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146 - 156 BPM?????

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 13:41

On 2010-07-30 14:20, Jacynth wrote:
the best is 70 - 170 i think. The best dance is there.

that one

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  269
Posted : Aug 8, 2010 04:37
I think this thread is an insult to electronic music producers. You should listen to each an every artist (producer or DJ) with a very open mind, appreciate what an artist does on stage rather than criticizing. Regarding 146 BPM Vs. 152 BPM, we all live in different dimensions, it all depends what dimension u r living in. It's about unity and respect. Big love.

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Aug 9, 2010 02:25
but if we all did that then how would we know who's opinion wins the most points??
i mean isnt insulting something the best way to convince everyone youre better than everything else and matter more than them??
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2010 15:55
Of course not!
You have to find a perfectly rational explanation for why your views are superior to others. Like 128=2^7 (hey, can you beat that one?!..). When that fails, you should find a YouTube video, where you can take some guru’s words out of context and “prove” that lord Shiva loves your number. Failing that, just post some pictures of copulating pigs. Or Lindsay Lohan mud wrestling with Jessica Simpson. Or those two and the whole Kardashian clan and those pigs in one big orgy. Just be creative. When all the flames settle – sneak out in the open again and throw your magic number in everybody’s face. Add some random Sanskrit words for effect too. If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what will.

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Aug 10, 2010 06:31
pm me the mud wrestling photos and ill subscribe my energy to whatever guru you please
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  115
Posted : Aug 10, 2010 07:15
After checking some of my dark favs I see that my constraints are 145-149, 132-138 BPM.
Above 150 is a little harsh for me, nonetheless I don't call it shit! Taste thing as always. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  297
Posted : Aug 11, 2010 06:50

On 2006-10-05 11:44, Oscuro wrote:
i am going in to the New tracks section and all i see is 146 to 156 BPM what is wrong with u People. why you are not making Hardcore music and thats it?
for real u can slow down the bpm a bit and still it will be Dark ! or Fullon whatever, take it easy or r u guys take some speed and start to produce.?
hope to see more tracks from 135 to 145 !!!

so sorry to say, that you are too old buddy !! To each his own


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  22
Posted : Aug 13, 2010 00:08

On 2006-10-11 19:30, Dennis the menace wrote:

Did he blow you for that?

Who did YOU blow, considering you now play for Tribal Vision... ROFL
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