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Trance Forum » » Forum  South and Latin America - 10 th Anniversary Camping Psychedelic Nomads, Costa Rica 5-6.12.08
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10 th Anniversary Camping Psychedelic Nomads, Costa Rica 5-6.12.08

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  159
Posts :  161
Posted : Dec 4, 2008 19:34:06
5 & 6 December 2008

Psychedelic Nomads invites you to our 10th anniversary

entrance only allowed during daytime:12md - 7pm

Cost: 6000 colones

music & logistics by psychedelic nomads

no alcohol

Place: Fossilland


una aventura mas, una promesa, trayendo luz en medio de tanta oscuridad...

some pictures here:

there will be no tents for the crowd only for the equipment, so go prepared with something dry to wear and to change if necessary, because if its raining there will be a lot of mud. Bring a sweater because at night temperature sinks. We are not putting any tents for the people because we want to totally enhance the open air experience, to allow the people to dance in complete contact with the stars and the morning sun.

There will be bathroom facilities as well as Water to wash and refill your bottles.

please dont leave any traces, fossilland is a natural paradise and it will be there for us as long as we know how to keep it!!!

make yourself a promise!!

see you on the dancefloor!!!

Since there will be no selling spots where to get food nor beverages you have to bring your other words bring your own stash

Cucumalta te refresca!!

more info here:

Trance Forum » » Forum  South and Latin America - 10 th Anniversary Camping Psychedelic Nomads, Costa Rica 5-6.12.08
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