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146 - 156 BPM?????

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 10:21

On 2006-10-06 08:55, phobium wrote:
First I would like to quote Pavel :

On 2006-06-23 20:31, Pavel wrote:
It's not about the BPM's. Saying that todays Psy sucks because of the high BPM is like criticizing a painter for using too much color.

And this one to the ones of you who think that 148+ is a new invention made after the year 2000 :


On 2006-07-28 16:54, basilisk wrote:
Sandman - Natural Born Killer - 152 BPM
Doof - Weird Karma - 152 BPM
Reflecta - Creatures - 153 BPM
Pleiadians - Pleiadians - 154 BPM
O.O.O.D. - Silence - 154 BPM
Eat Static - Hybrid (TIP Remix) - 155 BPM
Hallucinogen - Space Pussy - 156 BPM
The Infinity Project - Overwind - 156 BPM
Eternal Basement - Nerv - 160 BPM
Power Source - Everest - 160 BPM

Some early trance songs were quite fast

I would also like to add Boris Blenn - Portament to that list. It's 160 bpm and released in 1995.

Perhaps you didn't notice this when your cd players and mixers didn't show bpm and you didn't have progs on your pc to give you the bpm?

So people, stop focusing on the bpm and start focusing on the music. The bpm doesn't say much about a track.

what a decent way to shut you all the hell up haha... great masta, nicely done           Memento Mori
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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 11:24
The point was actually that there are dark artists that make 150bpm+ plus music, that do it well. But the majority of music in this genre thats released nowadays does'nt go along those lines.

I did mention that people like osom and kindzadza do it pretty well

Solar FX

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Posts :  78
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 11:59

On 2006-10-05 12:40, Dennis the menace wrote:
i went to party this summer where they played ~135 bpm music at the mainfloor the entire night. and to be honest i actually thought it was the chillout when i first came there.

But again, its a matter of taste!

btw hardcore is around ~180 bpm

Like techno hardcore before 15 years,
Thunderdam etc

I produce full on music from 143 to 147,i think this is the perfect bpm for a full on track           -----------------------
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 12:23

On 2006-10-06 11:59, solar_fx wrote:

I produce full on music from 143 to 147,i think this is the perfect bpm for a full on track

it is
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 13:21
The point is the mediocrity of a lots of "dark" producer.... and finally is not a real critic, because everybody do what he think is the best to him, the point is the people who promote those release sell them out as killer and incredible and etc etc but often aren't, there are very good labels releasing very good music as in any other style as there are a lots of bad, what is intended here is to make some producers focusing on the fact that even if they have the right to be proud of what they produce, they don't have to stop improving their skill and they can't stop trying to do something innovative and well produced!

That's my think and also because I like this music and I would like to see a progression in it

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 14:04

On 2006-10-06 08:55, phobium wrote:

So people, stop focusing on the bpm and start focusing on the music. The bpm doesn't say much about a track.

Yep, please make good, weird, twisted music that makes sense. And not a collection of random bleeps.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 16:38
First a general note towards the label manager that writes in this thread Dennis The Menace -

Yo man, considering the fact I know absolutely nothing about your label or your work, your answers made me not even a bit curious about your label's music and not because of the speed of the music. It seemed to me that Nick asked u totally relevant questions and you just gave totally empty of content answers that might imply on your label music. Tranquilizer trance or not as long as it has "music" inside and produced properly is anyday far better than empty and tasteless "noise" trance that covers with its speed and it's noises for the fact that too many "musicians" that create it hardly can distinguish G from C on the keyboard.

In my opinion if you like to draw crowd of non amphetamine eaten to the bone ppl to listen to your music u should give more constructive answers..

