100% legal gatherings
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 29, 2011 23:57:51
How Does it work in your country?
DO you have mostly underground events or there are all properly organized with no hassles with the system.
If your country makes it happen legally like in the US. How does it work?
OR is trance culture too tainted with substance abuse to the extent where many gatherings get shut down?
Samana Records
Samana Records
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 00:13
I have organised some parties in Dubai and they were all 100% legal in a recognized / popular venue [Crowned as No.1 Venue by Timeout Dubai - 2 years consecutive] Now because of this, the venue is quite strict on door policies and maintains a code of discipline which can be good and bad.... anyways, the parties I have organised have all been a non profit gathering which means I get the venue for free [no fees], the venue arranges for the dj license which is valid for that night alone. All door money and bar sales is for the venue to keep. Basically, did it for the love of psy. However, since the venue has a reputation of being quite strict with their door policies, not all gatherings pulled a good crowd but we still had enough like minded people dancing Besides the fact that Dubai has a no tolerance policy against illegal substances which is a known fact to all party people irrespective of what genre they listen to.
Other organizers here also have been actively involved in legal venue parties and they all have been successful getting the crowd in is up to the organizer and the promotion tactics...
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 00:22
In Germany large parties/festivals are legal, most of the bigger events are well organized. The organizers need to get permits from the local government way in advance, which can be a pain and the procedures seem to be getting more complicated. There are regional differences with some authorities more relaxed than others.
At the big festivals you will find cops hanging around the road sometimes, and if you look really sus they might pull you in while arriving on leaving, to see if you have a trunkful of drugs.
They might do some drug tests if you seem really messed up, I have been lucky and never had any problems, mates have been breathelized but thats about it. The cops never come into the party unless something serious has happened ie. death, rape whatver.
Substance abuse is generally rampant but the attitude from authorities has settled in at:
"Let those crazy nutcases do whatever they do as long as they dont endanger anyone outside the sphere of madness."
If you are sensible and dont take very stupid risks chances are high you will be fine.
(Breaking news: They might check you for KROKODIl . So just say no kids)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 00:35
there is no formal procedure to get a permit, so you go with the local authorities and bribe them, they write a permit and order police to let the party happen, you can even arrange a fee so the local police provides security services.
Must of the time the owner of the place is the one who ask for the permit from the local authority, he charges you that in advance with the rental of the place.
BUT, since the drug lords became aware of the parties in many states of Mexico (specially in the north) if you want to make a party you have come in to an agreement with drug lords. because of that there arent parties any more. If you dont do it a group of armed man may show in the morning.
So, can legal parties happen? Yes, big parties have to be legal but the permit comes at a price.
If you party is small (100-200 even 300) maybe you can pull it off with out permit, but you still have to bribe local police.
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 01:40
I suppose here in Canada there is enough space to do something in nature without getting caught, I talked to someone about it sometime ago, he was so eager for a party in nature, that is until he saw the picture of the 900 + pound bear in front of my house, and I do not live in the Pampa, I live in a suburb...
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Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 01:55
You can do it legal and underground in the UK as long as you make it a members-only event (tickets in advance, no tickets on the gate, no advertising, all attendees to be carded members of an organisation) and - I think - obtain a TENS license, which limits attendance to 499 people inc. crew. There may be other conditions I'm unaware of (poss. including no alcohol for sale), and of course you need a location where you won't disturb anyone, and where you have the written permission of the land-owner. I know one organisation around here that puts on 3 events like this every summer, which last all weekend.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 03:13
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 05:20
we are all legal here in the southeast!
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 07:56
yeah, i can't imagine doing renegades anymore. i did a bunch 2 years ago when i started, and it was just plain ol tp stressful.
now i'm 100% legit. it's just worth it.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 12:13
Mexico sounds nice
In India its very difficult unless it is at your own house.
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 12:39
There is no event anywhere in the globe that is 100% legal,if you want to make an event that will be 100% legal you will need permits from so many authorities that you will need 2-3 years just for the paperwork that is IF you manage to get all permissions.
Permit from the police,the fire department (especially in USA for those who know),the municipality,the ministry of culture,the ministry of economics and local tax office,the health department,ministry of tourism and ministry of enviroment if you are having an open air event next to a forest or beach (both essential for greek festivals),the ministry of employment (for the required artist work permits) and so many other authorities that i will need two pages to write them all down.
And even when you get all these papers one nice day the local WWF or Greenpeace organisation can come up and fuck the whole festival or even the local church and create huge problems for you. Both examples have happened in the past.
I have more than 150 events in my backround as a promoter (all of them with international guests in big venues) and i have received fines for things such as illegal posters placement from the municipal police, sound pollution from the police department, illegal sale of combined drink including vodka and redbull (these two are illegal to be served mixed all around the world in case you dont know it) and my favorite fine was from the tax office for my cashiers not printing with enough ink on the receipts they were providing to the customers.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 12:41
Here in Belgium and Netherlands most of the parties are legal, actually all the indoor parties are legal. You just get the location and if the location is allowed to open and sell alcohol, there you have it. although there are many squats here arround and every week you find parties in those.
Just the problem here are the outdoor gatherings, as we are in lack of space here, it becomes very difficult to make an proper/legal outdoor party. Since couple of years they are very strict here with the noise regulations and security issues, since many ilegal hardtech raves got out of control.
for the bigger events if you have a know location and a you make a proper apply you can get it done though.
Anyhow smaller friends gathering we do it regulary in the woods and never got any hustle.
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Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 14:56
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 15:59
On 2011-06-30 12:39, DETOX wrote:
and my favorite fine was from the tax office for my cashiers not printing with enough ink on the receipts they were providing to the customers.
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Inactive User
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Posted : Jun 30, 2011 16:39
On 2011-06-30 15:59, Ascension wrote:
On 2011-06-30 12:39, DETOX wrote:
and my favorite fine was from the tax office for my cashiers not printing with enough ink on the receipts they were providing to the customers.
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