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1,000,000+ views


Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 13, 2010 10:34
wow kick ass!
clearly its who you know that makes bookings that we know from all sides of life. so get to know some people making parties! or turn your 100,000 + eyeballs onto whatever makes YOU turned on...           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 13, 2010 10:35
people generally do not know 1) original music or 2) original visuals on parties.. you need to be very explicit about what you do           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Mar 13, 2010 16:10
Great video man!!

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  410
Posted : Mar 13, 2010 16:45
excellent and congrats bro

I can suggest means of promoting visual video artists in general:

1. Artists and producers could think of having a section at the end of a CD with special visuals for one the tracks on the album / VA which could be played on any laptop / PC

2. Have a multimedia based CD format with a flash splash screen where consumers have an option to listen to all tracks on the CD in WAV format and have an additional section for visuals for each track

3. Labels could occasionally release a VA only dedicated to visual artists i.e. just like a VA compilation with only audio this VA would feature artists and visual artists all in the form of a DVD. The plus-point is promoters could use these visuals on a loop for small parties.

4. Labels could release a DVD dedicated only to visual artists like an album for digital video visual artists.

Just some food for thought

Keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.... Hope the whole psy culture and community starts innovating rather than following.....


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Labels Associated with: Samana Records | Geomagnetic | Triptec | Independent Mind | SkyGravity | | Psytr
Inactive User

Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Mar 13, 2010 21:08
have faith. your work is excellent, sooner or later you'll get what you deserve!

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Mar 13, 2010 21:47
Well, and since you know Aaron Ocelot, maybe he can get you some cool gigs!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Inactive User

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  772
Posted : Mar 13, 2010 22:05
hey upavas you also do good music, why not work together with trancevisuals maybe.. this is the point imfho
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 14, 2010 01:08
Hey man 1,000,000 views is awesome.
I know it sounds cheesy but it sounds to me that what u need to do
is get back on the horse and do what u love to do, visuals
It sounds like your in a loop, making visuals is what u like to do then do it. Forget
about people forget about money, first of all and most
important is to feel good about your self.
And according to the movies I see in youtube you can make great visuals so don't give up.
Like people here said opportunities will come.
Sanathana , I really liked your suggestions it looks like great ideas
          Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Mar 14, 2010 22:12
Congratulations. Million is really a lot.I wish you success with it. 

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Mar 15, 2010 00:17
Thanks for such kind words, advice, ideas, and confidence nourishing conversation....

Lots of food for thought for this "starving" artist. 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 15, 2010 00:25
I feel with you mate.

I read on Talamascas Facebook (just an example) that he wrote Ozora to ask for a gig this year and was told that they wanted a different lineup this year but he would get a booking next near. Made me think "wow imagine just getting a single reply from the aprox. 200+ contacted organizers i wrote"

This goes to show that if you know people in person they will get you all the gigs you need. Otherwise don't count on even a polite "no thanks". 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  243
Posted : Mar 15, 2010 18:49
mayb try working with major events productions outside the psytrance scene.
this is a massive industry (the mainstream events industry) which u can surely work with even if its not ur thing as a fan.

Inactive User

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  3018
Posted : Mar 16, 2010 12:23
All the best man, like your stuff much,
hope we see you on a festival someday

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Mar 16, 2010 14:43

On 2010-03-15 18:49, idka wrote:
mayb try working with major events productions outside the psytrance scene.
this is a massive industry (the mainstream events industry) which u can surely work with even if its not ur thing as a fan.

I know a bunch of people who do this.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  243
Posted : Mar 16, 2010 19:27
i do it too 
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