[10-09/10-2010] Metacrew presents, 101010 [OR Cascadia]
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Posted : Sep 25, 2010 22:21:28
Greetings fellow Travelers! =]
Coming, Oct 9th - 10th, 2010,
the good people of Metacrew bring you....101010!!!! the party that 0nly happens 01 time!
Long before our civilization was ever conceived, the ancient Egyptians brought us the code, enlightening us the importance of of our binary date.
We welcome you to our last outdoor trance-dance of the year, deep in a forest, within yourself, and those that surround you.
Opening Ceremony will start in the evening at sundown.
Your Musical Guides for the evening:
DJ NIKI - Mighty Quinn Records. JP/New York, NY
WAATER - Triplag Music/Molecular/Metacrew. Portland, OR
NEALIKA - PsyTribe/Metacrew, Rainier, WA
PSYREN - Metacrew. Portland, OR
BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY - Interchill/TOUCH Samadhi/Metacrew, Portland OR
JEREMIE O'CONNOR - Evoke Community Gatherings. Eugene, OR
PUNKBABA - Catsup Crew/Birth of Pizza Taco's. Portland, OR
HERBZILLA - JellyCore. Portland, OR
AARON CAMP - Deeper Events. Hood River, WA
:: See below for Bios and links. ::
KV2 sound!
Vegan friendly kitchen. Hot chai will be served and other fresh sustaining drinks throughout the evening.
Further info / Rideshare available at :
Infoline: 888.666.1492
Come and trance out and celebrate 10/10/10!
All are welcome.
Jeremie O'Connor :: Evoke Community Gatherings - Eugene, OR
Nealika :: PsyTribe, Metacrew, Rainier, WA
Nealika was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She began studying music at 17 and became an accomplished drummer before discovering psychedelic trance in 1999. She started DJing in 2005, after moving to Los Angeles. Nealika has played with and learned from the best talents in California, including Spyro, Konflux, Psyklops, and Barakuda and in 2008 joined PsyTribe as the first-ever female DJ of the crew. Now, with Metacrew. In a fixture of indoor and outdoor parties up and down the West Coast and Mexico, she has made a name for herself as a top-notch DJ, playing a wide variety of full-on, progressive, dark and hard progressive. Nealika now lives in Rainier, Washington nearby Portland, OR. She loves freaks who dance and is all about providing love, fun and good time to the psytrance family world wide. " Don't waste your time on jealousy, sometimes your ahead and sometimes your behind, the race is long and in the end it's only with yourself."
Herbzilla :: JellyCore, Portland, OR
DJ Niki :: Mighty Quinn Records, New York, NY
DJ NIKI is a co-founder and owner of Tokyo based psychedelic trance label Mighty Quinn Records. He has released three worldwide recognized and respected compilations as well as most recent release; the split album of Mano and BioSynthesis “Non Fiction”. Dj Niki has been Djing since 2004 and had played at numerous psychedelic partys. Over many years of musical “tranced out” research and of course serious listening and space partying, Dj Niki has acquired a full length and power collection of music and presents a complete psychedelic story to the dancer on the floor. Niki’s sets are described to be perfect for any time of the party and are always smooth, rhythmic, extra spicy and mysterious. The result is a perfect atmosphere for body and mind. Trancers and dancers are put in a happy, easy going, relaxed state of mind.
psyRen :: Metacrew - Portland, OR
http://www.soundcloud.com/antidentity . http://www.metacrew.com
From the sounds of the kindred, to the forests of the spirit. psyRen is the name of a dark mystery. A woman who can conceive the tones of the underworld, bringing us forth into a dancing frenzy.
Waater :: Triplag Music, Molecular, Metacrew,Portland, OR
http://www.waater.org . http://www.triplag.com . http://www.molecular.cc
Over Ten years in working throughout the communities, bridging the world into the trance-dance ceremony. He has been on the forefront of creation for sometime now and is ready to keep it going and always forward thinking.
His dancefloor experience has given electronic musician Waater (Shepherd Grei) the ability to project
deep–rooted atmospheric rhythms, to goa and psychedelic trance grooves into a triballistic journey of self discovery.
Recently formed with Triplag Music and Metacrew, Waater plans to take the west coast of the North Americas to a new level of sound and consciousness.
Aaron Camp :: Deeper Events - Hood River, OR
http://www.myspace.com/djaaroncamp . http://www.soundcloud.com/aaroncamp42
Aaron Camp has been pleasing the masses of Seattle with a wide variety of
genres since 2002. He has recently located to the Portland area to bring a
new flavor to the scene. Your darker self will never be the same after you
indulge in the Progressive flow of ingredients that often compose his
Psy-Trance mixes. Aaron enjoys Breaking the House down with various
Transcending beats, but don’t expect any cliche epic moments. This is one
DJ that will never let the energy down, and strives to bring it to the next
level of ear candy.
Blue Spectral Monkey :: Interchill, TOUCH Samadhi, Metacrew - Portland, OR
http://www.bluespectralmonkey.com . http://www.interchill.com . http://www.touchsamadhi.com
Truly a connoisseur of psychedelic electronic music, I've been collecting and spinning constantly since 1996. My trance sets are fun and wild, pounding, funky and mysterious, a futuristic symbiosis of tribal intensity and technological meltdown. Expect stretchy superhero stomping through uncharted tunnels in cartoony, cavernous underground realms of sound.
In 2006, I joined the elite team of dj's and artists at Interchill Records. As a chillout dj, I explore squishy liquid bliss downtempo soundscapes, which twist and groove with elastic geometric symmetry. After 14+ years of spinning, ever deeper I go into mutating gooey underwater dubworlds in a tricked out subwoofer submarine. Several years of music production is leading into a fully live presentation, or in the meantime, peppering my wide ranging sets full of original quirky productions, and lots of amazing works from my friends and peers worldwide.
