may have originated independently of the Middle Eastern scripts, around 1200 BC. The pre-Columbian writing systems of the Americas (including among others Olmec and Mayan) are also generally believed to have had independent origins.

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 17:12
That doens't matter at all.

Basically they wor-ship-ed "gods" who were aliens and appeared to them with the most advanced astronomy of all times, yet unexplainable to contemporary astronomers. They didn't need a writing system as we'll not need it some day, for understanding is telephatic.           cna't find it
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 18:00

On 2005-11-30 17:12, IT wrote:
That doens't matter at all.

Basically they wor-ship-ed "gods" who were aliens and appeared to them with the most advanced astronomy of all times, yet unexplainable to contemporary astronomers. They didn't need a writing system as we'll not need it some day, for understanding is telephatic.

Couldn't agree more , yet, I don't think they were aliens in the "modern" sense of the word. Terence McKenna's answer is my personal belief.           "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 18:40
Why does it have to be aliens? Maybe they were just really good astronomers/mathmaticians??? Isnt it a little insulting to suggest they needed Extraterrestrials help to do what they did???

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 20:29

On 2005-11-30 16:37, Psycosmo wrote:
As to human sacrifice, it has been practiced all over the world at some time or another, and almost certainly occured in Europe. There is even some suggestion that the Britons may have practiced cannibalism!! In any case it makes no sense to judge ancient peoples by todays moral standards. Human Sacrifice was part of life in the ancient world and there is stuff we do today that is just as fucked up.

I think it is important to see the mistakes of moral views that were present in the past. by judging it is the only way to learn from this mistakes.            Signature
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 22:54

The end of the calendar has a name : baktun that is called a Long Count , it has 13 baktuns that have each one of them 14400 days and in the 13 baktuns it will be 1872000 days , this baktun started on 3114 B.C in the gregorian calendar and it ends on December 21 2012 , that is the winter solstice.

And yes the mayan civilitation was not one of the first that have a written language because their classic period is know that is around 200 A.C.

I think it will just end a period and start another nothing more... and yeap it could be a great time to do a huge festival .

About the Sacrife stuff.....We all know what happend in the middle age with church hunting people to sacrifice them just because they didnt have the same belives....and Hiltler with the judes.......And the US with the world so..Let's not judge without know what is behind us ....Times are kind of fucked up so we need to make the best for our selves and for the rest of our brothers .

I invite u all to search info about the mayan civilitation or come to mexico some day. Peace to all

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If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 1, 2005 01:31
wizzy noise-baby helicon
          Helicon Sounds Music
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 1, 2005 12:29
Well put Janue.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - 2012_is the date of what??THE BIGEST FESTIVAL WIIL HAPPEN?
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