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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - 1200 Mics Mexico Tour 2008
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1200 Mics Mexico Tour 2008

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Nov 5, 2008 22:21:01
1200 mics Mexico Tour 2008

29 & 30/11/2008 @ Estado de México
6 & 7/12/2008 @ Guadalajara

Line Up:
1200 Micrograms (Tip.World)-Totaly Live Show
Cyrus the Virus (Spun Records) Live Act
GMS (Spun Records) DJ Set
Raja Ram (Tip.World) DJ Set
Chicago (Tip.World) DJ Set
Lucas (Tip.World) DJ Set
Dr. Hoffman (Spun Records) Live Act
Dudek (Massive Trance) DJ Set
Yopo (Massive Trance) DJ Set

Live VJ Set:
Máximo (Massive Trance)
Kenjo (Matika)
Kronik TV (Massive Trance)

Sadhu Projekt (Mantra Vision)
Hysteryk (Massive Trance)

More Info:
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Nov 6, 2008 01:17
on the VJ set thingy should read as Kenji - (Matika) and he is also part of the oddisey management. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Nov 9, 2008 11:02
Videos of Line Up:

1200 micrograms-mescaline live

Cyrus The Virus@Vision Quest - The Gathering México


Tip World: Raja Ram Blissdom Japan 2006

Tip World: DJ Lucas Blissdom Festival Japan 2006

CHICAGO @ Fullmoon festival 2008

Dr.Hoffman @ Rounders Festival Jun 1 2008

Tip World: 1200mics live at Eartcore pt2

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Nov 19, 2008 10:31
Important message of Massive Trance.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Nov 19, 2008 23:36
Important message of Raja Ram.


What a drag....we were ready and packed for the 1200 Micrograms tour for Mexico.....the promoters had changed the date twice already....but arranged us to come in 2 weeks time...all contracts signed....half the money up front..everything in place for a rocking tour...THEN...yesterday...the promoters rang and cancelled the tour...saying the credit crunch etc was to blame...and for us to come next year in MAY.......we have no options.....and will come and play...but this was out of our control..and on behalf of the band... we .apoligise for any inconvenience.......if you paid money...please contact us..and we shall do our best to get it back for you......from the promoters///
When we did our last tour a few months ago with a different set of promoters.....we did the gigs..but ddnt get paid one peso......a total rip off.....and so the bad reputation of the Mexican promoters continue.....and what can we do.?.but alert the world and our friends../...we will come and do our show..I Promise you......we want to come and rock with you and feel your love////and it will occur...meanwhile big love and cosmic hugs from us all...and stay close and let us know what is as ever rajaRam
Shadai / Devil's Rejects

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  453
Posted : Nov 21, 2008 01:40
dr hoffman rulessssssssssssssssssssssss all the best my bro.           Avizz Biomechanix Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  118
Posted : Jan 3, 2009 19:51

On 2008-11-19 23:36, MaJ1KO wrote:
Important message of Raja Ram.


What a drag....we were ready and packed for the 1200 Micrograms tour for Mexico.....the promoters had changed the date twice already....but arranged us to come in 2 weeks time...all contracts signed....half the money up front..everything in place for a rocking tour...THEN...yesterday...the promoters rang and cancelled the tour...saying the credit crunch etc was to blame...and for us to come next year in MAY.......we have no options.....and will come and play...but this was out of our control..and on behalf of the band... we .apoligise for any inconvenience.......if you paid money...please contact us..and we shall do our best to get it back for you......from the promoters///
When we did our last tour a few months ago with a different set of promoters.....we did the gigs..but ddnt get paid one peso......a total rip off.....and so the bad reputation of the Mexican promoters continue.....and what can we do.?.but alert the world and our friends../...we will come and do our show..I Promise you......we want to come and rock with you and feel your love////and it will occur...meanwhile big love and cosmic hugs from us all...and stay close and let us know what is as ever rajaRam

Dear Mexican promoters!

We will organise a bigger evet at.may.23 In Hungary - not far from Budapest. we also bokked several artist especially Raja ram, the plan was to invite 1200 micrograms, but we got negative answers about it, later we decioede to invite tha artists like raja , bansi etc. Now i read this delayed mexico tour in may 2009.

".the promoters rang and cancelled the tour...saying the credit crunch etc was to blame...and for us to come next year in MAY.......we have no options"

(especially this is what can happen again? is this mexican tour would been organised from credit?)
cause our event will happen..

lets communicate!

all the best


ps:           keep psychedelic

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  10
Posted : Jan 20, 2009 13:22
whats the name of track cuted from 1200 mics live from earthcore 2 ?
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - 1200 Mics Mexico Tour 2008
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