PunkBaba :: Catsup Crew, Birth of Pizza Taco's - Portland, OR
Djing since the mid 90s, Nate has moved from 80s new wave goth industrial to an independent sound from the rest mixing his tracks almost a little too deep then making it just right for a melodic sound of progressive electro psychedelic ranging thru genres of techno, house, trance, and always adding the twist of the sub sounds you find in current dance music. Punkbaba loves what he is doing when he is on... dancing as hard as he can and juggling the mixes seem to be a vortex of energy happening in front of you and is a sight to be seen and heard bird and that can happen at his monthly "catsup"
in portland just google "catsup the progressive sauce" and you will find a dank party for reasonable prices. Hope to see you there!!
but at the same time he is just a dj living in Portland OR
(for right now) with a normal job like every one else
"make it happen"
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2010 22:28
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 02:01
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 05:39
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 09:01
Greetings! Here are some further updates to cool your heels off before we head out, deep into the wood. Locations, updates and directions!
The people of N.E.S.T. are setting up a chai shop to warm us up throughout the time, so
don't forget your cups and spoons!
- http://nestcascadia.wordpress.com
BROOS of Portland, OR will now be joining us, a man of mystery and intrigue. He will delight and tantalize us with some most amazing beats of avante garde, psychedelic and dublike tones. from 6-8pm.
Opening ceremony will commence just before…
This event will be held at Old Salmonberry Campground.
You can find us by taking interstate
From the 205 north, to 84 east from 84 take Exit 16.
From Exit 16 get onto 238th St, Mt. Hood Scenic Byway to 26 East
Please obey all speed limits
Follow thru government camp
Take right exit onto route 35 North
Follow around until it merges back up with westbound lane,
After which Make an extra safe and discreet U-turn
So you're back on 26 west
Keep an eye out. You are almost there
Midway through the stretch make a
Right turn at 4th reflector after the end of the guardrail
Congratulations, You made it!
Please bring your coats, mittens, gloves, hats, warm socks, sturdy shoes, and what you may need for the elements. it's gonna get chilly!
There is a map located at our website, so please check there if you need, courtesy of the Mt. Hood National Forest Service. *Thank you!*
Please respect the forest and remember to leave no trace behind. See you soon!
Further information, updates, and rideshare information is obtainable at
http://www.nw-psy.com and http://www.metacrew.com |
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 18:03
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Posted : Oct 16, 2010 06:46
After our third successful outdoor event of the year, 101010, Metacrew would like to extend appreciation to those who helped make it possible!
Thank you to the 4v Dome of Reed College and Jenny for supplying us with shelter and an awesome space in which to dance.
Thank you Zen for drying us off and keeping us warm all night with your beautiful fire and many hours of wood cutting.
Thank you to Isadora and Michael for the use of the amazing Egyptian gate at the front of the dome as well as the other Egyptian deco…
Thank you for the incredible dance experience held by all, and keeping the rain at bay…
Thank you to Niki for coming all the way from New York City and enticing us with an extended set sonic pleasures and beats.
Thank you to all the performers and musical artists that came together out of love and kindness, sharing your amazing tones with us all.
Thank you to Aaron Camp for loaning the CDJs for all to use.
Thank you to the Portajohn dept! you guys rock and we are glad everyone was able to keep it clean and nice.
Thank you Ren for coming up with this most amazing idea and making your dreams a reality.
Thank you to NEST for supplying us with Chai, food, beverage and continued forest defense!
Thank you to the Earth which grounds and sustains us.
Thank you to the Forest for allowing us to tread and work deeply within, the Western Hemlocks seemed quite pleased with our presence.
Thank you to the National Forest Service for thier trust in us, and granting us the permit to gather legally and do what we love to do: Celebrate community, nature, music, dance and creative expression!
Thank you to everyones gathered energy, hard work and supporting the foundation and our growing momentum.
Last but not least, Thank you all for Being There, when we needed you most.
some closing notes of interest:
- No Fireworks are permitted in National Forest areas. The one person who did posess and ignite fireworks did receive a considerable citation, we are lucky that the Ranger on duty was in good spirits and chose to cite the individual rather than shut our hard-earned event down. Let’s all keep in mind that we are on borrowed land and need to keep safety as a priority. Thanks to that individual for stepping up and taking the heat so we could all continue to celebrate together.
- at 101010 an entire large trash bag of trash was collected of refuse that was already at the site! so we started off clean. Now, we aim to stay true to the leave no trace ethic…. which includes picking up trash that is there before we got there… and leaving the place beautiful. Approximately 5 bags of trash were left behind. so next time let’s all be more mindful of our trash and do your part to pack out! Everyones campsites were clean, but its around the fire and in the dancefloor area where the trash accumulates. … If we all just keep raising this awareness it will eventually become a standard practice for people to keep thier trash in mind.
As the winter draws near, follow us to our monthly event, PSYCHE.
We all hope to see you there!
Many blessings and deep bows,
Mighty-Quinn Rec
Mighty Quinn Rec
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Posted : Oct 16, 2010 18:30
Thank you! Its was a wonderful trippy experience in the woods of Potland!! i love you guys!! Great scene and great shanti vibes!!
Herbie and Waater and the whole metacrew team is amazing! Surely do not miss their events!
Hope to be back in your deep woods sooon!!
peace and thank you so mcuh for enjoying the extended set!
Many of the tunes will be released this year !
V/A "Eye of the Beholder" - Out Now!
V/A "Back to the Mothership" - Out Now! |