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2012_is the date of what??THE BIGEST FESTIVAL WIIL HAPPEN?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 21, 2007 19:48
Sorry Ismael, we've already booked the location at this date.... Maybe the following week-end?           V/A Floating Mirror - OUT NOW - with Celles, Midimal, Electrypnose, Melodix, Troll Scientists, Yab Yum, Gaspard, Ajja, Cradle of Beats! Info on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 19, 2007 19:34

nono, I planned a 2 weeks festival and the lightside of the moon is mine( owner is a friend of mine ), but I can let you make one floor managed by moonlooprecords on the dark side
Rubix Qube

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Posts :  37
Posted : Jun 29, 2008 11:42
sorry people, the 'end of the world' has already happened. The whole mayan end-of-the-cycle 2012 concept is based on out solar system crossing the galactic equator. In truth, this already happened in the winter solstice in 1997. Although the mayan calendar is amazingly accurate for something that did not utilize computers or advanced mathematics, it was out by 15 years. What a bummer. no party. heres a reference ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 05:58
Maybe the question is: what do YOU WISH with will happen in 2012? Where is your heart?

Or how much do you want the world to change?

Maybe 2012 is just a random date that we are all clinging to because on some level we want to break out from something which we don't like in this reality or which we feel we are ready to transcend. So maybe it is our creation and the opening up of the vortex is really up to us.


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Posted : Jul 4, 2008 17:17
i saw a documentary on history channel were they hint on something catastrophic happening in 2012 like a civil war or something ,n what struck me most that after this war or something like that happens human perceptions r gonna change forever ,its been said in mayan mythology that the whole concept of religion is gonna change may be there wont be any religion because finally human beings would realise "root cause of war is religion"

inetresting n thoughtful

peace           "keep trancing"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2008 18:34
@ psybox: i'm very sorry to say that humans will never learn and that they will endlessly put their faith in some kind of higher power..... even to a point that irrationality will take over....just look at the blind beliefs of the public towards science, some even think it's exact science (but everyone,with brains, knows that that doesn't exist)
i say these things about science because i believe that psychology is the new religion and some people are blind to that

i really believe that a major change will occure...but not because some religions said so.... i think it's normal that when society goes into a new century it changes profoundly, i guess this time we'll be going into the real high-tech age           Ain-Soph (Trancebum Productions / Freakdance Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 11, 2008 17:25
Really interesting ,gives esoteric information gnosis about 2012...

After the End,a new Begining startS..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 14:52
Bla bla bla bla...

just another date.

Well, I heard that on 0n 4010, we will be in the double millennium…interesting, cant wait for that.

maybe we can fly till then like superman

Peace           Break The Matrix!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 22:09
Incas calendar stopped on 2012 because they ran out of ink.           I don't know, but I've been told, if you keep on dancing you won't grow old.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 22:15

On 2008-11-30 22:09, SkyBluGoa wrote:
Incas calendar stopped on 2012 because they ran out of ink.

Its true. They just thought, "fuck this 2012 dimension shift bullshit, lets just use the ink to get tattoos instead".
Henceforth, tattoos were the new cool and if were are to follow their ingenious example, we should all get tattooed by 2012.

Peas out.

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Nov 30, 2008 22:32

On 2008-11-30 22:15, pipe&slippers wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:09, SkyBluGoa wrote:
Incas calendar stopped on 2012 because they ran out of ink.

Its true. They just thought, "fuck this 2012 dimension shift bullshit, lets just use the ink to get tattoos instead".
Henceforth, tattoos were the new cool and if were are to follow their ingenious example, we should all get tattooed by 2012.

Peas out.

I will use this opportunity to make a huge Goa Gil tattoo on my back.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Nov 30, 2008 22:35

On 2008-11-30 22:32, Pavel wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:15, pipe&slippers wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:09, SkyBluGoa wrote:
Incas calendar stopped on 2012 because they ran out of ink.

Its true. They just thought, "fuck this 2012 dimension shift bullshit, lets just use the ink to get tattoos instead".
Henceforth, tattoos were the new cool and if were are to follow their ingenious example, we should all get tattooed by 2012.

Peas out.

I will use this opportunity to make a huge Goa Gil tattoo on my back.

Its gonna look like this

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Dec 1, 2008 00:03

On 2008-11-30 22:35, pipe&slippers wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:32, Pavel wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:15, pipe&slippers wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:09, SkyBluGoa wrote:
Incas calendar stopped on 2012 because they ran out of ink.

Its true. They just thought, "fuck this 2012 dimension shift bullshit, lets just use the ink to get tattoos instead".
Henceforth, tattoos were the new cool and if were are to follow their ingenious example, we should all get tattooed by 2012.

Peas out.

I will use this opportunity to make a huge Goa Gil tattoo on my back.

Its gonna look like this

I was thinking in these lines:           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Dec 1, 2008 00:06

On 2008-12-01 00:03, Pavel wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:35, pipe&slippers wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:32, Pavel wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:15, pipe&slippers wrote:

On 2008-11-30 22:09, SkyBluGoa wrote:
Incas calendar stopped on 2012 because they ran out of ink.

Its true. They just thought, "fuck this 2012 dimension shift bullshit, lets just use the ink to get tattoos instead".
Henceforth, tattoos were the new cool and if were are to follow their ingenious example, we should all get tattooed by 2012.

Peas out.

I will use this opportunity to make a huge Goa Gil tattoo on my back.

Its gonna look like this

I was thinking in these lines:

That's a beauty...go for it!!!!
Killer!!! Full Power!!!!  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Dec 1, 2008 00:08

On 2008-06-29 11:42, Rubix Qube wrote:
sorry people, the 'end of the world' has already happened. The whole mayan end-of-the-cycle 2012 concept is based on out solar system crossing the galactic equator. In truth, this already happened in the winter solstice in 1997. Although the mayan calendar is amazingly accurate for something that did not utilize computers or advanced mathematics, it was out by 15 years. What a bummer. no party. heres a reference ...

Well what you said is true but it was not the Mayan calender that was wrong but simply the way we adapted it to "our" calender... The Mayan 2012 actually already passed!!!  
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