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2010 - The best of Psytrance so far


Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 13, 2010 09:58
clearly proggy(which went techno) p-ownd everything and dark went more extreme and dubstep and breakz lurk over our shoulder at every turn. isnt it time to re-examine the traditional boundaries and see what's REALLY lurking?
check different music than you are used to.
you will be surprised at what lurks below the rhetoric and BULLSHIT           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on

Started Topics :  112
Posts :  1612
Posted : Mar 16, 2010 21:25
lyserg lesson 2 - noise poison never seems to disappoint

demented tribes
depth of ankh
jupiter toadstool
alienn-cosmic matter
and the new album by glowing flame records

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  610
Posted : Mar 17, 2010 15:53

Va Greek Mythology

Va Magnus

Va Jupiter Toadstool

Va Various Poems

Va Japanhythm Vol 2

2010 seems very promising. . . . . .

Radioactive Cake

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  85
Posted : Mar 23, 2010 14:39
in a few days we can add "Sensient - The Space Between"

thanx Ah-sid, nice to hear that you like the va poems

btw, another more experimental and free VA will follow the "various poems" at the end of april...(with zeitgeist, merkaba, vaeya and more fancy stuff)...a gift for our listeners =)           Radioactive.Cake - intelligent dark minimal psygressive
Zeitgeist - Munstrous - Dark Passenger

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Posts :  610
Posted : Mar 23, 2010 17:56

wOw.....soundz awesome.

2 0 1 0 getting better day by day

keep em comming radioactiVe c@ke

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 23, 2010 21:36
New doesn't always mean better... there are some old things I keep hearing because new stuff has yet to match

Ex: Kindzadza's "waves from inner space" I hear at least one track from that album at every darkpsy party I go to (usually "keep it clean" or "cristal inside")

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  17
Posted : Mar 24, 2010 06:58
My big hope for the next couple of months is the Dissociative album, its going to be murderous...

+1 big time to that
all the stuff from Underground Alien Factory
this year has been sick btw

Definitely check them out

           [- Psy is a state of being -]


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Posts :  17
Posted : Mar 24, 2010 07:02

On 2010-03-13 09:58, ocelot wrote:
clearly proggy(which went techno) p-ownd everything and dark went more extreme and dubstep and breakz lurk over our shoulder at every turn. isnt it time to re-examine the traditional boundaries and see what's REALLY lurking?
check different music than you are used to.
you will be surprised at what lurks below the rhetoric and BULLSHIT

You hit the nail on the head my friend
I say explore all the boundaries, push them, and then push them again - sooner or later there is always breakthrough - you just have to find it. I am currently working on a Goa/Psytrance/Glitch/Dub experiment that I am tentatively calling PSYDM

We will see - I am just messing around right now, but hoping it turns to something shareable by mid-year.

604ever            [- Psy is a state of being -]

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 10:06
This one is also nice:

V.A. - Somatic Frenzy

Will write a review soon!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 16:12

On 2010-03-24 07:02, ariScotle wrote:

I say explore all the boundaries, push them, and then push them again - sooner or later there is always breakthrough - you just have to find it.

Ideally, that's how it would go. However, for every Lewis and Clark there are thousands of homesteaders, who do not want to go West - they are just fine behind their white picket fence. Because once you stepped outside the fence - you lost your home. And unless you consider the whole continent your home - like Lewis and Clark did - it's a very uncomfortable feeling.

What I am getting to is this: as long as you write electronic music , you are fine experimenting - and your fans will respect that too. If you stuck yourself into a genre (or, worse yet, a highly specialized sub-genre), you better mind that picket fence. Otherwise, it's just confusing both for you and for the fans. And if you move to a new lot - just make sure everybody knows your new address.

Listen to "Different Path" by Puoskari. Is it cool? Sure! Is it psychedelic? It's crazy! Is it trance? Surely, it is not. So, why do we lump all Suomi stuff (including this album) under the psy trance umbrella?

On the other end of the spectrum - listen to "Sounds Like a Melody" by DNA. Is it still trance? Sure. Is it psychedelic? No, it's firmly in the nauseating pop territory. It's about as psychedelic as Ricky Martin and Miley Cyrus. Yeah, I know, it's all subjective. But I think most people will agree on this particular "masterpiece". So why do we still call it psy trance?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 19:45
I have five on my list so far:
Aphid Moon - Super Collider
Autonomech - I/O
Dissociactive - Total Transformation
Wizack Twizack - Space No More
V/A - Parvatrip

More will be added as I find them...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  99
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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 23:57
Lately I've been really into:

Cosmonet - No.1


Dual Core - Unknown Possibilities 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 18, 2010 08:57
NEELIX - When I'm Grown Up 

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Posts :  213
Posted : Apr 18, 2010 14:09
is there any good left

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Apr 18, 2010 17:02

On 2010-03-24 16:12, Maine Coon wrote:

Listen to "Different Path" by Puoskari. Is it cool? Sure! Is it psychedelic? It's crazy! Is it trance? Surely, it is not. So, why do we lump all Suomi stuff (including this album) under the psy trance umbrella?

I don't understand why you claim that "Different Path" is not trance? It's clearly 4-4 structured and in the right BPM range. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - 2010 - The best of Psytrance so far
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