But that is only mine opinion anyway...           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1660
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 16:41


Sandman - Natural Born Killer - 152 BPM
Doof - Weird Karma - 152 BPM
Reflecta - Creatures - 153 BPM
Pleiadians - Pleiadians - 154 BPM
O.O.O.D. - Silence - 154 BPM
Eat Static - Hybrid (TIP Remix) - 155 BPM
Hallucinogen - Space Pussy - 156 BPM
The Infinity Project - Overwind - 156 BPM
Eternal Basement - Nerv - 160 BPM
Power Source - Everest - 160 BPM

Hehe most of these tracks have a very slow bassline formats yo, and their musical content is lets say far more "musical" then the random noise music in these BPMs we have today...

          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
((( MOKKSHH )))
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 17:21
u aint a judge dude           IT T@KES TIME N DEEPER SELF-RE@L!Z@T!ON TO FEEL IT ..... N WHN IT H@PPENS , U KNW TH@T U H@V FIN@LLY ST@RTED!!!!!!!!!!
LiFe Is A TriP.....It HaS BeGuN
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posts :  2899
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 17:46

On 2006-10-06 16:38, Yuli wrote:
First a general note towards the label manager that writes in this thread Dennis The Menace -

Yo man, considering the fact I know absolutely nothing about your label or your work, your answers made me not even a bit curious about your label's music and not because of the speed of the music. It seemed to me that Nick asked u totally relevant questions and you just gave totally empty of content answers that might imply on your label music. Tranquilizer trance or not as long as it has "music" inside and produced properly is anyday far better than empty and tasteless "noise" trance that covers with its speed and it's noises for the fact that too many "musicians" that create it hardly can distinguish G from C on the keyboard.

In my opinion if you like to draw crowd of non amphetamine eaten to the bone ppl to listen to your music u should give more constructive answers..

But that is only mine opinion anyway...

Dude, im not speaking of my label or the music i release...
Im am not a company.. Im a simple person just as you but with another taste of music.
So please ignore the green text under my name and see me as a normal user here.
This goes for most of my posts.
Im speaking of my own opinions mostley!

And dont fuckin call me "YO MAn"
We aint in harlem choot!


On 2006-10-06 16:38, Yuli wrote:
Tranquilizer trance or not as long as it has "music" inside and produced properly is anyday far better than empty and tasteless "noise" trance that covers with its speed and it's noises for the fact that too many "musicians" that create it hardly can distinguish G from C on the keyboard.

Give me an example of one released noizy badly produced trancetrack thats been covered in the speed?

Anyways... who are you to judge?
Its not your kind of music, that could be a reason why you dont understand it.
Just like progressive/house/minimal aint my cup of tea, so i dont understand it..
TRANQUALIZETRANCE (Good name for one of your coming compilations maybe?)

But again, this is just my opinion!
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 18:05
btw, what is music?

Anyways.. why argue with someone who has "psytrance" on MTV.
We aint in the same division and hopefully will never be!


Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 18:10

On 2006-10-06 18:05, Dennis the menace wrote:
btw, what is music?

Music has laws, and the only people that broke the laws successfully are people that know the laws.
There are structures, keys, chords etc...
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 18:18
well said, thanx pavel!

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  601
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 18:21
Just to clarify I did say that I like some dark over 148 bpm... There are a few good producers - I like kindzadza and Dronebixie etc. BUT I was saying that there's alot of music in this category that seems like it's an excuse for bad production.
Hell, I've even made 148 bpm trance... But tried to produce it as well as I'd make a 120 bpm track... 
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 18:27
there is alot of shitty so called "darkpsy" out there!
i cant deny that, but there is aloooot of great stuff aswell (in case you like the music)

You just have to look at the right place with the right state of mind. In case you dont understand the music you would never find it.

Just like me, i dont understand progressive and house music. so i dont give a fuck about it. Live and let live!
Im sure there is just as much horrible progressive/fullon/minimal/whatever as there is darkpsy.

Why care aslong as there is good music aswell? Its not like somebody is pointing a gun to your head pushing you to listen to bad music!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - 146 - 156 BPM?????
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