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146 - 156 BPM?????

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 16:09

On 2006-10-13 16:03, chong wrote:
what's the problem with schizophrenia? it's evil, crazy,mindbending twisted blablabla you should enjoy that very much

yea twice as fun right?

so fuck this thread now. im done in here.
Listen to whatever you want, nobody is pointing a gun to your head.


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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 16:15
indeed hehe

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 17:18
This is a completly fukkin ridicoulous topic.
This is almost so clicheīto say but, -If you donīt like it donīt listen to it, donīt buy it and shut your Piehole, if you canīt then use a gagball.

I got a really good idea, how about a paintball event with with real weapons and put it on PPV ( pay per view).
Two teams: low bpm vs high bpm and settle the score once for all

I would like to tape that on my VCR, then i can watch shanti-trancers and idiots get their heads blown off over and over again. And i would never get tired of watching it either.

And yes this is irony at the max.

          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 18:53
I dont have any Preferred bpm, I try not to let anything I learn about the music before listening taint my opinion of the music itself. I let the music speak for itself.

Goa Gil played some high bpm stuff at the end of his birthday party last weekend, and everyone seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. Not only did the dancefloor NOT clear out, just about everyone who could still dance got up and freaked out! I had fun. Thats what matters to me.

Some of my favorite tracks are around 151-154 bpm; Polyphonia-Illuminati, Soundforms, Vegetal-Free Thinkers are Dangerous, Highcosmos et al-BBQ with Mackies. Fun tracks!           .

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Posted : Oct 13, 2006 19:20

On 2006-10-13 17:18, vegetal wrote:
This is a completly fukkin ridicoulous topic.
This is almost so clicheīto say but, -If you donīt like it donīt listen to it, donīt buy it and shut your Piehole, if you canīt then use a gagball.

I got a really good idea, how about a paintball event with with real weapons and put it on PPV ( pay per view).
Two teams: low bpm vs high bpm and settle the score once for all

I would like to tape that on my VCR, then i can watch shanti-trancers and idiots get their heads blown off over and over again. And i would never get tired of watching it either.

And yes this is irony at the max.

This is a completly fukkin ridicoulous answer
if u don't like to deal with people's opinions , then i suggest u don't come visit forums
or maybe start a new concept, the mute forum ,where u could visit empty topics and still shut your mouth meanwhile...have fun!

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  601
Posted : Oct 14, 2006 00:20
Just to say... good post Ocelot *runs away again*


Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Oct 14, 2006 04:26
First suggestion to the chong:

Start over! preferably from first grade in your case, learn to read , then learn english.

Irony! mate! which i stated in my post, if you look closely you might find it , oohh i found a quote here *stimulating keyboard to provoke a reaction*
And yes this is irony at the max.

YESSSS i managed to pull it off.
Chong did you know that if you type [ quote] [ /quote] you can bold fonts and make this website type "quote" of its own, my god, i am GOD !!!

Im a fuckin genius!!!!

I love do discuss! its not for that matter but i do feel that there are more important things to discuss in music than whether or not its 145 or 150 bpm that make the "crowd go wild"

So chong who's Alias are you? trippyjonny? detox maybe?

I would rather suggest that the loser here is the one that gets obssesed if there is 3 or more beats per minute.

Much love where its needed, chong!          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

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Posts :  227
Posted : Oct 14, 2006 13:58
oops sorry, i didn't wrote down i was being sarcastic... my mistake, maybe you have problems understanding it when you don't see the advertisment...
no worries mate, you probably were busy with much more important issues than answering to this pointless topic,or probably making killargh random tracks so i suggest you go ahead and take care of that

go open your wise and interesting topics instead of whinning about this one ...bring to our attention your deep knowledge...wasn't it the lesson u just gave to all of us? if u don't like , go see somewhere else or shut your was something like that,right?
so what,u just talk without even applying your wise lessons ?

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Posts :  1055
Posted : Oct 14, 2006 19:45
Detox is that you ?           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Oct 15, 2006 23:24

On 2006-10-13 15:46, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2006-10-13 15:43, chong wrote:

On 2006-10-13 13:55, Dennis the menace wrote:

use the search!

why would i need that?
ocelot gave some arguments considering this topic and u didn't have any to conter-argue,so u just went usual

if you mind using the search you will see that he's got other opinions in other threads.

