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15 Dead people at Loveparade :(

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2010 21:45:25

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2010 22:20
yes, its really condolence to the families and friends..

it was not very clever to let the party happen in this tunnel..way too much people..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 00:25
18 dead people and between 50 & 100 injured yet..

fuck organizer!!!!          -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
Solid Snake

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 03:50
Having in mind what the message of this festival is I find it very sad that this has happened.

MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 04:59
damn !!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 08:24
Another reason why i avoid going for festivals.

Really , what is the world coming to. not war but mass hysteria at events which are supposed to be a celebration of love , the exact opposite of war are causing such tragedy. pretty sad and a telling sign that doomsday is approaching faster than we ever imagined.

Imagine if that had happened in India. the death toll would have been much higher.           missing plug-in

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 13:13
Very sad day and a sad tragedy, I dont see any correlation with this and Doomsday prophesies though.
It was a sad accident, It happened in a tunnel that goes between 2 festival areas, 1.4 million people is a huge amount of people and a few opf them came from both ends trying to get through in the tunnel and unfortunetly people inside got packed and panic started. The police aparently had information before that the tunnel was getting crowded and were trying to work it but time was out and the accident was a fact. Sad sad day in Love Parade indeed. Over a million people is a huge amount of pople, but it has worked before with out problems but when the problem comes there is very little to do when trying to coordinate hundreds of thousands of people.
There needs to be very much tighter security for this, Like in concerts there are sometimes barricades separating lets say 10.000 in each group so there are at least little bit control. Anyway, My condolences to all there. Rest in peace dear trancers...
          Anders Nilsson - DmTraveller!
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Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 13:29
sad , RIP
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 13:46
I cannot understand how they could get the permission to do such a party in that location..stupid.

Back in the days in Berlin, there were not limitations where people got stuck with barricades or something, everything was open..

its definatly not the right place there in duisburg as everybody can see..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 14:24
19 Death and 342 people Injured...

RIP           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 20:07
this is plain stupidity! why choose a route that goes through a tunnel? why close the entrance so that people get stuck in the tunnel while others are still cramming their way into it? all this when you have 1.4 mil attenders?!?


"We were standing in the middle of it. More and more people were trying to get to the grounds.
We were almost through the tunnel and were standing at the entrance, but [the crowd] went no further. We went back through the tunnel, and my girlfriend and I could scarcely breathe. We had to use our elbows to get through. We told the police that it would soon come to a mass panic.
That was around 45 minutes before the accident.
There were already people pushed together in rows." -Fabio-

can't believe how poorly planned this year's parade was as they have 21 years of experience!

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 22:16
That's insane, I'm really sorry for that...

...Be gentle with the earth...
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 23:07
techno kills
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 23:25
it was a killer party????

No no seriously... lets pray for the affected families
Light, light!!!!!!!
          Memento Mori

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 10:57
what a tragedy...

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