Dont know if its a change of mind or schizophrenia.

if you have any specific hypocrisies you would like to discuss please do.
I believe i already addressed you on this general topic in:

i dont know you Dennis- dont presume to know me. its not your job to check my ego- im simply saying what i think- its clear you sure say what you think.

in clarification-
lets get technical, shall we?
there is bpm, there is the note(s) of the bassline, there is the rhythmic density overall to consider.
there is the space between notes to consider the impact that each hit is making.
these all factor in.
something to consider:
a fast track with solid 16th notes will not actually have enough TIME to fit big sounds in while preserving definition- thats why the kick gets sharper the faster the music-
so we will have to use smaller sounds or make more space (d'n'b vs gabber for example...

the possibility of brain shredding is only one of the options available in music and the over-reliance on this device is getting old because it doesnt work after some period of time just like any other device.

BUT if you DO want to SHRED brains then look no further than your good old 140-150bpm range-
1) you will be taken seriously by the majority of trancers who will be able to actually physically dance to your music

2) your music will BE more serious and heavy duty. depth and satisfaction can occur!

3) you can always deviate. go for it! make a track thats 190bpm or 110! you are NOT the first! but dont let that deter you.
theres nothing wrong with it.
Fractal Cowboys

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  285
Posted : Oct 16, 2006 02:26
I don't know...

first off, please lets not all try to be taken too siriusly by the majority of trancers... trap, bore, no thank you.

second off... boxes are bad, right angles suck... they are not existing in nature, so why apply them here.

sometimes, words are awsome... sometimes a shortcut to thinking... if they were the end all, be all, we wouldn't need music, of any kind.

i think that simply by slowing down music ten bpm, as ocelot suggests, guarantee's absolutely Nothing... The message from the trac starts a lot deeper than the bpm... the tempo is just the external frequency the dancefloor is getting tooned too, duh... different frequencies for differnt messages... this isn't rockit science, oh, woops, maybe it is...

maybe if trance producers read more... this might help out more than coalescing around the same physical frequency...


Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Oct 16, 2006 17:02
in clarification-
lets get technical, shall we?
there is bpm, there is the note(s) of the bassline, there is the rhythmic density overall to consider.
there is the space between notes to consider the impact that each hit is making.
these all factor in.
something to consider:
a fast track with solid 16th notes will not actually have enough TIME to fit big sounds in while preserving definition- thats why the kick gets sharper the faster the music-
so we will have to use smaller sounds or make more space (d'n'b vs gabber for example...

Id say that the limitation is in your brain, how much it can handle. As long as the mix of a track is good and the producer is skilled he can pull of a 16th note bassline and still keep a high BPM.

Give a "Gangsta rapper" a pair of headphones and let him listen to "Dillinger escape plan" do you think he will notice all the rythm changes they make and all the melodies they pull of, he will consider the music to be total mayhem and chaos and probably say -this is not music!
And for us who knows about dillinger, we know that they are awesome musicians and technical masterminds with alot of feeling in the music.


1) you will be taken seriously by the majority of trancers who will be able to actually physically dance to your music

i donīt know about you Aaron but im not a "fan" of "fans", im a fan of music.


2) your music will BE more serious and heavy duty. depth and satisfaction can occur!

According to you ? or?

          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  189
Posted : Oct 16, 2006 19:43
I agree with ohmy that bpm its just external frequency... Maybe track of ocelot with 160 bpm will sounds not so good as track of osom with same bpm and on the contrary... all depends of each track and each idea, that producer trying to put in track ) I think bpm is not most factor of well effect on dancefloor, most thing is ability of producer to find harmony of sounds with idea and best bpm... I like high bpm tracks that maked masters, but i dont like when some producers make shit and trying to rock dancefloor only by high bpm...
I like ocelot music, and think that his music must still in the same bpm that other his tracks... not faster...

But i have my own best speed , its 152 bpm... This not means that i don't like or can't make faster or slower tracks, this means that i think most of my music sounds better with 152 bpm...           - [Devil's mind | Insomnia | Night oracle | Organic Alchemy | Vertigo | Deja vu recs.]
ICQ: 916940
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2006 22:35
id have to agree with fearkiller and ohmy. bpms are just one feature of the music. there is alot more to it than just the tempo. and as for this battle between slower and higher bpms, its a pretty pointless thing to bring up. i mean its like morning ppl vs dark ppl. i hope iv made some sort of sense when saying that. if u dont like it dont listen to it, if u like it, enjoy it . if u think u can do better - give it a shot .
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  254
Posts :  2638
Posted : Oct 16, 2006 22:35
id have to agree with fearkiller and ohmy. bpms are just one feature of the music. there is alot more to it than just the tempo. and as for this battle between slower and higher bpms, its a pretty pointless thing to bring up. i mean its like morning ppl vs dark ppl. i hope iv made some sort of sense when saying that. if u dont like it dont listen to it, if u like it, enjoy it . if u think u can do better - give it a shot .
Trance Forum ŧ ŧ Forum  Trance - 146 - 156 BPM?????
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